Expressing your feelings to your loved one

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 4 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Express Your Feelings & Emotions Without Fear
Video: How to Express Your Feelings & Emotions Without Fear


If you're in a relationship with someone you love dearly, you might want to shout from the rooftops how much you love them. If you are in love with someone it can be a bit more complicated. Expressing your feelings for someone can be tricky at first. Fortunately, there are many more ways to express your feelings than simply shouting "I love you". An airplane with a banner on it with big hearts on it is an original but rather flashy way of expressing your love. There are also simpler yet valuable ways to express your feelings of love.

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Method 1 of 2: Express your feelings in a relationship

  1. Say "I love you" to him. Telling someone you love them is a very clear way to express your feelings, and it also conveys the depth of your feelings. However, there are other ways to say "I love you" simply by using different words. For example, instead of saying the three words "I love you", you could say other things that are meaningful, such as, "I am really so glad you came into my life", or "I am really lucky. that I have you in my life ”, or“ I love you just the way you are ”.
    • Using these different expressions of love will bring some variation. You also make it clear why you love your partner, and you keep communication light by not using the same three words over and over again.
  2. Let your partner know how important he is to you. If you let your partner know about the positive influence he has on your life, then you clearly show that you appreciate and love him. For example, if family visits have become easier since your partner joined, let him know that he made that contact easier for you. If you're having a bad day at work, and you feel tremendous relief when you see your partner, let him know that you feel better right away when you see him.
    • If your loved one makes your life better or easier, let him know that he has made your life so much richer. Let him know you want, appreciate, and love him.
  3. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Being vulnerable means being able to express your thoughts and feelings freely, without reservations. If you express yourself so freely, you run the risk of being criticized, hurt, rejected, etc. by your loved one. What's important to remember when you love someone is that you care that they really know you, so it's worthy of being so open and free, and risking getting hurt. is becoming. So you sacrifice your safety, because you want to enter into a deeper connection with your partner.
    • It is not easy to give up your safety, and it shows how committed you are to your partner by daring to be so vulnerable.
  4. Ask your partner for advice. When you ask your partner for advice, you show that you think his opinion is important. You show that you value his knowledge and life experience, and he will notice how important his role is in your life, which will only make your relationship stronger.
    • It doesn't necessarily have to be something serious, although it can be. If you just show your partner that you are interested in his opinion and want to know how he would deal with something, then you show him that you respect him.
  5. Make sure you can let off steam together. If you see that your partner is clearly nervous, angry, worried, or stressed about something, ask them to talk about it or let off steam. Let him know that you think it is important that he can be himself completely and clear his mind with you. Sometimes people just need to let off steam about things that bothers them. Let your partner know that you are there for him and that you are willing to listen to him.
    • You show that he has the space to express what is bothering him, and that you are his outlet and listener.
    • Make sure you are completely there when you listen to him while he is speaking out. This means that you are not constantly checking your phone or being distracted by other things and that you are focused on what your partner is saying. Be involved when he talks about how he feels and what's bothering him, and give him thoughtful feedback.
    • If you don't know what to say, you can also show him that you are there for him with a firm, warm hug.
  6. Tell him your secrets. Sharing your secrets in a small way shows that you trust your loved one. People don't just share their secrets with anyone, so sharing your intimate feelings and thoughts with someone is a clear sign that you love and care about each other.
    • When you share secrets, you create a bond together, and that makes the bond between your partner and you even stronger.
  7. Try to be fair. Being honest with your loved one can be difficult at times, especially if you don't want to hurt him. But being honest will keep you in touch with your partner and make sure he knows what's going on, even if it might hurt him. It shows that you would rather be sincere and real than fake and comforting.
    • It is a sign of respect for your partner if you are honest about your feelings, although you are aware that it may not always be pleasant for them.
    • Just remember to be honest in a friendly way. The truth can be difficult to hear, which is why it is important to say it in a kind way.
  8. Encourage your partner. As a partner, your job is to show your love, and to support and encourage your partner to achieve his dreams and achieve his goals in life. That is also the best for your relationship. By being a support for your partner, you encourage your partner to put their best foot forward and do their best to achieve their personal goals.
    • You can encourage your partner by saying things like, "I believe you can do this," "You are a hard worker, and all that hard work will pay off sooner or later," or "All your efforts will soon be lost. fixed refund ".
    • Supporting your partner and encouraging him to achieve success shows that you love him. Your encouragement and trust are expressions of your love for him.
  9. Write a letter. Writing a real love letter can be a romantic way to express your feelings. Writing a letter can also help you list your emotions, because writing a letter allows you to “speak consciousness”.Think about what you want to achieve by writing the letter. What do you want to convey to your loved one? Begin the letter by explaining why you are writing the letter. For example, you could say something like, "I was thinking about you, and how much I enjoy being with you ...", or "I always enjoy being with you, and I want to let you know that ... "
    • Name memories of you together that evoke a good feeling. Just remember to mention what you like about it, how it makes you feel, and why you are so happy with it.
    • Writing a letter by hand shows that it is important, because it takes more effort to write a letter than to type a note or send a message with your mobile. Another advantage is that with handwriting you let a part of your personality shine through, and that makes it very personal.
  10. Listen to him. People sometimes forget how important it is to listen to each other sincerely, to do so with full attention, and then to give an engaged, meaningful response. When you are really listening to someone, you are only focused on that person, and you are giving that person your full and undivided attention.
    • While it may seem simple, listening is a very important activity that shows that you care about and support the other person, no matter what they go through.
    • Listening to your partner reinforces the sense that you are a team and shows that you are there when your partner needs you.
  11. Be of service. All the things, no matter how small, you do to lighten your loved one's burdens clearly show him how much you are willing to give and how much you love him.
    • Little things like preparing breakfast before he gets up, filling up the car, doing the dishes are all things you can do to let him know you care about him.
  12. Be considerate. Be considerate because this shows that you are concerned with him and that you think he is important.
    • For example, if you go camping, bring extra sleeping pads for your partner, because you know that he sleeps poorly if he is on a hard surface. Or, if you're going on a picnic, bring some surprise snacks that you know your partner likes.
  13. Make time for each other to do fun things together. Everyone is busy and we sometimes get lost in that. Making time for each other to do fun things together makes you feel connected again. You also show him that your relationship is a priority for you. Use the time together to talk, walk, or cook together.
    • It's not about how much time you spend together, but how much fun the time is together. It doesn't have to be a complicated plan; it's about making the effort to really be together.
  14. Embrace the child in you. An adult life can be quite boring and predictable. To change that, you can make contact with your inner child. Do unexpected things in your life, be spontaneous and try new things.
    • This may not seem like an expression of love, but by keeping your relationship nice and fresh, you show that you are busy having a good time with your partner. Go on an adventure together and have beautiful memories together that you can talk about for a long time.
  15. Touch your partner lovingly. Everyone has a personal preference when it comes to touch. Yet small, loving touches are generally expressions of your love, albeit in a subtle, physical way. Things like holding hands, tapping the arm playfully, or resting your head on his shoulder are little ways to be intimate and loving together.
  16. Hug each other. Hugs give people a sense of security in a physical way, and it sometimes literally makes people feel completely enveloped in love. Hugs are easy to give, and are acceptable to do in public, making them ideal as a way to let your partner know how deeply you love them.
    • Hugs where you use both arms and look at each other are the most romantic. Other hugs (with one arm, or sideways) are more common and less intense.
    • A nice, deep hug usually lasts quite a while. Anywhere between 5-7 seconds is usually enough to express your feelings.
  17. Cuddle with your partner. It's no secret that cuddling with your partner is fun, and, just like hugging, this short break from the stress of everyday life can show your love for your partner, because at that moment you only have eyes for him.
  18. Give your partner a massage. For example, you can rub your partner's back while you're watching a movie, run your fingers through his hair, or have your partner lie on his back, resting his head on your lap while massaging his shoulders and neck.
    • Don't be afraid to show your love through touch. Touch is a natural way for other people to feel love.

Method 2 of 2: Express your feelings to someone you have a crush on

  1. Try to build your confidence. Just be yourself when you connect with the person you are in love with. You don't want to start a relationship based on lies and pretending to be different from what you are, so just show who you are. If you find yourself not sure what to say for a while, ask the other person about him or her or give him or her a compliment. You can say something like, "Do you play sports?" or "You gave a really good presentation today."
    • The easiest topics to talk about with the person you have a crush on are things you have in common, such as classes you both attend, places you've both been on vacation, restaurants you both enjoy. Talking about things you have in common keeps the contact light and makes you feel relaxed.
  2. Make physical contact. Touching someone is an expression of intimacy. One way to let the person you are in love know that you are in love with him or her is to touch them and thereby cross a certain threshold. Light touches are a great way to convey your message without appearing too obtrusive.
    • For example, if you are talking to or passing by the person you are in love with, you can give him a light tap on the upper arm. If you are sitting next to the person you are in love with, you can easily make sure that your feet or knees touch each other now and then. In those moments, smile to express your feelings.
    • A little physical attention will tell the person you're in love with that you like him. Lightly touching the person you're in love with once or twice during a conversation can be enough to let him know how you feel about him.
  3. Write a letter. It is sometimes difficult to express your feelings to someone you like, and writing a letter expressing your feelings is sometimes easier than saying it directly. As described above, you can start your letter by explaining why you are writing the letter.
    • For example, start with, "I really enjoyed getting to know you better over the past few months ..." or "I want to let you know that you became one of my best friends over the past year ..."
    • Nowadays, with all the technology available, sending a message with your mobile or via Facebook is very easy. Writing a letter by hand is more sincere and takes more effort. The extra effort will only impress the person you're in love with.
  4. Keep it light. Start the letter casually, and write about a few jokes that only the two of you understand, or about fun things you have been through together. From there, you can delve deeper into it, and state the real reason for the letter, and tell the person you are in love with that you are in love with him or her. You can say something like, "I just want to tell you that I like you and that I really enjoy being with you."
    • Keep it short and simple. Don't go into too much detail about how much you like the other person and why that is before you know if the love is mutual.
  5. Express your love in a direct way to the person you are in love with. Choose a quiet place without too many distractions, and that is suitable for being alone and talking. Make eye contact and just tell the person you are in love with how you feel about them. You might be able to start with this and that, but after a while, get to the point and say what you feel. You can give the other person a few compliments while telling them what you are feeling. For example, "I really like you. Nobody can make me laugh like you."
    • After telling him you have a crush on him, give him time to respond and let what you just said sink in. Don't immediately ask what he feels or thinks.
    • You don't want to appear too intense. Give the other person some time to respond, and try not to put pressure on it.
  6. Respond correctly. Once you've said what you feel, the other person will say that they like you too, or that they just want to stay friends with you. If the other person says it is mutual, then you don't have to hold back your excitement about it. It's okay to act silly after you tell each other what you're feeling. If the other person just wants to be friends with you, then grow up and say something like, "Okay, I just wanted to let you know." It will hurt, of course, but it's important to leave a good impression. Although you will be hurt, try to pretend it didn't amount to much, and wait until you are alone and have a chance to feel sad about it.
    • If the other person likes you that much, you can ask him or her out by going to a movie or a concert. That way you have time to get to know each other a little better.
    • If the other person doesn't respond to your feelings, be proud that you've at least had the courage to take a risk. There are still many opportunities in your life to find and share love.


  • Acknowledge your feelings. Falling in love is very normal, and it's also normal if you want to let someone know how you feel about them.
  • Don't say it too often. If you tell someone how much you love them 15 times a day, that statement loses its meaning. Don't say it so often and show your love in other ways.
  • Don't lose yourself in your crush. Keep doing the things you love, the things that make you so unique.
  • Try not to get offended if the other person isn't in love with you. Accept rejection like a gentleman, get on with your life, and remain a good friend of hers. Because you never know, she might still fall in love with you.
  • Try not to be shy around the person you're in love with, or she might think you're a coward.