Reduce wrinkles in a natural way

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 4 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid Of Face Wrinkles Quickly | Home Remedy For Wrinkles | Home Remedies with Upasana
Video: How To Get Rid Of Face Wrinkles Quickly | Home Remedy For Wrinkles | Home Remedies with Upasana


With smooth skin, you will quickly look younger, healthier and more radiant. Many people try in all kinds of ways to keep their skin wrinkle-free as they get older. Wrinkles on your skin can be the result of not only age, but also exposure to ultraviolet light, smoking, strabismus and certain movements you often make with your face, such as when you smile. Of course you can buy an anti-wrinkle cream, serum or supplement for your face in the store, but did you know that there are also several natural ways to reduce wrinkles and prevent them? For example, you can try to keep your skin well hydrated, get used to certain habits that make your skin firmer.

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Method 1 of 5: Keep your skin well hydrated

  1. Drink lots of water. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Drinking plenty of water promotes the elimination of waste products from your body and gives you healthy, radiant skin. The moisture also fills up your skin, so that your wrinkles disappear temporarily.
    • Also include drinks such as fruit juice, tea, coffee or flavored water to get your daily amount of water.
    • Add a slice of lemon to your water. The lemon helps brighten your skin and reduce wrinkles.
  2. Spread a natural moisturizer on your face. Spread a few drops of natural oil, such as olive or coconut oil, on your body or face twice a day. The oil can help maintain the moisture content of your skin and make your skin fuller, making any wrinkles less visible. Some natural moisturisers you can use are:
    • Olive oil
    • Hemp oil (can be found at the drugstore or health food store)
    • Rose oil
    • Castor oil
    • Coconut oil
    • Shea butter
    • Aloe vera
  3. Provide your skin with extra antioxidants by using essential oils. For example, you can add a few drops of an essential oil to your moisturizing oil to take advantage of the nutrients in the oil. Several oils have a high concentration of antioxidants that can help your skin fight free radicals, making it less likely to show signs of aging. You should always dilute the oils with a so-called carrier oil. Essential oils from the following products will benefit your skin the most:
    • Lavender
    • Thyme
    • Clove
    • Eucalyptus
    • Cinnamon
    • Juniper
    • Basil
    • Chamomile
    • Coriander
    • Cumin
  4. Choose the right oil for oily and combination skin. People with oily or so-called combination skin also need a moisturizing cream. Such a moisturizing cream can help you get rid of your wrinkles and can also make your skin look less reddish and shine less. To moisturize oilier skin, opt for light natural oils such as:
    • Argan oil
    • Jojoba Oil
    • Grape seed oil
    • Hemp seed oil
  5. Choose a face mask to pamper your skin. Make a face mask with ingredients you probably already have at home. Provide your skin with vitamins and nutrients from eggs, avocados and cucumbers. They can erase or reduce any wrinkles you have. Adding a few drops of lemon juice to your mask can further plump and radiate your skin. Mix one of the following masks together and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing the mask off with warm water:
    • One tablespoon of honey mixed with one tablespoon of ground flaxseed and 100 ml of full-fat yogurt
    • Four tablespoons of lemon juice with 50 grams of (raw) oat flakes
    • One tablespoon of lukewarm water, one apricot and half a banana
    • Two tablespoons of oat or wheatgrass juice, half an avocado and 100 ml yogurt
    • One egg white, one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey

Method 2 of 5: Do special exercises for tighter skin

  1. Train the muscles around your eyeballs. Place your index fingers on the outside of your eyes and your middle fingers between your eyebrows. Gently push up and look down. Squeeze your eyes tightly and let go by opening them again. Doing these exercises once or twice a day can reduce the appearance of your wrinkles and help prevent future wrinkles.
  2. Train your lower lids. Place your index fingers on the outer corner of your eye. Then place your middle fingers on the inner corner of your eye. Press gently, keeping your fingers in place, and close your eyes as you look up. Open your eyes again and repeat the movement. Do this once or twice a day.
  3. Strengthen the muscles around your lips. Make a V shape with your thumb and index fingers at the top corners of your mouth. With your other hand, make the same shape and place it over your first hand. Gently press your fingers in and try to force a smile on the fingers. Repeat this once or twice a day. This can temporarily reduce wrinkles and prevent them in the future.
  4. Do exercises to make your neck and head stronger and more flexible. Place one hand under your neck. Keep your thumb as far away from your other fingers as possible. Then keep your other hand on top of the first and point your chin towards the ceiling. Gently pull your chest down and smile with your mouth closed. This can reduce wrinkles around your neck and strengthen your muscles there at the same time. It can also happen that you get more wrinkles there in the future.

Method 3 of 5: Reduce the risk of wrinkles by adjusting your lifestyle

  1. Have a wonderful massage. Stimulate your circulation and relax with a professional massage, or do one on yourself. A massage can stimulate the absorption of nutrients in your skin and reduce tension. This can help reduce existing wrinkles and help prevent wrinkles in the future.
    • See if you can find a certified massage therapist on the internet or ask your doctor for advice.
    • Rub a little bit of your favorite lotion on problem areas. Rub gently while applying a little pressure. Focus on areas that are particularly prone to wrinkles, such as your neck, your forehead, and under your eyes.
  2. Eat foods that are high in vitamin C. Include different foods in your menu every day that are high in vitamin C. Such foods can also protect your skin from the damage of UV rays; it causes wrinkles. Some examples of foods high in vitamin C include:
    • Tomatoes
    • Chili Peppers
    • Mango
    • Strawberries
    • Broccoli
    • Pineapple
  3. Eat lots of berries. Supplement your meals with different types and colors of berries as often as possible. Berries contain polyphenols and antioxidants that promote cell renewal and therefore can reduce wrinkles and prevent them in the future. Eat one or more of the following types of berries and take advantage of their power to fight wrinkles:
    • Blueberries
    • Raspberries
    • Strawberries
    • Blackberries
    • Currants
    • Pomegranate
  4. Increase your vitamin E intake by eating nuts. Eat a handful of nuts in between, or instead of chips, for example.Nuts contain healthy fats and vitamin E, which can help your skin retain more moisture. In this way, vitamin E can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and protect you from harmful UV rays. To get more vitamin E, eat for example:
    • Walnuts
    • Almonds
    • Hazelnuts
    • Peanuts
    • Pistachios
  5. Drink green tea or ginger tea. Both green tea and ginger tea are full of antioxidants that can slow the signs of aging. Drinking a cup of green or ginger tea every day can be a great way to keep your skin looking beautiful while getting some instant relaxation.
    • You can put honey in your ginger tea. Honey also helps against aging symptoms, and also makes your tea nice and sweet.
    • You can also make a face mask using green tea. For this, brew some white tea and mix the liquid with some powdered green tea to form a paste. Spread the mask on your skin and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

Method 4 of 5: Prevent wrinkles in the future

  1. Alternate the gestures you make with your face as much as possible. During the day, make as many different movements with your face as possible. Certain movements and expressions, such as squinting your eyes or tilting your head, can develop fine lines and wrinkles over time. Such movements can also cause your muscles to become less flexible, making your skin less likely to spring back over time and creating folds and wrinkles.
  2. Wear glasses to avoid wrinkles. Bright light or fine print can make you squint unconsciously. Invest in reading glasses and wear sunglasses outside more often. If you wear suitable glasses, you will be less likely to squint, so you will be less likely to suffer from fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes.
  3. Spend less time in the sun. Reduce exposure to ultraviolet light on your face. UV light breaks down the supporting tissue in your skin and makes your skin weaker and less flexible. Therefore, protect your face by applying sunscreen when you are sitting or walking in the sun, and by wearing UV-resistant clothing and / or a hat or cap. Do not stay too long on the beach or by the pool, try to walk on the street on the shady side and go outside if possible under a tree.
    • If you're doing sports or other activities outside, apply a sunscreen with a high protection factor against a broad spectrum of UV rays.
  4. Stop smoking. Smoking also speeds up the natural aging process by reducing the blood flow to your skin, which can help you get wrinkles faster. By quitting smoking, or even smoking less, you can help slow down the aging process and prevent wrinkles in the future.
    • If you find it difficult to quit smoking, see the doctor. He or she can help you find a way to smoke less, or to quit altogether, that is right for you.

Method 5 of 5: Ask your doctor or dermatologist for advice

  1. If you're concerned about your skin, see a dermatologist. If you are concerned about your wrinkles or the condition of your skin, make an appointment with a dermatologist. He or she can examine your skin and help you find the right treatment for your skin.
    • If you don't already have a dermatologist, ask your doctor to refer you.
  2. If natural remedies don't work, talk to your doctor about other possible treatments. Natural remedies and medicines available at the drug store can help you to get rid of your wrinkles to some extent. Sometimes certain remedies alone do not have the desired effect, and it is better to ask your doctor or dermatologist if he or she can recommend a treatment that is most suitable for you. Ask about possible if:
    • Prescription medications for wrinkles, such as topical retinoid creams
    • Laser treatments
    • Chemical peels
    • Microdermabrasion
    • Botox injections
    • Injectable fillers
    • Skin tightening or facelift procedures
  3. If you find yourself reacting incorrectly to a particular skin care product, see your doctor. Even natural products, such as essential oils, can sometimes cause side effects or allergic reactions. If you experience itching, burning, redness, or rash after using a particular skin care product, stop using it immediately. Call your doctor if the rash does not go away in three weeks or if it hurts badly, spreads all over your body, or if it is on your face or genitals.
    • Go to an emergency room right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as wheezing, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, swelling of your face, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat, or dizziness.
    • Some skincare products can react badly with other medications, so always check with your doctor before trying a new natural product or drug from the pharmacy.