Develop speaking skills in English

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 4 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to improve your English speaking skills (by yourself)
Video: How to improve your English speaking skills (by yourself)


Learning the basics of a new language is certainly a challenge, but really fluent in a new language is even more difficult. However, it is possible to become fluent in a language that is not your native language if you learn the right way and practice a lot. Developing a fluent command of the English language can be achieved with perseverance and hard work.

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Method 1 of 4: Get comfortable with the English language

  1. Take lessons. If you are just starting to learn English, the best thing to do is to start taking lessons. A qualified teacher can guide you through the basics of English and help you understand how the language system works.
    • If you can't take classes, try taking an online language study program.
  2. Get a translation dictionary. Find a dictionary that provides translations of words from your native language to English and from English to your native language. This can help you in the early stages of English learning, when you are learning to enrich your vocabulary.
  3. Expand your vocabulary. Once you have a basic understanding of how English works, you can spend time expanding your vocabulary. You could look for English index cards in your language.
    • If you feel like you have mastered everyday vocabulary but want to learn more, try index cards with advanced vocabulary, such as those used by US students when studying for the GRE, an exam required for graduate entry school (post-college).
    • Reading in English and circling the words you don't know, then looking them up and trying to add them to your vocabulary is a really good way to increase your vocabulary.
  4. Search your local library for books or lessons. Many public libraries provide opportunities for English language students. They may even organize free classes for members who want to improve their knowledge of the English language. This is more common in areas where there are many people who want to learn languages. At the library you can also find books or audiobooks that you can borrow for free.
  5. Find an IPA dictionary. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) can help you learn how to pronounce words you have seen written but you don't know how to pronounce. The book provides a guide to interpret the IPA symbols, but you can also find online videos telling you how to pronounce each IPA letter.
  6. Read different types of English texts. Try to find a mix of formal texts and less formal texts, so that you get an impression of both formal and conversational English.
    • If there is an English newspaper available in your area, get one every day and read it. This gives you a daily source of new words to learn and common sentence structures.
    • Also try to read novels in English. If you think novels are too much of a challenge, try to find books that are intended for children or young adults, and then build up to more complex ones.
    • Circle and locate words that are unknown, and write the meaning in the margin of the newspaper or book. Then try using some of the new words in English conversation.
  7. Watch a range of diverse English programs. English news programs are a great way to expose yourself to the English language because reporters generally speak clearly without a distinct accent. However, variety in the types of English videos you watch can help you develop your command of conversational English so that you don't sound overly formal or stiff in your speech.
    • Watch movies. Movies aimed at children or teens can have less complex vocabulary and sentence structures and can be easier if you are just developing your skills.
    • TV shows can also be a good option because they are shorter than movies and give you an idea of ​​timing in jokes and humor, which is also part of mastery.
    • Turn on English subtitles for everything you watch, where available. Seeing the words as you hear them can improve your pronunciation and vocabulary.
  8. Watch videos online. YouTube and other streaming video sites have an almost inexhaustible selection of videos in English. If you want to improve your work-related command of English, make sure to watch videos in your specific field. This will allow you to master the vocabulary and details that are unique to your professional needs.
  9. Find an English study buddy. It is important to practice speaking English to improve your command, so having a friend who is also learning English will give you both the opportunity to learn and practice together.
    • Another option is to find a native speaker who would like to learn your native language and arrange an exchange appointment (see below).
  10. Get a good quality English dictionary. Having a dictionary that provides clear definitions of unknown words can help you understand words and find out how to use them in the right context.
    • Most dictionaries will provide the word, help with pronunciation, a definition and the plural form of the word, which can usually be made by adding a –s, but can also take unusual forms such as –es, -en, or change the vowel from –us to –a, depending on the origin of the word.

Method 2 of 4: Practice speaking skills

  1. Talk in English. Developing speaking skills requires constant and consistent practice in speaking out loud. It's best if you can talk to native speakers, but if you can't, talk to who is available to you. You can even talk to yourself out loud in English.
    • Exposing yourself intensively to the English language is the best way to speak English fluently.
  2. Repeat what you hear native speakers say. Review phrases from native speakers, focusing on pronunciation, cadence and rhythm. Record your statement and play it back to give yourself a chance to evaluate whether your exercise sounds the same as the original.
    • Don't forget to consider both what words the native speaker chooses and how he uses the language.
  3. Use a conversation exchange website. A conversation exchange website works as a matching service for language learners. The website will put you in touch with a native English speaker who would like to learn your native language. Through video or audio conversations you can have conversations in both languages ​​and give each other immediate feedback and tips.
    • This type of exchange works best when done on a regular basis, as often as possible. Find someone who has a similar schedule to you and who is equally committed to developing their speaking skills.
  4. Listen to other people who speak English. Especially if you live in an area with English speakers, listening to other people's public conversations can be a great way to practice your understanding of the English language and fluency.
    • Pay attention to things like the rhythm of their speech, cues for when one speaker has finished talking and the other starts, and how questions and answers are spoken.
  5. Think in English. This can be difficult, but practicing forming thoughts in English can help you almost as well as speaking in English. Try to describe your day in English. For example, you can think better to yourself “I am walking out of my door. I see a stray cat on the street. I need to get on the correct bus and go to work now ”in English than in your native language.

Method 3 of 4: Develop fluidity through intensive exposure

  1. Travel to an English speaking area. While a country where English is their first language is perfect, there are also English-speaking areas in other countries. Find such an area or country and stay there for a longer period of time; the longer you stay, the more fluent your fluency in English will be.
  2. Speak English only. Even if you're not always sure how to say something, find a way to communicate in English only. By not giving yourself the opportunity to “fall back” to your native language, you help yourself to become more proficient and understand the language's system even more fully.
  3. Ask people to refrain from speaking other languages. If you want to practice the English language intensively in a country that does not have English as a first language, ask those around you to speak to you in English as much as possible.
    • This can be difficult if you want to try it at home, but your family can also benefit from your intensive learning experience; Try to make it a fun learning experience for everyone!
  4. Have faith. If you let go of your fear of “screwing up” the language and instead focus only on communicating and getting to know people, you are more likely to be successful.

Method 4 of 4: Avoid common mistakes in English

  1. Use the correct article. There are two types of articles in the English language: definite and indefinite. "The" is a definite article and refers to one specific thing. "A" and "an" are indefinite articles and refer to a common noun.
    • When referring to a dog in general, say "a dog". If you are referring to a specific dog, say "the dog".
    • Use "an" instead of "a" if the noun that follows starts with a vowel sound, such as "I would like an apple" or "I will be there in an hour".
  2. Pay attention to prepositions. A trait of a non-native speaker is the incorrect use of prepositions (words like on, before, in, between and around). If you want to speak as fluently as a native speaker, pay careful attention to how these short words are used by native speakers.
    • Unfortunately, the rules about when to use a particular preposition are inconsistent. For example, it is normal to say “I'm waiting for the train” or “I'm waiting on the train”, but you cannot always swap “on” and “for” like for example “I have a meeting on Monday ”.
  3. Choose the correct order with the adjective. Not all adjectives are treated the same in English, and native speakers tend to put adjectives in some form before the noun they are talking about.
    • The usual order is: article, assessment, size, shape, age, color, nationality, material. (Although it is best to limit the number of adjectives for a single noun to 2-3).
    • For example, you would say "I have an old brown dog" or "I drive a rusty, box-shaped, 20-year-old American truck."
  4. Resist the thesaurus. A thesaurus can be tempting if you feel like your vocabulary is limited, but often synonyms mentioned in a thesaurus are related to another form of the word you want to replace.
    • If you must use a thesaurus, be sure to look up the word you choose in a quality dictionary to make sure it is an acceptable substitute for your original word.
  5. Memorize irregular verbs. In English, the regular verbs are relatively easy to master, but the irregular verb forms are much more difficult. It is best to memorize the conjugations of these verbs. Looking for lists of common irregular verbs and creating lists or index cards for yourself can help you master their forms.