How to let someone know that you don't like them

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
God Can Answer Your Prayers In Ways That You Don’t Understand
Video: God Can Answer Your Prayers In Ways That You Don’t Understand


There is nothing wrong with trying to get along with everyone around you, even if you don’t like the person at all, but in some situations it’s better to let the person know that you don’t like them than to pretend. For example, they are trying to get to know you and need to say that you will not agree to a date. You may need to let the person know that you have no intention of continuing the friendship. Sometimes you even need to part with someone who has been your friend for a long time.In such situations, you need to make it clear that the person can only rely on politeness on your part.


Method 1 of 3: How to Give Up a Date

  1. 1 Be direct. The most obvious option is to simply and outright refuse when asked to go on a date or give your phone number. The good thing about the direct approach is that it does not contain ambiguity and does not give rise to different interpretations, so that a person can switch to someone else.
    • For example, you might say, "Thank you for the invitation, but I have to say no."
    • Another answer is: "No, I'm not looking for a relationship right now."
    • The answer must necessarily include the word "no" so that the person has no doubts about the refusal.
  2. 2 Use an indirect answer. If you do not want to directly voice your refusal, then you can give a more florid answer. For example, you might start by complimenting the person, but end the line with a refusal.
    • For example, you might say, "You seem to be a good person, but now is not the right time, so I will say no anyway."
  3. 3 Try to avoid answering. Another option is to try to avoid answering. In other words, you need to cheat, let the person go down the wrong path - say the wrong phone number and not talk about the refusal directly.
    • It's enough to just come up with a non-existent number, but make sure it's not another person's number. This tactic can have consequences if the person calls the number immediately or you meet again.
    • You can also say that you already have a partner. If necessary, ask your friend to pretend to be your boyfriend, but keep in mind that this tactic can scare other people away. This will be a problem if you are looking for new acquaintances.
  4. 4 Don't apologize. If you do this, you show that you feel sorry for the person, and this can aggravate the situation with rejection. Plus, it's not your fault. You only indicate your unwillingness to accept the offer.

Method 2 of 3: How to show that you are uncomfortable with the person's company

  1. 1 Make sure you have something to say. In some cases, it’s better to just keep quiet. If your answer does not help resolve the situation, then you can leave everything as it is, even despite possible repeated actions.
    • For example, you probably don't need to tell your boss that you don't like him. He has power over you, he can make your work intolerable, so your words will not do anything good. Also, troubles are possible due to a violation of chain of command.
    • Also, you should think twice if the person is your relative or family friend. When you meet regularly, your words will only complicate matters.
    • If you have mutual friends with the person, your statement can create tension at meetings and events.
    • Assess how true your dislike is. It may turn out that you have jumped to conclusions. Try to get to know the person better and not judge in the heat of the moment.
  2. 2 Behave in a civilized manner. If you want to tell a person that you do not like his company, then you do not need to be rude. It is not at all necessary to stoop to rudeness in order not to burn all the bridges.
    • If you are rude, you may have problems with other people. Word spreads fast.
    • Try not to offend the person, remember to respect and stay calm.
    • For example, the phrase: "I hate to be near you" will sound rude. Better to say: "We look at the world very differently and I don't have time for new friends."
  3. 3 Do not "let in" person into your life. If you do not respond to a person's attempts to make friends with you, then over time, he will take a hint. In other words, try not to engage in friendly conversations and do not accept invitations.
    • Also try not to smile. Of course, you don't need to frown, but smiling is a sign of openness.
    • Be careful that other people don't mistake you for an arrogant snob.
  4. 4 Take a direct approach. A straightforward statement can be harsh, but this is the only way to get the answers to all the questions right away.If you really hate the person, it can sometimes be helpful to state it directly, but also consider the possible consequences of this approach, especially in the workplace.
    • You can say: "I don't think we can be friends, but I was glad to meet you."
  5. 5 Express your feelings honestly. If a person needs a closer relationship than you are willing to offer, then say so directly and without judgment. For example, a person wants to be friends with you, but you want to remain friends.
    • You can say, “It seems to me that you want to become my friend. I'm not ready for this right now. In the future, the situation may change in any direction, but not now. "
    • Another option: “Thank you for the friendship offer. It looks like you are a good person. Alas, I cannot reciprocate. "

Method 3 of 3: Telling You Don't Want to Be Friends

  1. 1 Consider your goal. First, decide what you want to get out of the situation, and then choose the best course of action with the least amount of stress. If you just want to not see the person so often, then you don't have to say that you don't like him. If you want to completely erase the person from your life, then it is better to say everything directly, and not just ignore him. Think about it:
    • What should happen after you tell the person the truth?
    • Do you want him to leave you alone? Then it is better to ask for this.
    • Do you want to see each other less often? Then it's easier to say that you will be able to see each other once a month.
    • Do you want to hurt a person? Will you regret it?
  2. 2 Be as kind as possible. Although you are in fact rejecting the person, you don’t have to act like a villain. It is important not to be rude and not to commit vile deeds, so as not to leave a terrible impression of yourself.
    • For example, you shouldn't say, "You are an idiot and annoy me." Better to say, “I know you would like to see each other more often, but I don’t like it. We have too different views on life. "
  3. 3 Treat friendships like romantic relationships. If you need to tell a close friend that you have parted ways, then imagine that you are saying this to your significant other. End the friendship the same way you would end a romantic relationship.
    • It is best to talk face to face, but if this is not possible, you can send a letter or message. Give a specific reason. It is best to take the blame on yourself: "I have changed as a person and now it seems to me that there is little in common between us."
    • You can also suggest a break. You may just need time to rebuild, but often taking a break is an easier way to break up on a permanent basis.
  4. 4 Avoid the person. This is not the best, but still the way out. You can simply not answer calls or talk when you meet. Over time, the person will realize that you no longer want to be friends.
    • Sometimes people use this approach to spare a person's feelings, but at times such "concern" can be confusing, hurt even more, or prolong the agony. The person may start to worry about you and not understand your intentions, so it is usually best to speak directly.
    • Even if you avoid a person, you often have to explain yourself in the end. You will be asked what happened, why you get angry and avoid meeting. Answers to such questions should be prepared in advance.
    • You can use work as an excuse: "I would love to chat, but I still have so much to do."
  5. 5 Stay realistic. Rejecting someone, especially a persistent person, hurts just as much as being rejected yourself. It is impossible to get out of such a situation without hurting the feelings of all participants. Nevertheless, if friendship is really doomed, then it is better to put an end to it and give each other a chance for a new, productive and healthy relationship.