How to bury a cat

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Bury A Dead Cat - Will This Cat Make It To Heaven? // Viddsee Originals
Video: How To Bury A Dead Cat - Will This Cat Make It To Heaven? // Viddsee Originals


Losing your beloved pet is never easy. Farewell to your pet is a very painful process. Therefore, many pet owners decide to bury their pet in a dignified manner. If you want to bury your cat, find out if your actions are legal in the area where you live. Then select the burial site, coffin and headstone. You will need to place your deceased pet in a coffin, dig a hole, and then decorate the grave. If you do this, it will be easier for you to cope with this difficult situation, since you can say goodbye to your pet.


Part 1 of 3: Resolve Burial Issues

  1. 1 Find out if a cat can be buried in your area. While it is very important for many cat owners to find a good burial place for their pet, animals should be buried in designated areas. According to veterinary and sanitary rules, it is forbidden to bury the corpses of pets anywhere, with the exception of the land that is in your property. Therefore, you should not choose a forest or a lawn for burying an animal, even if your pet liked to walk there. It is of course forbidden to bury animals in public places such as parks.
    • Do not bury your cat near a body of water, even if it is in your area. This can lead to contamination of the water supply system.
    • Also, when you dig the hole, be careful not to damage the cable that may be in the ground. Choose a spot in your yard that is far from your home. If you've been digging a grave and stumbled upon a cable, stop digging, bury the hole, and choose another location.
    • By law, burying an animal in places that are not intended for this is punishable by a fine. If you do not have the opportunity to bury your pet without violating sanitary and veterinary rules, find out if there are companies in your city that are engaged in the burial of pets.
  2. 2 Choose a burial site. Once you know that your actions are legal, choose a burial site. If you live in a private house, you can choose a place in the yard or where it will be appropriate.
    • You can choose a special place to bury your cat. For example, if your cat loved to lie in the wildflowers in your yard, this might be a good place to bury her there.
    • However, consider the location of the burial site in your yard. You probably won't like it if others step on your pet's burial site. Choose a part of your yard where you and your loved ones rarely walk. If you have small children, choose a place where they don't play.
  3. 3 Choose a coffin or suitable container. You will most likely decide to place the cat in a suitable container to lower it into the grave. This is especially important if the area where you live has certain rules regarding the burial of pets. You may need to purchase a special container to prevent soil contamination.
    • You can buy a pet coffin online. If you want to bury your beloved pet in a coffin, this will be the right option for you.
    • However, coffins are expensive. You can also bury your cat by placing it in a cardboard box. If your cat has a favorite crib, you can put it in the box too by placing the cat on top of it.
    • If you don't want to use a container, bury the cat by wrapping it in a towel.
  4. 4 Select a headstone. There are different ways in which you can select a pet's grave. For example, you can purchase a special headstone for your pet online. You can add the necessary information, for example, the name of your pet, as well as the date of birth and death. However, if you are on a budget, there are other options.
    • For example, you can collect stones in the yard and place them near the grave.If you want the name of the pet to appear, use paint and write the name of the cat on the largest stone.
    • If your cat likes a particular plant, plant it on your pet's grave. You can also plant a tree.

Part 2 of 3: Begin the Burial Process

  1. 1 Try to bury the cat as soon as possible. You need to bury the cat before its body begins to decompose. Ideally, she should be buried the day she died or the next day. Fast burial is especially important during the hotter months.
    • Unfortunately, if the cat dies in the winter, burial is not always possible. The ground may be too frozen. If this is the case, ask your veterinarian if he can save the cat's body until you can bury it.
    • You can also wrap the cat in a towel and place it in a Styrofoam container filled with ice. However, this method should only be used if you need to preserve your cat's body for several days. This method is not intended for long term storage.
  2. 2 Prepare the necessary supplies. You will need some supplies for burying your pet. You can purchase them from the store if you don't have them at home. You will need the following accessories:
    • Gloves
    • Shovel
    • Rope to tie the box
  3. 3 Place the cat in the container of your choice. Wear gloves when handling the cat's body. You can put your pet's favorite items in the container. For example, you can wrap your cat in her favorite blanket. You can also place your cat's favorite toy or other items that she loved when she was alive in the container.
    • Be sure to tie the rope around the closed box after you put the cat in it.
  4. 4 Dig a hole at least one meter deep. The hole should be deep enough so that the cat's body is not attacked by animals. In addition, the hole should be wide enough for your pet's container to fit in.
    • If you've been digging a grave and stumbled upon a cable, stop digging, bury the hole, and choose another location.

Part 3 of 3: Complete the burial process

  1. 1 Arrange a goodbye to your pet. Many people do this when they bury their cat. Before placing the cat in the hole, you can say a few words, sing a song, or read a poem.
    • If you like, you can invite friends and family members to say goodbye to your pet.
    • This can be a good lesson for your children if they are still young. You can ask them to collect things that remind them of the deceased pet. They can put these things in a hole next to the coffin.
  2. 2 Lower the box into the hole and cover it with earth. After you say a few goodbyes, gently lower the cat's coffin into the ground. Cover the hole with earth. Tamp it down. Thanks to this, animals will not be able to dig out the grave and damage the cat's body.
  3. 3 Install the headstone. Don't forget the headstone. The headstone will help protect the grave from damage. If you bought a headstone, place it over your grave. If you are using stones or similar materials, place them on the grave.
    • If you decide to place something in the ground, be sure to secure the object with something heavy. Thanks to this, animals cannot damage the installed object.
  4. 4 Decorate your grave. After you set up the tombstone, decorate your pet's burial site. You can decorate the grave with flowers or similar elements.
    • If you have small children, you can ask them to decorate the cat's grave. Ask them to write notes about your pet or draw it.


  • If burial is not possible, you can cremate your pet and then scatter its ashes down the wind.
  • Find out if the ashes can be scattered in your area; perhaps this is a wrongful act. You can also store your cat's ashes in a box or other safe place.