How to have fun

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to have more fun in your life | Matt Weinstein | TEDxLivermore
Video: How to have more fun in your life | Matt Weinstein | TEDxLivermore


If you are enjoying life, you need to tune in and seize every opportunity to have a great time. If you are relaxed and not afraid to look a little silly, then you can enjoy anything, anywhere - even at a party, even in the middle of a working day. If you want to learn how to make your life more joyful and interesting, start at step 1 and you will succeed. If you need more specific advice, we have discussed in separate methods how to have fun alone or in company, at work or at school.


Method 1 of 4: How to Have Fun Alone

  1. 1 Find a new hobby or passion. You may not be enjoying your current activities much because you feel like you are doing the same thing day in and day out. Find a new hobby - it will diversify your life, you will learn something, and you will have something to expect from each new day.If you have a hobby, you will also have to constantly find time for yourself. This will help reduce the amount of stress in your life and make it more enjoyable.
    • Discover the artist in you. Learn to sketch, paint, or take professional photos. Photography will change the way you look at the world, and your daily life will sparkle with new colors.
    • Try to become a word artist. Write a poem, play, or story. You don't have to be Hemingway or Tolstoy to enjoy the creative process - and the result.
    • Take on a new individual sport. Try running, swimming, or strength yoga. Whatever you choose, do it at least once a week: take the time for yourself.
    • Learn something new. It’s always fun, whether you’re learning to knit, speak Japanese, or fix a car.
  2. 2 Listen to music. Music is believed to help relieve stress and relieve bad moods. If you feel stressed, turn on the music that you like and let it become a part of your life, become a habit.
    • Let stress be the signal that reminds you of music.
    • Stress (a signal) encourages you to listen to music (a habit) and your mood improves as a result.
  3. 3 Think more positively. Thinking positively is a great way to look at things in a new way and thus begin to enjoy them more. Your whole life will become brighter; everyday reality, friends and your goals will become more interesting as you learn to appreciate every moment and get the best out of every situation. So stop worrying about every little thing that can go wrong, and tune in to a positive wave.
    • Realize everything you are grateful for. Write down all the things that you enjoy in your life and in the people around you. This will keep you going day after day.
    • Think about the best scenario, not the worst. Once you catch yourself worrying about the worst things that can happen, fight those negative thoughts with positive ones.
    • Avoid complaining and whining. It's okay to complain from time to time, but if you whine about every failed little thing, then you spoil the mood for yourself and those around you.
  4. 4 Get out of your comfort zone. Another way to get more pleasure out of life is to step out of your comfort zone. Instead of doing the same thing day after day, do something unexpected that you've never done. It doesn't matter how silly or uncharacteristic it is for you.
    • Communicate with nature. If you prefer to spend time indoors, take a long walk or even a short hike. You will be surprised how much you like it.
    • If you are convinced that you will definitely not like a certain movie, watch it. It doesn't matter how silly the idea seems; if this is a completely new experience for you, you will have a great time.
    • Try a dish of the cuisine that you thought about "never and never." You will be surprised how great it will be to discover a completely new taste.
  5. 5 Reduce the stress level in your life. You cannot enjoy anything if you worry about every little thing. If you are constantly worried about how to have time to redo all the work, and you walk like a zombie from lack of sleep, there can be no talk of pleasure. Here's how you can reduce the stress in your life so that you can enjoy it:
    • Relax your mind. Meditate, do yoga, or take long walks to reflect on the day ahead.
    • Relax your body. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day or a good massage once or twice a week will guarantee results.
    • Take time for pleasure. No matter how stressed you are, you need to make time for pleasant things every week (or better, every day).Doing something that gives you pleasure a few hours a week will greatly improve your mood and well-being.
    • Get enough sleep. Going to bed and waking up at the same time will guarantee you a burst of energy and give you strength to cope with all the tasks.

Method 2 of 4: How to Have Fun with Others

  1. 1 Find a new activity for yourself and your friends. If you are spending time with friends and trying something new, you will surely enjoy doing it. Here's what you can try:
    • Take up team sports. Whether you are organizing a volleyball team or just playing badminton with a buddy, you are sure to have a good time.
    • Come up with a cultural program. Go to the theater, museum, or concert with friends. Believe me, it will be great.
    • Organize a themed party. Such a party will bring a lot of pleasure to you and your friends. You can just throw a costume party, or you can organize a whole themed game - for example, murder and its investigation in the spirit of classic detective novels.
    • Go to a new restaurant. Visit a place you haven’t been before, try new dishes and chat all evening long.
    • Cook together. Invite your friends and cook a gourmet dinner or bake all sorts of goodies.
  2. 2 Dance. Dancing with friends is always great, even if you feel stupid or insecure. You can dance at a house party, in a club with a company of close friends, or, if you suddenly feel like it, just in the middle of the street together with your best friend. Dance, sing along and have fun!
    • If you really love dancing, sign up for salsa, hip-hop or any other dance lessons to make your life more interesting.
  3. 3 Connect with the right people. One of the secrets of the pleasure of life is communication with people who bring joy and pleasant emotions into it. If you spend time with a person who constantly grumbles at the whole world or is sad for no reason, then you are unlikely to get great pleasure. Here's what will help make your life brighter:
    • Connect with people who are spontaneous and adventurous. Such people know exactly how to enjoy the most unexpected things.
    • Chat with people who can cheer you up. Laughter is a pleasure in itself.
    • Connect with positive people. Such people like life itself, and they definitely get more pleasure from it than those who constantly complain and whine.
  4. 4 Laugh more. One of the best ways to have fun is to laugh more. Others will help you with this: you can laugh at their jokes or, for example, at the ridiculous situation in which everyone finds themselves together. Here's how to have fun laughing:
    • Watch something funny together. Go to the cinema for a comedy or comedy show and you'll be in a great mood.
    • Play a silly board game. This is a great way to spend time with the company and have a good laugh.
    • Play charades or Crocodile. The good old games are always great.
    • Don't be afraid to fool around and look funny. When you're having fun with your friends, you can sing with a hairbrush instead of a microphone, dress up in the most incredible costumes or dance foolishly. Don't hold back and you will have a lot of fun.
  5. 5 Go on an adventure. Adventure or travel is another way to have a great time with the company. Choose a destination just a few hours' drive away, go on vacation together, or simply walk in the woods or see the surrounding area that you haven't seen before.
    • A joint car ride is a guaranteed way to have fun. Bring candy, music, and a map of the area with you, and the fun won't be long in coming.
    • Go to the beach or walk in the woods. You will have a great time outdoors if you have a fun company.
    • Take yourself a vacation. Go to Moscow or St. Petersburg, to the sea, just to a neighboring city, and be real tourists at your pleasure.

Method 3 of 4: How to have fun at work

  1. 1 Build strong relationships. One of the reasons why you don't enjoy your work may be that you don't like your coworkers. You can change that: get to know your coworkers and boss, be nice to them, ask questions, and have fun.
    • To get to know your coworkers better, take the time to talk about your families and interests.
    • Don't be withdrawn at work. Be open to communication, rather than pretending to be awfully busy, and many will want to talk to you. Don't miss out on opportunities to chat during your coffee or lunch break.
    • Go to lunch with a coworker. You will enjoy a pleasant conversation and get to know each other better.
    • Let your friendship go beyond the workday. If you have made friends with one of your colleagues, go to a coffee shop or bar after work.
  2. 2 Liven up your workplace. Your work will be more enjoyable if you enjoy your workplace. You can not only slightly change its appearance, but also make the atmosphere at work more joyful.
    • Decorate your workplace. If allowed, hang up a funny poster or display a bright vase of flowers.
    • Bring food. Bring homemade biscuits or the most common chips or nuts, and you will see how people feel better.
    • Liven up the environment. Hang up a funny calendar or pictures that make you smile and you'll be happier coming to your workplace.
  3. 3 Organize a time out after work. If you enjoy coming to work, sometimes try spending time with your coworkers after the end of your day. You can have a weekly coffee meeting, or go out to dinner twice a month, or just invite someone from work to dinner every now and then.
    • If you are hosting a party, invite some of your colleagues. Chat in a fun environment.
    • You can volunteer with your colleagues. This will make you have a good time together and will do a good deed.
  4. 4 Take breaks. If you're having fun at work, you shouldn't sit hunched over your desk for 12 hours in a row, even if that allows you to go home a little faster. Take breaks at least every hour to rest your mind and body and recharge your batteries. So the working day will be much more pleasant.
    • Go to lunch. Get out of the office for lunch, alone or with coworkers. A short change of scenery will cheer you up.
    • Warm up a little. Even if you are at the office all day, go out for at least 10-15 minutes. Take a walk outside, or at least walk around the office.
    • Try using the stairs instead of the elevator. This will provide yourself with a little physical workout.
    • Switch from one task to another from time to time. Alternate filling out documents, calls and sending letters, and you will see that each case individually becomes more interesting, because it does not have time to get bored.
  5. 5 Play games at work. Your productivity will not be affected if you sometimes allow yourself to play a little. Even an ordinary slime, "rainbow" spring or other anti-stress toy will help you relax and cheer you up.
    • If you do not have a very serious office, then you can throw a ball with your colleagues.
    • If you have your own office, hang a basketball hoop on the door and try to hit it with a light ball from time to time to distract you a little.

Method 4 of 4: How to have fun at school

  1. 1 Respect your teachers. You will enjoy going to school much more if you learn to see teachers as people and show them the respect and attention they deserve.If you like your teachers, then it will be more interesting for you to go to lessons.
    • Be nice. Greet your teachers before class or if you just meet them in the hallway.
    • Don't be afraid to interact with teachers. Sometimes come up to them before lessons to ask a question or just talk (if the teacher does not mind this communication), but do not bother.
    • Show interest in the subject. Be attentive, ask questions, answer, and the lessons will become more interesting for you.
  2. 2 Chat with your friends. If you want to have fun at school, socializing with friends is a must. However, you shouldn't chat or fool around during the lesson!
    • Chat in the dining room. Take advantage of the big break to have a conversation, not just a snack. Don't be late for lunch and waste your whole break trying to finish your homework for the next lesson: you will miss out on a lot of fun.
    • Chat with friends outside the locker room or on the way to the study. You will still need to move from office to office, so why not do it with your best friend?
    • If you get to school early, don't try to sleep on the go, but talk to your friends. You will have fun before class and wake up faster.
  3. 3 Enjoy learning. You may think that loving learning is not cool, but in reality, you will only benefit if you are interested in it. You will not get pleasure if you are bored in the lesson, you don’t understand the material or you just don’t have the slightest interest in the subject.
    • Be a good student. If you do your homework and diligently prepare for tests or exams, you will "dive" into the subject and understand it. As a result, you will be much more interested in class if you understand what is at stake.
    • Study your favorite subjects outside of school. You may not like them all, but if you like history or French, for example, then you will be happy to read something about these subjects in addition to school assignments.
    • Give every item a chance. If one geometry lesson went so badly, don't tell yourself that from now on, and forever and ever, you hate mathematics. Try to find something interesting in each subject, no matter what difficulties you have with it before. If your teacher has changed, this is all the more reason to look at the subject in a new way.
  4. 4 Find fun clubs and other extracurricular activities. Another great way to have fun in school is to do something outside of school. Don't sign up for an elective class or a sports team just because it feels like it’s going to come in handy when you enroll or help you bond with cool classmates. Do what you really enjoy, what you want to improve and have fun.
    • Go in for sports. Choose a sport that pushes you hard and is fun at the same time. You shouldn't go to training like hard labor.
    • Join a hobby group or club. Choose an activity that suits your interests, be it a school newspaper or a research group.
    • Meet people in your section or circle. One of the benefits of extracurricular activities is the opportunity to get to know and befriend students from other classes. Take advantage of this and make as many acquaintances as possible.


  • Take the time and opportunity to travel to a new location to experience a new culture.
  • Choose what suits you. If you enjoy spending time outdoors, then you will rather go hiking than shopping.
  • Try going out with a friend from time to time.
  • Ask your friends, colleagues and family members how they are having fun. Try to join them: maybe you will like it too.
  • A hobby that you can pursue at any free time is a great way to unwind, even if you have a busy schedule.
  • Chat with your friends. It will please both you and them.
  • Find out what clubs and other activities are in the local palace of creativity, sports center, house of culture and similar places.
  • Play with your brother or sister. This is the best way to get closer.
  • Do what you like.


  • If you think you might have depression, get help. Talk to a friend, family member, psychologist, or therapist.