How to paint names with graffiti

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 26 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Paint your Name in Graffiti Letters using Marker Tutorial (Fixed)
Video: How to Paint your Name in Graffiti Letters using Marker Tutorial (Fixed)


1 Write your name in pencil or chalk. Write in block letters, not capital letters, use wash to change letters. Write large, clear, and understandable letters. This will be the basis for your final lettering. Here are some stylistic tips to remember:
  • Think about symmetry. Do you want your graffiti to look balanced and attractive? Play with the letters so that they fit together. Don't make the letters the same size, but change the uppercase and lowercase letters to match each other.
  • The first and last letter must balance with each other. For example, if you write the name "Ivan", then play with the letters "I" and "H" to create a frame for the rest of the letters. You can add hooks to the "H", but they must match the hooks on the "I".
  • Many graffiti artists paint lettering in an arch rather than a straight line, which gives the design an added effect.
  • 2 Convert letters into blocks or bubbles. Trace the letters in the finished sketch for a 2D effect. Block letters have straight lines and rounded corners, while bubble letters are more round. Pick one style, but don't use both in the same name. Think of your image as art, not text.
    • Make some bends in straight lines. For example, if you have the letter "L" in your name, then make the lines more artistic by bending them rather than leaving them just straight.
    • Make letters like puzzle pieces. For example, if you are drawing the name "Carlos", then you could tuck the letter "K" into the bend of the letter "A" and tuck the letter "O" to the corner of the letter "L".
  • 3 Connect some letters. Expand the blocks or bubbles so that one letter ends where the second begins, and erase the lines between them to connect them. This adds movement to the lettering, and it creates the illusion that the letters are flowing together.
    • It is not necessary to connect only subsequent letters. In Skylar, you can create a rectangular blog that starts in the second half of the K, goes under the AI, and connects to L. Look at your name and think about which letters you can connect to make the lettering more interesting.
    • Plain letters should be a guide for you, and not shackle your imagination. Don't be afraid to change letters beyond recognition!
  • Method 2 of 3: adding a detail

    1. 1 add legs, seraphim, bats and arrows. This is where you can experiment and take the name to a higher level. Add your signature handwriting and you will make your graffiti look different from the rest. Legs, seraphim, bats and arrows are used to decorate letters and give overall balance to the word.
      • The leg is a block element that is added to the bottom of the line. If you have an E with a curve at the bottom of the line, connect the end of the line with a vertical line that projects upward.
      • Seraphim are used in the same way as legs, but protrude from the top line. In the letter "E" you can add a seraph to the end of the top line.
      • Bits are used as block points at the end of a line. You can add them to any letter.
      • Arrows are also used as a trail at the end of a line. For a letter such as "T" arrows can extend from the bottom line or to either side of the top line.
    2. 2 Create a 3D effect. Add shadow to the edges of your letters, then sharpen them to create a 3D effect. In addition, you can approximate the 3D effect by making the edges of the line thicker and thinner in different places. For example, the top side of the letter "O" can be very thick, while the bottom side will taper.
    3. 3 We add original elements. When your letters are the way you want, you can add additional details to them if you like. Bring them closer to your style and interests. Add a lightning bolt, together dots above the letter "i", or draw eyes peeping out of the holes of the letter "B". The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

    Method 3 of 3: Make it Pop!

    1. 1 Paint over the sketch lines. Use a marker or paint to darken the lines you drew with pencil or chalk. Make clear, thick lines. This is graffiti, so it doesn't have to look cute or neat; lines should be expressive. Once you're done, erase the pencil or chalk lines so they won't be visible.
    2. 2 Add color. Paint the letters with the same color, or you can experiment with different shades. Many graffiti artists were usually forced to work in hiding because they were afraid of being caught. Many are still hiding, so they can carry a couple of cans of paint with them. But good graffiti can be painted in one color! If you want to paint graffiti in multiple colors, consider the following points:
      • You can make each letter a different color, or make the added details a different color.
      • Try using a gradient where the color flows smoothly into another. For a sunset effect, make the top of the letters red, then blend with orange and blend into yellow below.
      • For a sharper 3D effect, the color should be darker at the edges of the letters, not on the face.
    3. 3 Add a background. Now that the name is ready, add a different background color to make the text stand out. If your name is in dark colors, paint a light background; if the lettering is light, then draw a dark background. Your graffiti should make people stop and stare at it!


    • Look at the pictures in the comics, paying attention to such captions as "KA-BOOM" and "Boom". Many graffiti artists have used comics to create their artwork.
    • Try not to mix bubbles and blocky lettering in one graffiti.
    • The words of one of the graffiti master: “If you want to paint good graffiti, paint one drawing a day; if you want to be the best, paint five a day. " At first, it seems like a lot, but you shouldn't take everything literally. Most importantly, the more you practice, the better you get.


    Do not misappropriate graffiti of strangers without their consent!

    What do you need

    • Pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils;
    • Spray paint;
    • Any blank canvas, be it wall or paper.