Find a lost cell phone

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Find a Lost or Stolen Android Phone
Video: How to Find a Lost or Stolen Android Phone


There are few things more annoying in these fast-paced times than losing a phone. We use our phone for so much more than just calling, the mere thought that a stranger has access to our digital life is nauseating. The sooner you find your phone, the more secure your data is. Read this article to find your phone as soon as possible.

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Method 1 of 3: Search nearby

  1. Call your phone. Use a friend's phone or a landline to call your own mobile number. If the phone is close, you will hear a ringing tone or vibration. Or maybe someone answers who can tell you where your phone is.
    • If you don't have access to another phone, make a call from your computer, for example with Gmail or Skype.
    • This method will not work if your phone is on silent or if the battery is empty.
  2. Have a good look around. If you think you may have put the phone somewhere, quickly search for logical places.

    • If you are a bit messy by nature, it is a good idea to take a look under piles of paper and other junk. Thin cell phones can easily disappear under piles of papers.
    • Check the backs of the places you sat that day. Many sofas or chairs have seats and armrests where a telephone can easily slide between.
    • Look under car seats. Phones often end up under the car seat.
    • Ask family and friends if they saw - or borrowed - your phone. You never know, asking can't hurt.
    • Look under your bed and in the bathroom. The phone could have slipped out of a pocket while you changed or you could have left the phone in a bathroom cabinet in a confused mood.
    • Check the place where you normally charge your phone or the place where the whole family keeps the phones on that big phone mountain. Sometimes you don't see things when you're a little worried. Check again if your phone is next to that thing of the same color, maybe you just looked over it.
  3. Send an SMS to your lost phone. Then the person who now has your phone knows that you have lost the phone. For example, you could write, "Help! I've lost my phone! If you find my phone, please call [enter a number where you can be reached]. Your reward will be extra karma points!"

Method 2 of 3: Track your phone

  1. Use location services. If you have an iPhone, you can use the "Find My iPhone" app. Or you can use an app like "GadgetTrak". Android users can use the Android Device Manager website or an app like Cerberus or SwanSong to track the phone. With these programs you can optionally also delete the data on your phone.
    • To use Find My iPhone, you must log in to the iCloud website on a computer, or on another Apple device if you have one. You can see your iPhone on a map and you can lock or erase your iPhone remotely if you want.
    • The website "Android Device Manager" is a service from Google where you can track your Android phone with Google maps. Again, you can erase your data remotely if desired, provided you ticked the appropriate check box on your phone.
    • With the Cerberus app, you can remotely lock your Android phone, sound an alarm, clear its memory, see a list of recent phone calls and more.
    • SwanSong can send you an email with your phone's GPS location when the battery is empty. You can also send an SMS to your own phone and the GPS coordinates will be emailed to you.
    • Windows phone users can go to the "My Phone" section of the website. From there you can trace your phone and remotely wipe the data.
    • If you think your phone has been stolen, try your phone never find out yourself. Instead, report it to the police and let them fix the problem further. You can get in a lot of trouble if you go to the location where your phone is located.
  2. Review your steps. After you have searched the most obvious places, such as your house, your car or your workplace, you can start thinking about other possible places. Think about where exactly you went after you last saw your phone. Here are some suggestions:
    • The gym or locker room of the sport you practice.
    • The cafe where you had lunch.
    • In the bus, train or taxi.
    • At a meeting place.
    • A place where you have emptied your pockets, such as the supermarket, the bank, wherever.
  3. Call around. Call places you've been and call people you've seen since you last saw your phone. You may be a little embarrassed, but finding your phone is more than worth it.
    • Large retail chains and the Dutch Railways have a lost and found department. Check there first as it is quite possible that someone left your phone there.

Method 3 of 3: Take action

  1. Change all your passwords and login codes. This can take a long time if you are active online a lot. For others it is a simple job and it happened in no time.
    • Don't wait too long with this, especially if you are concerned that someone has stolen your phone. It's bad enough that your phone is lost, but identity theft is much worse.
    • It is best to change all your passwords before physically looking for your phone. This prevents anyone with access to your data from doing harm. If you do find your phone, it doesn't matter that you have set new passwords.
    • Start with the most important passwords. These are your email accounts, internet banking, Facebook and online storage services. Do the financial and personal matters first. Once you've reset the most important passwords, you can move on to the less important ones.
  2. Contact your telephone provider. Make sure you have your details at hand so that they can easily block your SIM card. This prevents a potential thief from using your SIM card to make calls or use the internet.
    • If you don't have a prepaid phone but a subscription, it's a good idea to have your number disconnected within two hours to avoid a high phone bill.
  3. Make a declaration. Go to the police station. Lost phones are often handed over to the police. Most people don't think others can be that nice, but it really happens very often. You also need proof of declaration for any insurance. The police also have a service where they can send a "text bomb" to a stolen phone. Even if the SIM card is changed, the text messages will continue to be sent to the phone.
  4. Learn from the loss. If you didn't have an app on your phone to track your phone, install it as soon as you locate your phone or buy a new phone. Check whether your passwords are strong enough and consider whether it is really necessary that certain services always remain logged in on your phone. Use the unpleasant experience for the better and make it easier to fix next time.
    • Register with online databases such as MobiMY. The IMEI number is a unique code by which your phone can be recognized, you will need this if you are going to file a declaration. If the finder also registers your phone with this number with MobiMY, there is a match and you can get your phone back. You can find the number through *#06# to call with your phone.


  • Always set an access code for your phone.
  • Regularly back up all data on your phone or set it up automatically with a cloud service.
  • Try to remember to keep your phone in a safer place once you locate your phone.
  • Make sure your contact details are easy to find on your phone, in case someone finds your phone and wants to return it. Make it clear that any costs are for your account. Do not enter your home address, just your e-mail address.
  • If you've lost your phone, try to stay calm. You will notice that you will find your phone sooner.


  • Of course it is very frustrating to lose your phone. But it is important to realize that it is just a phone and that life goes on without the phone. Keep your cool so you can focus on protecting your personal and financial information.