Become rich

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
πŸ’° How to Make 1 Million In a Month | How I Become Rich | How to Build Wealth
Video: πŸ’° How to Make 1 Million In a Month | How I Become Rich | How to Build Wealth


It seems everyone wants to get rich. Many books have been written on this subject, lessons have been given and rich people have given advice on how to get rich. But most, if not all, plans for wealth is not working. Here are some more reliable ways to get wealthy. To become immensely rich, you have to start doing this very early in your life.

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Method 1 of 3: Getting Rich through a Career

  1. Stand out academically. Whether it's a four-year college or subject training, the most successful people pursue further education after high school. In the early stages of a career, employers don't have much to rely on besides your education. Go for an appropriate diploma.
  2. Choose the right profession. Look at research on salary measurements to see which profession earns what per year on average. The chances of getting rich are smaller if you choose a career in teaching rather than finance.
  3. Choose the correct location. Go where the jobs are. For example, if you want a career in finance, there are a lot more options in big cities than in rural, low-populated areas.
  4. Get a starter position and work your way up. Go for quantity. Apply in many places and do many job interviews. If you get the job, stay there to get the experience you need to grow.
  5. Switch work and employer. By changing your environment, you can increase your salary, experience different corporate cultures and reduce risk. Don't be afraid to do this often. If you are a valued employee, your current company is also more likely to give you a raise or other benefits if you know that you are looking for another job.

Method 2 of 3: Get Rich by Investing

  1. Invest your money in education. Go to universities and get the degrees you need in your chosen profession. Sometimes you have to spend money to earn it. For example, if you are interested in trading and get an MBA, you will likely recoup the money you spent within a few years.
  2. Invest in the stock market. Invest money in stocks, bonds and other "vehicles" of investment that offers you an annual return on investment (ROI) that is enough for your retirement. For example, if you have invested a million euros and you get a reliable ROI of 7%, you have € 70,000 per year!
  3. Invest in real estate. Relatively stable assets such as rental properties or potentially developed land in steadily growing areas is a good example. These are purchases that are likely to increase in value over time. Your chances of this are better in some areas than others. For example, having an apartment in Manhattan is guaranteed to become more true over a 5-year period.
  4. Invest your time. For example, you may really enjoy having free time, so give yourself a few hours a day to avoid doing anything. But what if you invest these few hours a day to get rich, and end up saving 20 years of free time to do nothing through early retirement? What can you sacrifice now to get rich later?
  5. Avoid purchases where the value is guaranteed to decline. Spending $ 50,000 on a car is normally a shame because it's guaranteed to be worth less in 5 years, no matter how much effort you put into it.
  6. Stay rich. It's hard to get rich, but it's even harder to stay. Your wealth is always affected by the market, and the market has its ups and downs.If you take it too comfortably during good times, you will quickly fall back to the starting point when the market is down. If you get a promotion or raise, or if your ROI goes up one percent, don't spend the extras. Save it for when things get worse and your ROI goes down by 2 percent.

Method 3 of 3: Get rich by Saving Money

  1. Spend money on yourself first. This means that before you spend all your money for a new pair of shoes or a golf club that you don't need, put money into a bank account and it won't get to it. Do this every time you get your salary and watch your bank account grow.
  2. Make a budget. Set up a monthly budget that includes all the basic expenses and a little "fun" money. Don't go over this.
  3. Downgrade your car and your home. Can you do with an apartment instead of a house, or with roommates instead of your own space? Can you do it with a second-hand car instead of a new one and use it a bit more economically? These are all ways to save a lot of money every month.
  4. Reduce expenses. Take a good look at the way you spend your money frivolously and stop that. For example, stop going to Starbucks every morning. Spending € 4 on luxury coffee every morning comes out to € 20 every week, or € 1,040 per year!


  • Pay all the small bills first and then go to the smallest bill until you are completely debt free. If you take out a new loan, do it for something that will eventually generate income.
  • Don't just focus on that one big hit that will make you rich. Having multiple incomes ensures your financial status better than just one.
  • Define what's rich for you. In other words, what do you see when you think of being rich? This can be different for everyone. For many people, the idea of ​​being rich is tied to prestige and gaining respect. It is to maintain a luxurious standard of living. For others, it is a way of planning for retirement. Some people want to get rich to never have to work another day in their life. In this case, the standard of living one wishes to maintain at the time of retirement is essential to understand how much money it takes to get rich.
  • Surround yourself with self-made millionaires. Learn from them. It is said that "success attracts success". Get all the information about how rich people started making big money and what you are doing now.
  • Keep a positive credit balance as some businesses require equity infusion to grow. For example, if you have a BKR listing, you will no longer be able to take out a loan.
  • If the money burns a hole in your hand to be spent on something specific (a new car, for example, while your current one is still doing fine), force yourself to wait a month to buy. If the temptation is really strong, ask a family member or very close friend to hold the money for you. Consider the actual cost of what you want to buy, the pros and cons, and the impact it will have on your long-term plans compared to the instant gratification and how you might be able to spend that money better.
  • If you would like something big to satisfy your desire immediately, try to distract yourself into buying something small instead of the very big one. Don't go for the luxury suit or handbag, but buy an ice cream or go to the movies. The ticket price is a lot cheaper than the handbag, but gives you the same feeling of "doing something for yourself".
  • Before going to sleep, put your change in a jar every night. It takes a while but after about a year you will have saved at least € 150.
  • Keep your personal expenses as low as possible and reinvest in your company until you are completely financially independent. This means waiting until, without a loan, you can afford your household and business for 6 months without any form of income.
  • A quick way to get back is to date and marry a millionaire. To get rich, there is nothing easier to marry a rich millionaire.


  • "Get rich quick" talk is always a fraud in the end. Avoid this one. There is no such thing as free money unless you inherit it and even then you have to be smart with it or you will lose everything. The best way to get rich is to have a plan and the ability to implement this successfully, if possible with an experienced team interested in helping you.
  • If you really want to become a millionaire, the best way is to work really hard so it really feels like you've earned it. Live your life as if this world were yours. Never give up until the end of this life journey.