How to clean a pool with acid

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to acid wash a pool
Video: How to acid wash a pool


Does your pool look like a swamp? Or do you just want it to look clean? Acid cleaning will help you with this. This method is also called "dry and clean". The pool should be cleaned in this way if it has not been properly prepared for winter, or if algae has appeared in it while it is not being used. Basically, acid scrubbing removes the top layer of gypsum, so it is not recommended to do this often. But every now and then it's a great idea!


  1. 1 Drain your pool completely. During the descent, make sure you remove all debris so that it does not end up in the drain. If your pool has an auto-fill feature, make sure you turn it off before draining. And when your pool is completely empty, you can start cleaning.
  2. 2 Change into protective clothing consisting of overalls, goggles, mask, gloves and boots.
  3. 3 Mix 1 gallon (3.8 L) acid with 1 gallon (3.8 L) water in a watering can. The acid needs to be added to the water, not the other way around.
  4. 4 Moisten one of the walls with a hose. There should be no nozzles on the hose and the water should run without stopping.
  5. 5 Pour the acid solution over the wall about 10 feet (300 cm) from top to bottom at one time and let the acid sit on the plaster for about 30 seconds. During these 30 seconds, you must brush the wall.
  6. 6 Rinse the part you have poured with the solution quickly and thoroughly. Before proceeding with another wall, make sure you wash the wall thoroughly so that the acid does not continue to corrode the gypsum further.
  7. 7 Neutralize the pool after cleaning is complete. Scrubbing with acid leaves behind a pool of foam at the bottom of the pool. These residues must be removed before they begin to corrode the plaster.
    • Toss the baking soda into the puddle with the remaining solution, while scrubbing with a pool brush.This requires 2 pounds (0.9 kg) of baking soda per gallon (3.8 L) of solution.
    • Pump out the solution using a pump into some kind of tank.
    • Dispose of the solution you pumped out because it can kill frogs, fish and plants. Rinse the container thoroughly after the solution.
    • Fill in the residues with water, rinse gently near the drain hole.


  • If no results are visible after the first try, try increasing the acid / water ratio, scrubbing harder, or lengthening the time the acid remains on the wall. You can also repeat this procedure a couple of times to achieve the result.
  • If acid gets into your eyes or mouth, rinse the area with water using a hose for 15 minutes. If acid gets on your skin, wash it off immediately.


  • If the acid is not rinsed off thoroughly, it will continue to corrode the gypsum. Be careful not to let the acid corrode the gypsum too much. This will leave a mark on the bottom of the pool.
  • Acid cleaning should never be used in a vinyl-lined pool. It is best to use detergents and rinses for this type of pool cover.
  • Work gently with acid. Wear protective clothing, transport acid safely in the vehicle, wash everything after cleaning, and have at least one other person work with you.

What do you need

  • Hose without nozzle
  • Protective suit
  • Gloves
  • Mask
  • Glasses
  • Old shoes
  • Acid
  • Watering can
  • Pool brush
  • Soda
  • Pump
  • Storage tank