How to beat YouTube addiction

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Addicted to YouTube? WATCH THIS.
Video: Addicted to YouTube? WATCH THIS.


YouTube addiction is no joke. At first, you watch a few random videos on different channels, and after some time you realize that you cannot think of anything but that you have to watch all sorts of interesting videos. YouTube abuse can turn into a serious behavioral addiction and start to affect your life in negative ways.


Method 1 of 3: Redirecting the Need for Pleasure

  1. 1 Redirect your pleasure needs. Addiction occurs when you begin to need a particular stimulant in order to feel happy or fulfilled. Try other, healthier and healthier alternatives to achieve the satisfaction you're looking for.
  2. 2 Find another hobby. It can be very helpful to find something else that will distract you from all these “interesting” videos on the Internet.
    • Applied arts and crafts. You will find that making things, even simple papier-mâché or origami figures, will not only help satisfy your need for the pleasure you’re trying to get from endless videos, but will also make you feel better.
    • Painting or graphics. Creation is positive; watching endless videos is the other way around. You can achieve a sense of real satisfaction through creativity, while at the same time you can avoid situations (i.e. lack of work, or even complete emptiness in life) that are the cause of video addiction.
  3. 3 Go in for sports. Walking outdoors and exercising are some of the best alternatives in dealing with unhealthy, addictive behaviors. By doing this, you will not only improve your physical health - you may even join a sports team, which will be beneficial for social, mental and emotional well-being.
    • If you don't have friends who are interested in sports, you can always just go to the park and throw the ball into the basketball hoop.
    • Find an amateur team in your chosen sport.
    • Find a sports club and sign up for classes. You can practice air hockey, chess, checkers or even cornhole - there will surely be many interesting options in your city, and you will choose the one that suits you.
  4. 4 Make music. Musical creativity is another great alternative that can help not only in overcoming addiction, but in general.
    • Find friends who would like to make music with you. This is another option for social life to eliminate addictive behavior. Music can not only help you fight addiction, but it can also help you improve your time management and organizational skills, which in turn can help you manage what you do and not “lose” yourself on YouTube.
    • If you've played anything before, dust off the instrument and start practicing again.
    • Take music lessons. Ever wanted to learn how to sing better? There are many vocal teachers around.
    • Instead of watching someone else's video on YouTube, record your singing or playing and post it online.
  5. 5 Create zones without internet. If you are addicted to something, like YouTube, then it is a good idea to create "areas without the Internet" or, even better, "without any technology."
    • Leave your phone or tablet on when you wander or walk around the lake. Even if you think that you will be doing something exclusively alone in the fresh air, then you will always be tempted to watch all sorts of addictive videos if you take a mobile device.
    • When you go to lunch at work, take a magazine or book instead of a tablet; even if you only plan to read on a tablet, this is a very easy way to start watching videos.
  6. 6 Take a vacation from technology. Nowadays, you can find camps where you can go in order to "free" from the Internet, social networks and media.
    • A week or at least a day or two without access to technology will surely help you overcome addiction.
    • Complete elimination of the possibility of "feeding" addiction will help to consciously control the use of the Internet, instead of completely abandoning technology.

Method 2 of 3: Cut the ties

  1. 1 Block YouTube on your computer. If you want to completely sever ties, have a friend or parent set a password on your computer so that you don't have access to YouTube.
  2. 2 Limit the time you spend at your computer. Set a strict personal limit on how much time you spend in front of the screen. It is considered unhealthy to spend more than 4 hours a day around a computer. Overuse of your computer can lead to various problems such as:
    • Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
    • Headache
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Vision problems
  3. 3 Control the time spent at the computer. If the addiction is in its early stages, you will be able to gradually reduce your need to watch videos by managing your computer time.
  4. 4 Always do the work first. If you sit down at the computer, make sure that you do your business first, and only then go to YouTube. Keep track of the time you spend in front of the screen. One of the benefits of overcoming addiction is that you can control your time before addiction takes control of you.
    • Start a time tracking program. There are many programs on the Internet that track the time spent in certain applications - so that you have an accurate idea of ​​what you spend most of your time on.
    • Use an "internet nanny" like Net Nanny or K9 web protection. These are parental control programs that can block certain websites or control the amount of time that certain applications can be used.
    • Use the internet for self-development instead of rushing into entertainment.

Method 3 of 3: Admit the problem

  1. 1 Accept that you are addicted. As with any addiction, the first step in fighting is admitting that you have a problem. YouTube attracts millions of viewers and it can be very easy to spend more time on the site than you intended. ... Recognizing the early signs of addiction is critical to addiction treatment.
  2. 2 Recognize your alienation. Are you alienating friends or family, those who care about you? When someone is addicted, be it drugs, alcohol, video games, or even YouTube videos, one of the first behavioral signs is the desire to be among those who enable addictive behavior.
  3. 3 Check your health. Addiction, even if it has nothing to do with substances, is often the cause of health problems.
    • Has your hygiene deteriorated? Have you stopped looking after your hair, nails and teeth?
    • Pay attention to your eating habits. Addictive behavior leads to a decrease in the intake of food needed by the body.
    • Are you experiencing sudden mood swings? Irritability, especially when you are unable to indulge in addiction, depression and anger can be signs of serious problems.
  4. 4 Beware of self-justification. Another sign that you have a problem is a tendency to make excuses for yourself or rationalize why you need to continue addicted behavior.
    • Non-addicts will see your negative behavior and try to change it.
    • If you have an addiction, you can rationalize why all this is not a problem - this will indicate a problem.
  5. 5 Realize the impact of addiction on your life. If you have reached the middle to late stages of YouTube addiction, you will begin to experience the detrimental effects of the habit on other, more positive aspects of your life.
    • Is work suffering? Have you ever skipped work to satisfy your streaming need?
    • Are you spending less time on physical activity? Often, addiction will drastically reduce the time you spend on training, activities, or other social and physical activities.


  • Let your friends help. Feel free to tell them what's going on. True friends will not judge you and will certainly try to help.
  • Don't berate yourself. It's incredibly easy to get addicted to technology these days.
  • Treat the situation as a real addiction. Behavioral addictions can be very serious and have the same negative impact on a person's life as addiction to various substances.