How to naturally whiten skin at home

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
You Can Whiten Your Skin In Less Than 10 Minutes!
Video: You Can Whiten Your Skin In Less Than 10 Minutes!


For a brighter skin tone, natural substances are available that often whiten skin tones without doing as much harm as some chemical whitening products. Avoiding the sun is also an effective way to keep your skin from darkening. There is no substance in this world that can whiten skin by more than one or two tones, so you need to think a little more realistically - and the most important thing to keep in mind is having brown skin. beautiful is not inferior to white skin.


Method 1 of 3: Use Natural Skin Whitening Agent

  1. Use lemon juice. Lemon juice has been used for thousands of years as an effective skin whitening treatment. In lemon juice contains acids that help to exfoliate dark skin cells. Pure lemon juice can irritate the skin, so make sure to dilute the acidity with water. Use a cotton ball to absorb the solution and smooth it over the skin. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
    • Lemon juice should only be used two to three times a week. Otherwise the skin may become irritated. Also use a moisturizer, as lemon juice often dries out the skin.
    • You should notice results after three to four weeks of using lemon juice. While this whitening agent does not provide immediate results, it is the most effective natural method.
    • Be careful when applying any citrus juices to your face. This can cause phytophotodermatitis due to the reaction between UV rays and photosynthetic chemicals found in citrus fruits. It is okay to use lemon juice on your skin, but you need to wash it off. Clean before sun exposure.

  2. Soak the lemon milk solution. For a soft glowing white skin, you can prepare a warm bath, then pour a glass of whole milk and squeeze lemon into the tub. Dissolve the solution evenly in water. Then soak in the tub for about 20 minutes and then rinse with water.
    • Milk contains effective skin whitening enzymes. It also has a moisturizing effect, which compensates for the drying of lemon juice.
    • Soak the milk solution once a week, and you should get results in more than a month.

  3. Make a honey yogurt mask. Just like milk, yogurt contains enzymes that help make the skin glowy. Honey has moisturizing and antibacterial effects. Combining these two ingredients creates a nourishing mask for the skin. Mix one part honey and one part yogurt, then apply the mixture on face and body. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
    • You should choose sugar-free yogurt. Using yoghurt with sugar or flavoring will cause skin stiffening.
    • You can replace the honey with pureed butter or aloe vera. Both of these ingredients have excellent moisturizing effects.

  4. Use skin whitening powder. For a better effect, you can use a thick puree that contains natural ingredients to help bring out a bright white skin. Apply the powder evenly onto cleansed face, leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Here are two recipes for natural skin whitening powder:
    • Bean paste. Pour ¼ cup pea flour in a bowl. Add lemon juice or milk to thicken the mixture.
    • Turmeric paste. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and in a bowl. Add lemon juice or milk to thicken the mixture.

Method 2 of 3: Things to Avoid

  1. Do not use bleach or dangerous chemicals on the skin. The use of bleach, ammonia and other household cleaning products to whiten skin is really dangerous. These chemicals are very harmful to the skin, and have long lasting effects. Damaged skin will be darkened, so using these chemicals will backfire. You should avoid it as far as possible.
  2. Don't believe in false beauty standards. Whether you have fair white or brown skin, each tone has its own beauty. You can absolutely use safe substances like lemonade to whiten, but don't try to completely change the original skin color. Instead of finding ways to improve your skin, accept what's available. If you were born with brown skin, appreciate it and do not listen to others to change your inherent skin color.
    • Most women believe that light white skin is more beautiful and attractive than brown skin. While many others apply every measure to have a brown skin and do not hesitate to risk skin cancer to lower their skin tone. Such a paradox, isn't it?
    • When it comes to having beautiful skin, the most important thing is keeping skin healthy. This is the largest organ in the body, and it deserves a great deal of care. You should eat healthy, drink plenty of water, exfoliate and moisturize your skin to stay beautiful and healthy.

Method 3 of 3: Change habits for brighter white skin

  1. Exfoliate your skin. The formation of dead skin cells on the skin's surface can cause the skin to darken. To whiten your skin, you should exfoliate regularly. One of the most effective ways is to use a sugar or salt exfoliant. While showering, moisten the skin and rub this compound in a circular motion over the entire body. This way you will "polish" the skin until it becomes brighter.
    • To exfoliate your face, you can use a gentle compound. Oatmeal or almond meal also has an effective exfoliating function.
    • Using a brush to remove dead skin cells is also an effective method of exfoliating. You can choose a brush made from natural fibers, and brush it evenly over your body before showering.
  2. Moisturizing. Moisturizing the skin will help prevent the formation of dead cells and exfoliation. For brighter skin, you can use a moisturizer every day after bathing. Choose an alcohol-free cream moisturizer that causes dry skin.
    • Coconut oil is also a moisturizer that helps to keep the skin shiny and youthful. You can apply coconut oil on your hands and feet after bathing. Wait 10 minutes for the oil to seep into your skin, then put on your clothes.
    • Jojoba oil also has a moisturizing effect on the skin. Also you can use olive oil or almond oil for beautiful skin.
  3. Avoid sun exposure. It's not easy to avoid the sun every day, but exposure to the sun darkens your skin. However, you should not stay indoors all day. Before going out, you should take the following measures to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays as well as avoid darkening:
    • Use a sunscreen that has a high SPF. SPF 30 or higher is best, as a sunscreen with a lower SPF cannot prevent sunlight from darkening your skin. You can use sunscreen all day as needed.
    • Wear a wide-brimmed hat. This way, the sunlight will not hit the face nor the neck and shoulders.
    • Wear long sleeves and pants. During the summer, choose a cool fabric to drain the heat well.
    • Do not avoid the sun completely. The body needs sunlight to produce vitamin D, which is needed for strong bones and a number of other important functions.


  • You can apply tomato puree on your face and let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • Do not avoid the sun completely. Sunlight shines harmful ultraviolet rays, but it helps the body produce Vitamin D.
  • Alternating use of this mixture every night can brighten visible skin. Also, don't forget to protect your skin from exposure to direct sunlight during the day to prevent darkening.
  • Drink a lot of water! Use sunscreen.
  • Use a thick mixture of apple cider vinegar and flour twice a week. This will ensure that the skin becomes whiter and brighter.
  • Use a small size cup. Place 1 tablespoon of pea flour in a cup. Mix more curd into the flour. Apply the mixture on your face (and other parts of your body), leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with water.


  • For sensitive skin, don't use too much lemon, as it is easy to dry out the skin.