How to cure a sore throat with salt water

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Can Gargling Salt Water Cure a Sore Throat?
Video: Can Gargling Salt Water Cure a Sore Throat?


Sore throats are painful and can sometimes cause itching, difficulty swallowing, drinking, and talking. A sore throat is usually a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection. The disease usually resolves on its own within a few days to a week. While you wait for the illness to clear up on its own, you can calm your throat with salt water.


Method 1 of 4: Gargle with salt water

  1. Decide what to gargle with. Most people choose to simply stir a teaspoon of table salt or sea salt in 8 ounces of warm water. The salt draws water out of swollen tissues, thereby reducing swelling. If you can tolerate the unpleasant taste, add a teaspoon of salt to a mixture of warm water and apple cider vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. Although not clearly explained. But apple cider vinegar will help soothe a sore throat more effectively than other types of vinegar. It is thought that the acid in the vinegar kills the bacteria. Alternatively, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to a salt-water mixture.

  2. Add honey or lemon juice to improve the taste. Honey has antibacterial properties that help fight bacterial infections. Not only that, but honey also soothes a sore throat and improves the unpleasant taste when treated with vinegar or baking soda. Lemons contain vitamin C which helps to improve the immune system and also has antibacterial and antiviral properties.
    • Do not use honey for children under 2 years old. Young children are susceptible to botulism syndrome due to bacterial infections - bacteria that can cause honey infections.

  3. Rinse mouth properly. Both children and adults can treat a sore throat by rinsing. However, make sure your child spit out the water after rinsing the mouth instead of swallowing it. If the child is accidentally swallowed, give them a full glass of water.
    • Have your child rinse with small sips of water.
    • Check your child's ability to rinse his mouth with clean water before using salt water.
    • Pour the salt water mixture into your mouth and tilt your head back. Say “A” to create vibrations in your throat. Gargle for 30 seconds.
    • You should feel the mouthwash moving around due to the vibration, almost like it's boiling in the back of your throat.
    • Do not swallow the mouthwash. Spit the water out and rinse your mouth thoroughly.

  4. Gargle regularly throughout the day. Depending on the type of mouthwash you choose, you should rinse more or less.
    • Salt water: once an hour
    • Salt water and apple cider vinegar: once an hour
    • Salt water and baking soda: every two hours

Method 2 of 4: Spray your mouth with salt water

  1. Make a salt-water solution. How to make a homemade throat spray is simple and inexpensive. You only need 1/4 cup of filtered water and 1/2 teaspoon of table salt or sea salt. The filtered water should be warm when mixing the solution for the salt to dissolve evenly.
  2. Add the essential oil. A simple salt-water solution is also soothing, but the essential oil will speed up the recovery process. You just need to mix the essential oil in a salt-water solution. With just two drops of essential oils below, it can help relieve pain and fight the cause of a sore throat:
    • Peppermint essential oil (pain reliever)
    • Eucalyptus essential oil (antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory)
    • Sage essential oil (antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory)
  3. Pour all ingredients into the spray bottle. Using a 30-60 ml glass bottle with a spray tube is ideal. This size jar is small enough for you to carry around throughout the day. You can use it at home or take it with you.
  4. Use aerosols as needed. When your throat hurts, spray the solution into your throat. Open your mouth wide and bring the inhaler down the back of your throat. Spray 1-2 times to relieve irritation. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Use other treatments

  1. Take antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. Unlike viral diseases, bacterial infections react to antibiotics. If you have been diagnosed with a bacterial infection by your doctor, ask about taking antibiotics. Antibiotics must be taken exactly as prescribed. Don't stop drinking on your own, even if you feel better. Discontinuing the drug without finishing the course can increase the risk of complications or re-infection.
    • Eat yogurt with live yeasts (probiotics) while taking antibiotics. Antibiotics will kill good bacteria in the gut when they fight off harmful bacteria. So, eating probiotic yogurt will help balance the healthy intestinal bacteria, helping the body fight infections.
  2. Moisturizing. Drinking water helps to hydrate the skin outside of the throat and replenish the body. This helps to soothe irritation in the tissues. You should drink 8-10 glasses of water, each 8 oz each day. Alternatively, you can moisturize your throat by creating moisture in the air, especially if you live in a dry climate. Buy a humidifier or place a bowl of water in the room.
  3. Eat foods that are easy to swallow. Broths or soups are not only easy to swallow and have been shown to help improve immune responses. The way it works is to slow down the movement of immune cells, making the cells work more efficiently. If you want variety in your meals, try trying soft, easy-to-swallow foods like:
    • Apple sauce
    • Cooked pasta or rice
    • Scrambled eggs
    • Oat
    • Smoothie
    • Cooked beans
  4. Avoid foods that irritate your throat. Avoid hot spicy foods as these will make your throat more sore. The definition of spicy food is broad; You may think that chili or garlic are not spicy, but they actually trigger a sore throat. Also, avoid sticky foods like peanut butter or hard foods like toast or crackers. Limit acidic drinks such as soda or citrus fruit juice until your sore throat has healed.
  5. Chew thoroughly. Use a fork and knife to cut hard foods into small pieces and chew them well. Chewing gives saliva time to break down the food and makes it easier to swallow. If swallowing is difficult, you can puree hard foods like cooked beans or carrots. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Diagnose a sore throat

  1. Recognize the symptoms of a sore throat. The most persistent symptom is a sore throat that may get worse when swallowing or speaking. Additional symptoms include a feeling of dryness, itching, hoarseness or a muffled voice. Some people experience painful swelling of the gland in the neck or jaw area. If you have not had your tonsils removed, the tonsils will be swollen or red, or have white spots or pus on them.
  2. Look for other signs of infection. Most sore throats are caused by viral or bacterial infections. Be aware of the symptoms that accompany a sore throat, including:
    • Fever
    • Chills
    • Cough
    • Runny nose
    • Sneeze
    • Body aches and pains
    • Headache
    • Nausea or vomiting
  3. Consider getting a medical diagnosis. Most sore throats will go away on their own within a few days to a week with home treatment. However, if the pain becomes severe or persistent, you need to see your doctor. Your doctor will observe your throat, listen to your breathing and take a throat sample for a quick strep test. Although it is painless, the diseased sampling stick will cause some discomfort if you have a pharyngeal reflex. The sample taken from the stick will be taken to the laboratory to determine the cause of the sore throat. Once the virus or bacteria that cause a sore throat is identified, your doctor will advise on how to treat it.
    • Medications used to treat a sore throat caused by bacteria include penicillin, amoxicillin, and ampicillin.
    • Your doctor may also order a complete blood test or allergy test.
  4. Know when to seek immediate medical attention. Most sore throats do not cause serious illness. However, young children need to see a doctor if the sore throat does not go away with treatment with water in the morning. Call your doctor right away if your child has trouble breathing or swallowing. Unusual runny nose associated with a sore throat should also be examined as soon as possible. The adult can determine for themselves whether medical care is needed. You can wait a few days, but see your doctor right away if you experience:
    • Sore throat lasts more than a week or seems severe
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Shortness of breath
    • Difficulty opening mouth or jaw joint pain
    • Joint pain, especially in areas that have never experienced pain
    • Ear hurt
    • Rash
    • Fever over 38 degrees Celsius
    • Blood in saliva or sputum
    • Sore throat often
    • Appearance of a lump in the neck
    • Hoarseness lasts more than 2 weeks


  • Finish all medication prescribed by your doctor and follow your doctor's instructions if necessary.
  • Most people will feel less sore throat when drinking hot water, but the effectiveness of this method has not been confirmed. You can try warm or cold tea if the pain subsides. Ice can also help, especially if you have a fever.


  • You should see your doctor if the pain does not improve after 2-3 days.
  • Do not use honey for children under 2 years old. Although rare, young children are at an increased risk of botulism due to bacterial infections, as honey often contains cells from bacteria, which the child's immune system has not yet developed.