How to freshen up and rejuvenate

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: 3 Ways To Clean Cheap Jewellery💍 DIY Jewellery Cleaner | Fake Costume High Street Jewelry Cleaning


Taking the time to take care of your body and mind is essential to prevent wasting. If you don't give yourself the care you deserve, it can lead to tiredness, weakness, anxiety and overwhelming. Start living a healthier lifestyle and learn to pamper your body and mind so you will always feel refreshed and invigorated.


Part 1 of 3: Recharge with Exercise for the Mind

  1. 1 Meditate everyday. Research shows that meditation can physically change your brain to make you happier, more calm, empathetic, and focused.Many people are intimidated by the very thought of sitting in silence for a long period of time, but even a couple of minutes of meditation a day will be beneficial.
    • Make it a goal to sit quietly, clearing your mind, for 10 minutes a day. It won't be easy at first. Maybe you can only sit for 1 or 2 seconds before thoughts begin to fill your mind.
    • When thoughts and concerns rush into your mind, observe them without judgment, and then let them go.
    • Think of your mind as a muscle. Practice sitting in silence for longer and longer, just like you would try to lift more and more weights in the gym.
    • Some people find it helpful to name the thoughts that come to their mind. For example, if thoughts of stress at work come to mind, just say “work,” to yourself, and then let the thoughts drift out of your mind like a cloud floating across the sky.
  2. 2 Practice walking meditation. If you are not very good at sitting and meditating, try starting out with walking meditation. Find a quiet place and walk from one end to the other, back and forth, paying particular attention to the very experience of walking.
    • Pay attention to how your feet touch the ground, what sensations the air around you causes, what sounds you hear, what smells you smell.
    • When thoughts come to mind, don't let them carry you away, don't interact with them, just let them pass and start working again to calm your mind. The main thing is that you need to be fully present in the present moment and really feel everything that is around you.
  3. 3 Learn live in the present. This is also called awareness. Try to slow down the pace of life and be present in every moment, do everything with a purpose. It will help you feel joy and peace every day.
    • It will be difficult at first, but it will get easier over time. When you start to get distracted, just calmly bring your attention back to the present moment and your intention.
  4. 4 Take notes in your journal every day. Regular journaling helps you connect with yourself and your true deepest feelings. This activity also helps you relax and find a solution to the problem. Spend 20 minutes each day writing in your journal.
    • Ideally, you should write in a physical journal, rather than using a computer for this. Go to a bookstore and buy yourself a beautiful diary that you feel like writing in. You can also get a nice pen!
    • If you are so worried about your privacy that you cannot bring yourself to write in a physical journal, then use a password-protected text document for this purpose. Using a tangible diary may be more effective, but any diary is better than nothing!
  5. 5 Disconnect. Countless studies have proven that the use of technology - including computers, mobile phones, and televisions - causes sleep problems and depressive symptoms. Set aside time each day for activities that don't require you to look at the screen: reading a book, walking, meditating, or whatever else you enjoy.
    • People who spend too much time on the internet and social media are especially prone to fatigue, sleep problems, and depression.
    • Signs that you are spending too much time on the Internet: You are spending more time online than you intended, you lose track of time when you are online, and you cannot reduce the time spent on the Internet.
    • If you think you have a problem, start monitoring how much time you spend on the Internet. You can mark it on a calendar, notepad, or other gadget, but be sure to be consistent. In addition, there are online resources that help limit the time spent on the computer.
  6. 6 Clean your home and / or workplace. Clutter in your home or workplace can make you feel anxious and depressed.If you spend a lot of time in a cluttered, unclean place, it will be difficult for you to feel refreshed.
    • The physical act of cleaning itself can improve blood flow and make you feel a little better, and a less cluttered living / work space will certainly clarify and refresh your mind.
    • To make cleaning more fun and enjoyable, experts recommend compiling a playlist of your favorite cleaning music.

Part 2 of 3: Treat Yourself

  1. 1 Always be clean and well-groomed. When you're in a bad mood, it can be difficult to maintain basic hygiene. Brushing your teeth, showering, washing your face, trimming your nails and combing your hair will definitely feel refreshed and refreshed.
    • Turn your daily hygiene ritual into a pleasurable ritual with products that make you feel good: good-tasting toothpaste, sweet-smelling soap or shower gel, high-quality cream or lotion - all of which can help you enjoy your personal care more.
  2. 2 Take a long bath. A popular form of relaxation is a person basking in a warm, bubble bath. Light some candles, put on some soft music, and climb into the hot tub. Try to lie in the bathroom for at least 15 minutes, deliberately enjoying the process - do not think about work, school or other matters.
    • If your skin is not too sensitive, you can add bubble bath. If you have sensitive skin, try tossing Epsom salts or dried lavender in the water.
    • If you do not have the opportunity to take a bath or do not like to do it, you can take a relaxing shower. Use a soap or shower gel with a relaxing scent, such as lavender.
    • If you take a shower instead of a bath, deliberately pay attention to how the water feels on your skin, what sounds it makes when it hits the bathtub or the bottom of the shower stall, and any other details of the experience that you find interesting.
  3. 3 Pamper yourself. Go for a massage, spa, hairdresser, or just take yourself out for dinner at a restaurant. Do something that you don't usually do that you can indulge yourself with. The point is just to give yourself a break and let someone else do something nice for you.
    • If you don't have a lot of money to spare, keep an eye out for specials and coupons. Even for little money, you can pamper yourself with the following:
      • Go for a delicious hot chocolate or coffee in a beautiful cafe, sit and just enjoy the atmosphere or read a book.
      • Go to a local community center that has a sauna, spend time there, and you might even be able to relax in the jacuzzi or swim in the pool.
      • See if there are any gardens in your area that have free or low-cost entry, wander around the garden and deliberately enjoy the experience - be mindful of smells, sights, and how your feet touch the ground when you walk.
  4. 4 Take time to focus on what you like. Take time to enjoy what you love and truly devote your time to it. Do not check your phone, do not sit down at your computer, do absolutely nothing else at this time. You can, for example:
    • Cover yourself with a blanket and pillows, bringing along a hot cup of tea and a good book.
    • Light scented candles or sticks and listen to the lyrics as you listen to your favorite album from start to finish.
    • Take a few of your favorite chocolates and eat each one slowly and deliberately, paying attention to their complex aromas, flavors and textures.
    • If you want to freshen up, it would be helpful to avoid screens, but if you really want to, you can set aside time to watch your favorite TV show or favorite movie with your favorite treat or drink with you.
  5. 5 Don't feel guilty. When pampering yourself, it is imperative not to think about work or anything else that is stressing you.When such thoughts come into your mind, just calmly put them aside and continue to enjoy what you are doing.
    • If you feel guilty about wasting time on yourself, the experience will ultimately only bring you stress, and certainly not a feeling of refreshment, so try very hard not to think about work and other stressors when pampering yourself.

Part 3 of 3: Lead a Healthy Life

  1. 1 Drink plenty of water. Signs that you are not drinking enough water include: feeling hungry, feeling tired, burning eyes and dry mouth, decreased mental functioning, including low mood and inability to concentrate.
    • To calculate how much water you need to drink each day, you need to multiply your weight by 38. That is how many grams of water you need to drink per day. For example, a woman who weighs 65 kilograms needs to drink about 2.5 liters of water a day.
    • If you live in a hot climate or exercise regularly (that is, you sweat a lot), this figure will increase. A woman weighing 65 kilograms, who lives in a hot area and leads an active lifestyle, can drink from 2.5 to 5 liters of water, depending on her day.
  2. 2 Eat healthy food. Experts generally recommend eating lean protein, healthy fats, and whole grains, and avoiding processed foods that are high in salt and / or sugar. The main thing is to eat a variety of foods to get all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.
    • Research has shown that eating too much food and / or eating the wrong foods can be harmful to your brain and affect your mood and memory.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish), antioxidants (found in blueberries), and folate (found in spinach, orange juice, and yeast) improve brain function.
  3. 3 Don't eat too much. Try to use (“burn”) as many calories as you consume. The number of calories you need each day depends on your age, gender, size, and level of physical activity.
    • For example: A moderately active woman between the ages of 19 and 30 should aim to consume 2,000 calories a day. Walking for 2.5-5 kilometers (at a speed of 5-6 kilometers per hour) in combination with daily activities can be considered moderate activity.
  4. 4 Exercise regularly. Research has shown that exercise rewires the brain, making it more stress-resistant. Plus, exercise has been shown to improve memory and thinking skills. When you can think clearly and be less susceptible to stress, the likelihood that you will feel burned out is greatly reduced.
    • Experts recommend a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity (walking) or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity (running, cardio) per week. You can also combine the two workouts. The most popular recommendation is 30 minutes of physical activity a day.
    • If you find it difficult to find time to schedule a regular exercise routine, try to reach the recommended minimum at 10 or 20 minute intervals throughout the week. For example, one day you can walk 10 minutes in the morning, then 20 minutes at lunchtime and 10 minutes after work.
  5. 5 Think positively. Celebrate your daily successes, however small they may seem. If you make a mistake, forgive yourself. Try to live in the present and let go of any worries about the past or future.
    • You also need to let go of any worries about other people. You cannot control them. Worrying about what others are thinking and what they can do will only drain you.
  6. 6 Communicate. Be sure to get out of your home / work and spend time with people you enjoy with. Connect with people who make you feel like your best self, who support you, who are fun and interesting to you.
    • When we feel stressed and exhausted, we tend to isolate ourselves from others. Avoid this urge, as isolation will only make your condition worse. Try to talk to at least one good friend about how you are feeling. Take him for a walk or for a cup of tea.
    • If you live far away from your friends, try to find time to talk to them on the phone or chat online. There are many ways to communicate these days besides face-to-face conversations, most of these tools are free, so use them.
  7. 7 Laugh and have fun. Go dance, watch a comedy, hang out with the people who make you laugh - whatever makes you happy, do it! Taking some time to just enjoy life will help you feel refreshed and prevent energy depletion.
    • Even if you're not feeling happy right now, force yourself to get out of the house and do whatever is most likely to improve your mood.
  8. 8 Do what interests you. Find a couple of hobbies that make you feel satisfied. Learn to play an instrument or learn a new language, take a cooking class, or take painting or writing classes at your local community center.
    • When you start taking the time to develop your interests, you will feel more fulfilled in life. If all you do is wake up, go to work / school, come home, eat and sleep, then it's no wonder you feel burned out. Help yourself feel refreshed and inspired by learning new things.
  9. 9 Get enough sleep. The total recommended length of night sleep is 7-9 hours for adults and 8.5-9.5 hours for teenagers. However, a study that tested participants after 9 hours of sleep and after 7 hours of sleep found that even 7 hours of sleep a night is too little.
    • If you feel drained and weak all the time, try making your night's sleep longer. Aim for 9 hours of sleep. If this is not possible, try to get as close to this figure as possible.
    • Some studies recommend planning your sleep according to the 90-minute cycle rule. When you sleep, you go through cycles of 5 phases - from deep sleep to relatively wakeful sleep. You will feel more alert if you wake up during the waking phase of sleep.
    • This can be done by identifying when you need to wake up and then counting back in 90-minute segments to figure out when you need to go to bed. For example, to wake up well rested at 7 a.m., you need to go to bed at 10 p.m.
  10. 10 Know how to properly balance work and personal life. Research has shown that not having the right work-life balance can actually drain you and make you less productive in the long run. Prevent burnout by spending less time at work and more focus on maintaining your happiness and health.
    • Students and office workers tend to work overtime. This is tiring in itself, but even worse, many employers and teachers encourage this behavior.
    • Many people seem to think that exhaustion and lack of free time are signs that you are working very hard. You may have the best intentions and may truly think that you are working harder, but in reality you are only making yourself less productive in the long run.


  • If you are feeling exhausted in the middle of the day, there is no need to feel guilty about taking a half hour nap. Research has shown that short naps can significantly improve your mental and physical well-being, as well as your productivity. Daytime rest will be effective even if you are just lying and resting and are not really sleeping.
  • When deciding what to eat, think of food as fuel for your body. Instead of reaching for candy when you start losing energy around 3pm (or whenever you feel like you're losing energy), eat an apple and a couple of almonds.
  • Spend time in nature. Research has shown that spending time or walking in an area with lots of plants - like a park or forest - reduces brain fatigue and improves mood more effectively than anywhere else.
  • Take time to take care of yourself. Write it down in your diary as you would a meeting or meeting. It may sound counterintuitive, but including relaxation times in your schedule will help you be more efficient at work and allow you to relax better during your rest.
  • Don't feel guilty about taking care of yourself. You need regular updates, just like your car needs an oil change. Without this replacement, you will "break", so the care you deserve is in everyone's best interests.


  • This article provides a lot of tips! Don't try to do it all at once, or you will only exhaust yourself even more!
  • If you are already doing all of this, but still do not feel refreshed and full of energy, go to the doctor's appointment to make sure that you do not suffer from any medical conditions. Thyroid and iron problems are common and treatable causes of fatigue and exhaustion.

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