How to convert a Muslim to Christianity

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Muslim converts to Christianity in surprising way - Ahmed Abukar Testimony
Video: Muslim converts to Christianity in surprising way - Ahmed Abukar Testimony


Converting a person to Christianity is very difficult. But all Christians know that nothing is impossible with Jesus Christ. Our main responsibility is not to lose heart after mistakes and failures. You just need to trust the Lord God, and He will direct our steps.


  1. 1 Find clear reasons. Why do you want to convert a person to Christianity? Want to prove something to others? Do you feel obligated to do this? Is it the Lord's desire that you feel in your heart? Or do you really love and worry about this person, want him / her to go to Paradise?
  2. 2 Understanding Christianity. Are you a believing Christian? Is the Lord in the first place in your life for you? Are you an exemplary Christian? You must have a close relationship with God. Go to church every Sunday, read the Bible, live humbly, and of course ...
  3. 3 Pray. Prayer is of the utmost importance.If you want to convert your Muslim friend to Christianity, then first of all, tell God about it! Tell Him about your feelings, open your heart to Him so that He can see your faith and help you cope with such a task. Pray every day, including for your Muslim friend. You must have faith in God and in yourself.
  4. 4 Understanding someone else's religion. This knowledge can be especially useful during discussions.
    • Speak persuasively but show respect. Success will be with you if your friend does not feel threatened, so do not offend someone else's faith, otherwise the person will become defensive and stubborn (not because he is a Muslim, but because he is a human). Also, do not try to convert a person by force - this method has already been tested and it does not work.
  5. 5 Invite a friend to church! If he doesn't want to go to church, then introduce him to your other Christian friends so that he feels the warmth and love that you share with each other.
    • "Why would I go to church?" Share your story (how you found Jesus Christ or how the Lord influenced your life) or ask friends about it.
    • Talk about saving your soul, but not beyond measure - even a friend may not like your moral teachings. Again, everything is learned through examples. Don't talk about the end of the world and the future.
  6. 6 Sow good. A good personal example is very important. Be kind to everyone! Always smile and do not hide your happiness, because the Lord wants it. Our actions have a big impact on other people - actions always speak louder than words.
  7. 7 Be your best friend. Always come to the rescue. In a difficult situation, it is not enough just to feel sorry for the person, you need act! Christianity is always a concern for one's neighbor.
  8. 8 Do not despair. Your friend may not want to become a Christian, especially when he finds out that "The Book of Books was written by man.... And not by God. The Bible did not fall from heaven miraculously. There has never been a single accurate version of a book in history. The Da Vinci Code (link in the essay below), but as the work says, that shouldn't stop you intending to carry the word of God or help people (Muslims and others) find peace.
    • Even if a person does not convert to Christianity after your conversation, your confession will have a big impact on that person's life. Perhaps he will accept Jesus Christ later.
    • Do not despair. As Jesus told his apostles in Luke 10:16, "He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."