How to cure nausea without medication

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best Home Remedies To Cure Nausea | TODAY
Video: Best Home Remedies To Cure Nausea | TODAY


Nausea is a common symptom of many health problems, including pregnancy, colds, appendicitis and even stress. Before attempting to reduce your nausea, you need to consider other symptoms to determine if you need to seek medical attention. In general, if the nausea persists for more than 24 hours and is accompanied by vomiting, fever, or other symptoms, seek medical attention to determine the cause and get treatment. If you have mild nausea, you can use a variety of home remedies, including herbal teas, eating bland foods, and acupressure to reduce nausea.


Method 1 of 4: Drink water to help relieve nausea

  1. Drink a lot of water. Dehydration can cause nausea, so getting enough water is essential. Drink cool water or warm herbal tea to ease nausea. Avoid drinking water that is too cold or too hot. Drink in small sips throughout the day instead of taking it all in one breath. If you are unable to eat due to nausea, you can eat broths such as vegetable broth, chicken broth, and beef broth to both add nutrients.
    • For young children, you should call to consult a doctor about hydration. Your doctor may recommend beverages such as Pedialyte, Rehydrate, Resol and Rice-Lyte because young children are more likely to become dehydrated, especially if they are vomiting.
    • Adults can drink Gatorade water to replace essential electrolytes.

  2. Drink a cup of ginger tea. Ginger has long been used to treat nausea caused by chemotherapy and surgery. Ginger tea is also safe for pregnant women. If you want to drink ginger tea to reduce nausea during pregnancy, consult an obstetrician and only drink 1-2 cups per day. Most adults can drink up to 4-6 cups of ginger tea per day.
    • To make ginger tea from fresh ginger, peel and chop 1 / 2-1 teaspoon of fresh ginger. Then, pour boiling water into a gingerbread cup and add lemon and / or honey for added flavor.
    • If you don't like the taste of ginger tea, you can take a ginger supplement. The recommended dose is 250-1000 mg orally 4 times per day.

  3. Drink a cup of mint tea. Make mint tea by adding 1 / 2-1 teaspoon of dried mint leaves to hot water. Or you can buy tea sachets, which are available at stores. Add lemon and / or honey for flavor. Mint tea is "relatively safe" for pregnant women and young children. Remember to always consult an obstetrician and only drink 1-2 cups per day.
    • Try adding 1/4 teaspoon of Caraway seeds to tea to help soothe your stomach.
    • Peppermint can also be used to treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and Functional Indigestion.

  4. Make cumin seed tea. The way to prepare fennel seed tea is a little different. Add 1 / 2-1 teaspoon of fennel seeds to 180-240 ml of cold water in a saucepan. Slowly heat, while stirring. Boil for about 5 minutes. Then, pour the tea through the filter and wait for the tea to cool. Add lemon and / or honey for added flavor.
    • Fennel seeds have mild estrogenic effects, so it's not clear if it's safe for pregnant women. If you are pregnant, it is best to consult your doctor before consuming fennel seed tea.
  5. Drink camomile tea. Chamomile tea has long been used to treat nausea and upset stomach. You can find chamomile tea at most stores. Chamomile tea is safe for children but should be more diluted. Chamomile tea is not recommended for pregnant women because the tea contains phytoestrogens (phytoestrogens).
    • Do not drink chamomile tea while you are taking anticoagulants, as it can interact with the medicine.
  6. Make cinnamon stick tea. The way to make cinnamon tea is similar to that of cumin seed tea. Add 1/2 cinnamon stick or 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to 180-240 ml of cold water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil slowly, while stirring. Boil for about 5 minutes and then pour the tea through a filter. Wait for the tea to cool down before drinking.
    • Pregnant women are not allowed to drink cinnamon tea.

Method 2 of 4: Changing your diet

  1. Eat bland foods and follow the BRAT diet. The BRAT diet includes Banana (Banana), Rice, Applesauce (Apple Sauce), and Toast (Dry Bread). Although it does not cause weight, this diet can be too harsh and not provide enough nutrients. The BRAT diet is a good start, but incorporate other bland foods like savory crackers, rice crackers or sesame cookies, brown rice, whole grain toast, and skinless chicken. . Do not add any spices to the food.
    • Stay away from spicy foods while you're nauseous.
  2. Eat small amounts of food throughout the day. This will help reduce nausea. For example, you could start your day with a meal of 1/2 banana and 1/2 piece of whole-grain bread. For lunch, you can have some broth and crackers. The snack can be a little apple sauce. Lastly is the boiled chicken and rice for dinner.
  3. Eat a low-salt (sodium) diet. Salt can increase nausea, so you should follow a low-salt diet. Do not add salt to foods and avoid high salt foods. Read food labels carefully and do not consume more than 1500 mg of salt per day.
  4. Choose low-fat foods. High-fat foods can also cause nausea, so choose foods that are low in fat, such as lean meats, low-fat milk, vegetables, and whole grains that have not been processed with oils or butter. High-fat foods include fried foods, meat with skin and fat, lamb, oils, butter, cakes, and most fast foods.
  5. Stay away from foods that may cause nausea. In many cases, nausea worsens when eating certain foods. Therefore, it's best to avoid these foods while you are nauseous. Keep track of foods that make you feel nauseous and avoid them. Some foods that can cause nausea include:
    • Tomato
    • Acidic foods (such as orange and pickles juice)
    • Chocolate
    • Cream
    • Egg

Method 3 of 4: Apply other methods

  1. Use aromatherapy. Aromatherapy uses essential oils of a variety of herbs to create a fragrance that has soothing effects. Place a drop of peppermint, lavender, or lemon essential oil on your wrists and temples, then inhale deeply.
    • Make sure your skin is not sensitive to essential oils by dripping one drop of the essential oil on your wrist. If the skin is sensitive, you may experience a rash, red, or itchy skin. In that case, try a different essential oil or use a different method to treat your nausea.
  2. Try acupuncture or acupressure. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body is considered to be a system of meridians flowing through it. Taking a needle (in acupuncture) or applying pressure (in acupressure) to certain points along this meridian can help restore energy balance and reduce nausea.
    • Try acupressure "P6", "Neiguan" or "internal organs". This point is about 2 fingers wide, located below the wrist fold. First, aim your palms toward shallow. Find the 2 ligaments around the midpoint of the area on the wrist.Use the index finger and thumb of the other hand to press gently but firmly on this point for 10-20 seconds. Repeat the process of dialysis on the other hand.
  3. Do breathing exercises. The University of Connecticut (USA) has conducted a study showing that deep breathing exercises, controlled can help reduce nausea. Other studies have shown that deep breathing can help control nausea after surgery. You can try the following exercise from the University of Missouri in Kansas City (USA):
    • Lie on your back with pillows under your knees and neck for comfort.
    • Place your hand (palm down) on your stomach, just below your rib cage. Put your hands on your stomach, fingers interlocking. This way, you can feel your fingers separating as you inhale and help you know that you are doing the exercise the right way.
    • Take a slow, deep breath, opening your stomach wide. This step allows you to use your diaphragm to inhale instead of using your ribs. Instead of widening the rib cage, inhaling with the diaphragm creates suction that pulls more air into the lungs.
  4. Ensure the environment is free of stimulants. Certain environmental stimuli can cause nausea, including strong scents, smoke, heat, and moisture. Try to avoid these triggers as they can "induce" nausea and vomiting.
  5. Try to rest and relax. Sometimes stress, strenuous work, or physical fatigue can cause nausea. Some common causes of nausea include stress, anxiety, and muscle tension. Try to rest and relax to relieve these unpleasant symptoms and prevent them from causing nausea.
  6. Stay in one place. When you feel nauseous, too much movement can make the problem worse. Try to stay in one place to reduce nausea, as well as prevent nausea from worsening. You can sit in a comfortable chair or recline in bed. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Get medical help

  1. See your doctor if none of the above methods work or if you add other symptoms. Seek medical attention right away to make sure there are no serious problems if home remedies are not helping to relieve nausea after a day, or if you are vomiting.
  2. Consider the cause of your nausea. Nausea - often accompanied by vomiting - is a common problem in many people. The feeling of "wanting to vomit" can have many causes, including:
    • Food sensitization or food allergy
    • Bacterial or viral infections
    • Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and heartburn
    • Medicines for treatment, especially chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy
    • Pregnancy (morning sickness)
    • Migraine and other types of headache
    • Travel sickness
    • Pain
  3. Determine if medical attention is needed. If nausea is accompanied or not accompanied by vomiting and does not go away after 24 hours, you should see your doctor immediately. If the nausea subsides but you still have loss of appetite, headache or stomach pain, or severe stomach pain, you should see your doctor for advice. Nausea, especially nausea associated with vomiting, can be a sign of a serious health problem such as:
    • Appendicitis
    • Bowel obstruction or obstruction
    • Cancer
    • Poisoning
    • Peptic ulcer disease (PUD), especially if the vomit waste looks like coffee grounds


  • Do not drink water too quickly to avoid vomiting. You should only drink small sips and drink slowly.
  • Drink aloe juice. This product can be found in most health food stores.


  • See your doctor if your nausea gets worse or persistent.