How to make your arms bigger

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get “Bigger Arms” in 22 Days! (GUARANTEED)
Video: Get “Bigger Arms” in 22 Days! (GUARANTEED)


For some people, gaining weight is difficult. Maybe you're afraid being too low isn't good for your health, or you just want to improve your appearance. It's even more difficult to gain weight in a certain part of your body. However, you can make positive changes to your arms by changing your diet and exercise.


Method 1 of 3: Focus on the arm muscles

  1. Firming the biceps. It's not easy to gain fat somewhere in the body. It's much easier to gain weight in the form of gaining muscle mass. Firming the arm is the best way to increase its size. There are many exercises that can affect the arm muscles very effectively. The biceps will be the place that needs the most attention.
    • Learn how to do triangular push ups. Triangular push ups differ from traditional push ups in that the hands are placed directly below the chest rather than open. Use your hands to create a triangle by touching the tips of two index fingers together. Straighten your thumbs so that their heads are touching. Lower your body to the ground and lift upwards.
    • As with traditional push ups, you have to use your core muscles to maintain stability. Your abs will also be exercised while you do the biceps. You can initially rest your knees on the ground, then switch to a full plank when you are better.
    • If you are doing knee rest, start with 10 reps. Slowly increase to 2-3 sets. If you're doing plank, start with 5 reps. Slowly increase to 2-3 sets.
    • The biceps kick exercise is also very effective. To kick your biceps, bend your arm 90 degrees to the side of your body, then straighten your arm back. You can use light weights when doing this.
    • Do 12 reps, then switch sides. By developing the biceps, your arms will look firmer and more shaped.

  2. Do the biceps. To increase arm size, you must focus on different muscle groups. Be familiar with the names and locations of the muscle groups on the arm. In addition to the biceps, the group of muscles located on the back of the arm, the biceps are also important - it is just above the inside of the elbow.
    • Weightlifting is one of the most effective ways to train the biceps. Simply roll your forearms up to your shoulders and then straighten your arms. Use heavier weights for bigger muscle growth. Light weightlifting will tone and lengthen the arm muscles.
    • Start with 12 beats per hand. The developed biceps increase the overall size of the arms.
    • Avoid gaining momentum when lifting weights, meaning that you shouldn't swing your arms while rolling weights. Instead, work slowly and focus on the resistance when you move the dumbbells up and down.

  3. Develop broader shoulders. In order for your arm muscles to develop more clearly, you also need to focus on the shoulder muscles. Standing push-ups will help you develop shoulder muscles. For this exercise, your arms are folded at a 90 degree angle in front of your face, feet shoulder width apart, with legs slightly bent. Then, push up with one hand while holding the dumbbell. Perform alternate hands.
    • Exhale as you push your arms up, and inhale as you lower, focusing on keeping your elbows close to your body.
    • Start with 8-12 beats per hand. You can start off with a light weight of about 2kg and gradually increase the weight. Developing a broad shoulder will help your arms look bigger and your muscles clearer.

  4. Get advice from a trainer. If you don't know how to work out a particular muscle group, consider working with a personal trainer. Coaches can develop an exercise program that is suitable for each individual's goals. They will find you the best exercises for arm development, and teach you how to do each one correctly.
    • Ask the gym if they offer a discounted initial training session. After this training session, you can assess whether the coach and the curriculum are right for you.
    • If you don't feel like studying privately with your coach, try joining a group. This is a less expensive option.
  5. Practice regularly. Whether you train with a trainer or do it yourself, the key to developing arm muscles is regular exercise. You should plan to do two to four weights per week. If you are doing heavy weight training, the program should be a little more sparse than light weight training.
    • Muscles take time to rebuild, so rest between heavy training days.
    • You should choose a weight based on your body size and health condition. This depends on your goals and the results you expect. If you are a member of the gym, ask others for advice on what type of body is right for you.

    Laura Flinn

    Laura Flinn-certified personal trainer Laura Flinn is a National Sports Medicine (NASM)-certified personal trainer, American Olympic weightlifting coach and sports nutritionist, plus She is also a full-body trainer with resistance belts. Laura runs a personal training program in the San Francisco Bay Area and specializes in topics such as weight loss, muscle development, cardio, and strength training.

    Laura Flinn
    NASM-certified personal trainer

    Experts say: To gain weight in your arms, you must persistently perform resistance exercises that use the arms.


Method 2 of 3: Eat to gain weight

  1. Increase calorie intake. In order to gain weight in any part of your body, you need to take in more calories. You must also get the right calories. Follow a healthy approach when you want to gain weight. Don't use that excuse to get plenty of calories like fried foods and cakes. You will not see the results you are looking for and pose a lot of health risks.
    • Try to increase your calories by eating healthy foods. Eat starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, and peas. They are higher in calories than green vegetables but still loaded with nutrients.
    • Add fat to your diet. Fat contains 9 calories per gram. You can get more fat by incorporating olive oil, avocado, or coconut oil in your meal. In particular, olive oil is a healthy fat, containing about 120 calories per serving. Stir in whatever you eat - oatmeal, soups, salad dressings - to increase your calorie intake.
    • Read the labels. Avoid foods that say "low fat" or "diet". For example, you should choose regular cheese over low fat cheese.
  2. Eat more often. When you want to gain weight, it is very difficult to get all the calories you need with just three meals a day. Try to eat five small meals a day. The amount of calories you eat will increase depending on what you eat.
    • Add healthy snacks. Look for foods high in calories but small in volume. Nuts are a great choice, as they are high in fiber and protein. You should bring a bag of almonds to eat when hungry.
    • Include snacks with healthy fats and carbohydrates. Chickpeas and multi-grain biscuits are good choices to try.
  3. Drink more smoothies. Eat five meals a day, plus snacks that add up to plenty of food. Smoothies are a great option when it comes to snack changes.You can make your own smoothies with whole milk or yogurt and some fresh fruit. Add a little flaxseed or protein powder to add nutrition.
    • Add some spinach to the smoothie. It's a great way to add vegetables and nutrients to your diet.
    • Avoid drinking too many beverages like diet soda. These drinks will make you feel full but will not provide your body with calories.
  4. Consult your doctor. If you are malnourished (even if your arms are very thin) talk to your doctor. Being underweight can be a sign of an underlying problem. It's best to consult your doctor before attempting any weight gain program.
    • Your doctor can give you valuable information. Ask them for a referral to a registered dietitian. A registered dietitian will help you choose the right foods to gain weight in a healthy way.

Method 3 of 3: Maintain a healthy attitude

  1. Optimistic. When you want to make positive changes to your body, it can be frustrating not to get results quickly. Maintain an upbeat attitude and don't give up. Doctors think that positive thinking can really give you energy. Keep your head up and keep trying. In the end you will get the results you want.
    • Research shows that positive thinking helps reduce stress. Reducing stress also means you have more energy to focus on weight training.
  2. Focus on strengths. When you want to gain arm weight, usually you focus entirely on it. Then you can easily focus on the things you dislike instead of the ones you like. Take a minute every day to praise yourself. Every day you should pick a point that you like about yourself and focus on that.
    • If you've been giving a great presentation at work recently, tell yourself you're a diligent employee.
    • Try sticking a positive statement on your bathroom mirror. For example you could say, “I have a beautiful smile. Don't forget to use it. ”
  3. Self-awarded. When you are following any diet, whether for weight gain or loss, you should set small goals for yourself. For example, your goal is to add 200 calories to your diet each day. Once you've done that successfully, reward yourself.
    • You can reward yourself with an hour of work you enjoy without feeling guilty. Allow me to watch a bad TV show or a bad magazine. But you shouldn't feel bad about it.
    • Reward yourself with a massage ticket a month after you've pursued your exercise program. That is thanks to the merits of the muscle groups!


  • If you don't have dumbbells or a multi-purpose machine, you can use your own weight for resistance, or use household items like plastic water tanks, washing powder boxes to make weights.
  • Consult with your doctor before starting any weight gain program.