How to play dice

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024


1 Learn the basics. Normal street craps use a pair of dice, and there is no limit to the number of participants.
  • Players must first roll the dice to determine the player to roll for that game.After the throwing player is determined, the participants place bets on win (to win, the player must roll 7 or 11) or on loss (if the sum of the dropped numbers is 2,3 or 12). If one of these values ​​is obtained on the first roll, the game is over and the money is allocated accordingly.
  • The player throwing the dice must place first. The rest of the participants must make at least the same bet before the game can continue. If the bet cannot be accepted by other players, the thrower must either lower it or equalize the difference. After the main bets have been placed, players can place intermediate bets.
  • 2 Learn the rules of the point. If the throwing player neither won nor lost the first throw, then the dropped out number becomes a "point". Further, the bets are played according to the following scheme: the dice are thrown until a 7 or a point falls out.
    • The player must roll the dice until a point or 7 is rolled. All pass bets win if the point falls before the seven. All other bets are won if the first comes up with a seven.
    • If a player throws a point before 7, the game is over and the bets must be distributed.
  • 3 Learn the terms. You will quickly learn the rules of the game if you don't ask for clarification every time you mention something like point or craps. Having studied the basic concepts, you will quickly learn the game:
    • throwing player player throwing the dice (different each time)
    • kamout first ejection
    • pass if the roll comes out 7 or 11
    • crap if the roll comes out 2, 3 or 12
    • point if any value from 4 to 10 drops out during a kamout
    • Bet against seven a bet that 7 will be rolled before a point
  • 4 Understand the difference between street craps and casino craps. The big difference between craps casino is that the bets are displayed on the scoreboard, the actions of the game and the bets are controlled by the dealer, and around the people a la James Bond ordering drinks. In street craps, the bets are less formalized and the dice are more likely to be thrown against the wall, although the principle of the game is basically the same.
    • Due to the fact that no one is watching the actions, make sure that the bets made remain in place, and at the end of the game distribute them properly. Players can become aggressive if you don't take the game seriously and cheat.
  • 5 Explore the issues of legitimacy. Unregulated gambling such as street craps is illegal in the United States and many other countries. There is nothing wrong with playing dice for fun and it is unlikely that when surrounded by friends, the game will take an aggressive turn. But remember that it is illegal to gamble outside of a legalized casino.
  • Part 2 of 4: During the game

    1. 1 Make a contribution. As with many card games, if you want to play, you have to make a certain contribution before the thrower is determined and bets are made.
      • Your contribution entitles you to be considered a thrower. You do not need to place your bet after you have made your deposit. As with cards, if you want to be in the game but not participate, you must first contribute.
    2. 2 Determination of the throwing player. All contributors can participate in the roll to determine the throwing player. The winner is the one whose sum of the combination of the dropped dice is higher. Different games may have different rules. There is also an option to throw until a 7 is rolled, or any other number chosen in advance by the players. The point is to pick a player at random.
    3. 3 Place your pass or noupass bets. The throwing player makes the first bet. He / she can bet on either the pass or the crap, although in many games it is assumed that the thrower will be betting on himself. In other words, he always puts on the pass.
      • Other players, before placing intermediate bets or raising them, must first place the main bets in an aggregate amount at least corresponding to the thrower's bet. To match the thrower's bet, you must bet the same amount of money on the opposite outcome. If you have made a contribution, then you can place main bets or wait until you can place intermediate bets.
      • Suppose the throwing player bets $ 10 on himself. The other players must collectively bet $ 10 on crap. If you made your base $ 2 crap bet, your maximum possible winnings are your $ 2 and the thrower's $ 2.
      • Once the main bets have been placed, you can place intermediate bets with other willing players who want to place more bets. This also implies 2 types of bets: either pass or crap.
    4. 4 First shot. The thrower is the first to throw. In the event that a pass or crap falls out, the game ends, and the money must be distributed between the players, according to the bets made. If a point is rolled, all pass bets become point bets, and all craps become bets against 7.
    5. 5 Throw away the point if necessary. Continue throwing until a point or 7 is rolled. Depending on the game, the throwing point is followed by an increase in bets. Intermediate bets can also be placed during this time, as in poker. Although, it usually does not come to an increase in rates in craps. Often, the size of the first bets does not change during the game, since the game itself is relatively short.

    Part 3 of 4: Learn Strategy

    1. 1 Get busy with statistics. When using 2 or more dice, the probability of rolling a certain number is different depending on the number. Some meanings are more likely than others because there are more combinations for them. By studying the theory of probability, you will be able to make more accurate bets.
      • 7 has a high probability of being dropped. There is a 17% chance of getting seven on each discard. Because out of 36 possible combinations when using 2 dice, 6 combinations belong to the seven.
      • The likelihood of throwing a different value creates a pyramid. The next most likely fold values ​​are 6 and 8. They have a 14% chance and five combinations each. Then comes 5 and 9, and so on. The values ​​2 and 12 have the lowest probability of falling out, because each value has one combination: two points and a double of six, respectively.
    2. 2 Use statistics to make the best bets. Pass bets are always the most probable. A bet on 7 is usually the best bet because the odds of hitting 2, 3, and 12 are negligible compared to 7 and 11. Knowing the odds of hitting a certain number when folded, you can make smart bets.
      • Suppose you are in the game and the thrower folded 4. Now the probability is reversed and the thrower is cornered. Most likely, the next fold will roll out 7. Consider, your bet was justified. Your chances are better now.
    3. 3 When you are the thrower, fold the dice correctly. Arrange the bones so that the value of the top side faces is 3, and the faces themselves are in a V-shape. This is the traditional position of the dice, so you won't have any complaints from the players.
      • Usually, when dropping, the dice must hit a certain surface. In casino craps, the value of the dice is counted only if they hit the far wall of the table. Therefore, most street craps games are played against the wall. Usually, you have to stand within a meter and throw it against the wall. You can also use any other surface perpendicular to the ground.
    4. 4 Bet a lot when you are the thrower. Often times, when you roll the dice, according to the rules, you will have to bet the highest amount on the pass. While other participants put smaller amounts on the opposite.And as you may have noticed according to the theory of probability, there is a good chance that the first roll will roll a 7. Therefore, do not bet on crap, which is unlikely. To win, wait until you become a thrower.

    Part 4 of 4: Explore the Different Kinds of the Game

    1. 1 Explore other types of dice games. The dice game is very simple but has a lot of variety. Unfortunately, some types of games have sunk into oblivion. You don't need elaborate games or a game console to have fun. There are many games that do not require complicated wagering stages to enjoy. Explore a few possibilities and mix it up.
      • It is also important to understand the difference between playing street craps and other types of dice games. Some of which are betting, some are not. If someone asks you if you would like to roll the dice, chances are that such a person means some other game. It is more likely, though, that he / she is referring to craps.
    2. 2 Try to play si-lo. In this popular game, each player has three dice in a cup. Each competitor folds after bets have been placed. The goal of the game is to get the most points, although the scoring system works much like poker.
      • The most winning folding hands are 4, 5, and 6. It's like a royal flush in poker.
      • The next most valuable combination consists of three identical numbers. A combination of three units can only be beaten by a combination of other three identical numbers or a bomb from 4,5,6.
      • After that comes a combination of a pair of identical values ​​and one excellent. It's kind of like a full house. If two players have folded a pair of fours, then the winner is the one with the highest value on the third die. If one player has 2 deuces and a six, and the other has 2 sixes and a deuce, then the first player is considered the winner. Victory is awarded to the one with the higher value of the third die, regardless of the number of the dignity dropped in the pair.
      • If two players have the same values, a second discard is usually carried out.
    3. 3 Play drunk dice. Sometimes this game is also called Mexican dice or trickster dice. This deception-based game can turn into unbridled fun. Especially when the participants are under the influence of alcohol. The rules of the game are as follows. The players pass the cup of dice in a circle, making assumptions about the value that is on the dice. They must either accept the previous player's guess or not.
      • The first player must discard the dice and look carefully at the value so that others cannot see. Then, say the number out loud. He can bluff or tell the truth. Next, the player must carefully pass the cup to the next one so that the cubes do not turn over.
      • The next player must either accept the guess of the first player or name his number. The game continues until one of the players accepts the challenge and calls a different number. Then, the meaning of the cubes in the cup is announced. If the first player told the truth, then all the others are considered losers. If the player who accepted the challenge is right, the liars lose. In any case, whoever loses, they have to drink.
      • The points vary from game to game, but 1-2 is the highest possible value. As an option, you can play this game blindly. This means that no one should look at the cubes until someone challenges them.
    4. 4 Farkle game. Also known as hot bones. This game is a kind of dice game and the rules are similar to the yacht game. However, the scoring systems of the two games are different. It is played with 5 or 6 dice in a cup, which is passed in a circle from one player to another. The goal of the game is to score the most points in a round or in several rounds.
      • The first player rolls all six dice. When counting, some of them are put aside.The rest go back to the cup. The dice set aside must be 1 (100 points) and any dice that make up 5 (50 points). If three identical dice fall out (for example, 3 deuces), they are also set aside. Such combinations give the most points. Thus, for 3 deuces 200 points are given, and for 3 sixes 600 points. Bring back those dice that do not give points, and roll again.
      • The player must discard until all the dice have been removed to the side, or until they have thrown a combination that cannot be counted (for example, 2, 4, and 4). On subsequent discards, you can improve the result of 3 equal values ​​obtained from the previous discard. Let's say you roll 3 triples on the first discard. You returned the other three dice to the cup and retry the discard. If you have a three of a kind on the second discard, then your points are doubled.


    • Practice, practice and practice again!
    • When throwing the dice against the wall, stand as far as possible.
    • Set the bones in the right position quickly, do not annoy the rest of the players.


    • Unregulated gambling is illegal in the United States and many other countries.