How to place bets

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Always Win Sports Betting | 5 Step Guide You Must See.
Video: How to Always Win Sports Betting | 5 Step Guide You Must See.


Want to add interest to your usual activities? The opportunity to place bets will liven up a sporting event, a card game or even a boring evening with friends at the bar. Whether you want to argue with your buddies for a couple of dollars or a drink, or bet at the bookmaker's office on the result of the match, taking into account the handicap, we will tell you how to proceed. With the help of our article, you will learn about sports betting, casino betting, and also learn some win-win betting options for a friendly company.


Method 1 of 3: Sports Betting

  1. 1 To get started, get acquainted with the ordinary (single) rates. This is the simplest view. The bet is placed on the outcome of an individual event - on a win or a loss. The coefficient that determines the amount that you will receive in case of winning is displayed as a decimal or (not in Russian practice) an ordinary fraction.
    • Let's say “Spartak” plays with “Zenith” and the probability is estimated as “Spartak” 4.00. If you bet 100 rubles, then if Zenit wins, you will receive 400 rubles (net winnings of 400 - 100 = 300 rubles), and in case of defeat, you will lose your 100 rubles. The higher this coefficient, the higher the probability of victory of the other team is estimated and the higher the risk, but the higher is the amount of winning. In our example, Zenit's victory was definitely expected.
    • If suddenly the odds of the bet on the victory of "Spartak" were 0.25, then his victory would bring you only 25 rubles, and in case of defeat you would still lose all 100 rubles.
  2. 2 Figure out how to place handicap bets. The handicap betting system is used by bookmakers and handicappers to get people interested in betting on both teams, not just the obvious leader. Unlike single bets, the handicap does not reflect the team's chance of winning. On the contrary, it is needed to provide bets on outsiders as well. Bookmakers use handicap betting to ensure there are enough bets on both teams to cover winnings.
    • For example, before the match "Spartak" - "Zenith", a bet is made on "Spartak" with a +1 handicap. This means that 1 will need to be added to the result shown by Spartak. If the result is greater than the result of Zenit (Spartak wins or draws), then the bet wins, if less (Spartak will lose with a difference 2 goals or more) - he will lose, and if it is equal (“Spartak” will lose with a difference of 1 goal), then the player will get back the set amount, but nothing in excess of it.
  3. 3 Ignore too tempting offers. Bookmakers, in their desire to get as much money as possible, invent completely exotic types of bets with fantastic odds, but a very low probability of the desired outcome. It is best to ignore them.These bets will not work in your favor. If something is too good to be true, then it is not true.
    • If you are interested in additional opportunities to bet and make the process even more interesting, try "total" bets. Totals are usually placed in addition to handicaps or single bets. Their essence is that the bet is placed on the number of points (in the case of football - goals scored) on the basis of the "over or under" principle. You can bet on the number of goals scored per match by both teams, one team or even a specific player. For example, "Spartak" - "Zenith" total over 2.5 means that in total both teams will score 3 or more goals per match.
  4. 4 Find a smart strategy. The smart money strategy is the opposite of what the bookmakers want from you. Professional gamblers often win smart money by calculating their own odds and collecting betting odds information from various sources. You can compare data from different bookmakers and make an informed choice.
    • Smart money usually means you have to place your bet at the right time before a lot of people join you and the odds drop. When you decide to place a bet, do it right away and fix the odds, and do not wait for other equally smart players to change the bets against you.
  5. 5 Consider the intangible component. What weather conditions are expected on match day? Which team is in top form right now? What does your intuition tell you? The factors that can affect your bet are not limited to dry statistics. If you are a true fan and know the teams well, trust your instinct. Consider intangible, non-measurable factors.
    • Intangible factors are also often taken into account by bookmakers when determining the odds. For example, if one of the key players is out due to injury or is not in good shape, this will affect the value of the odds. But there are also more subtle aspects that affect victories and defeats, to understand which you really need to watch a lot and deeply know this sport.
    • Don't just bet on your favorite team. The classic rookie mistake is to make unfounded bets on the club they support, so that the game will be more interesting. It is not right. Watching a match of your favorite team will be exciting anyway, but if it always seems to you the best, rose-colored glasses will not help you win money. Only bet on teams with good odds and objectively high odds of winning.
  6. 6 Find a bookmaker and place your bet. There are both online bookmakers and real betting offices. Take care to collect information about the bookmaker. Does he conduct his business legally? Is he popular and what reputation does he enjoy, does he have any complaints? What types of bets and on what series of matches does it accept?
    • Keep in mind that in Russia, since 2014, bookmakers have to withhold tax from players in the amount of 13% of winnings, so many have begun to give preference to online sweepstakes.
  7. 7 Choose a line of conduct and stick to it. When you place your bets, even a match between second division teams will keep you on your toes as much as the Super Bowl. It's fun and, of course, more interesting than just watching the matches, but you can get involved and head into the sweepstakes game. Determine a reasonable amount that you are willing to spend per game, per season, per year, and do not go beyond it. Never bet more than you can afford to lose. Bet only a little, for the sake of interest and pleasure, the tote is not a way of systematic earnings. And beware: gambling can be addictive!
    • If you suspect that you are starting to have problems, get help immediately and stop playing.Gambling addiction is a serious addiction that affects people all over the world, and it can be very difficult to cope with it alone. Become aware of your problem and take the necessary steps to break the habit of gambling.

Method 2 of 3: Betting at the casino

  1. 1 Set aside the amount you are willing to spend on the game and do not go beyond it. If you want to know how to play in a casino, determine for yourself how much you are willing to risk, and firmly decide to immediately exit the game if it is lost. Gambling is addictive and it can be dangerous for your wallet, as spending more does not always mean making up for your losses.
  2. 2 Give preference to games that require skill over luck alone. Games in which your active participation affects the outcome give you more chances than games where luck plays a major role. The most intelligent of gambling is poker, both in real casinos and online, of course, if you know how to play it. The best casino bets are made by skilled poker players. Learn to play poker well and make the right bets if you want to make money from playing at the casino.
    • In games based on pure luck - roulette, keno, lottery - the probability of winning is much lower, so your investment in the game will be the least profitable. If you want “smart money”, place your bets on those games in which your decisions and your playing skills can influence the outcome.
    • The best chances to win in a casino are blackjack, craps and baccarat.
  3. 3 Learn basic blackjack strategy. Luck does play a huge role in blackjack, but knowing the right strategy can help you place the right bets, and you can also benefit from some additional playing or betting options. The basic blackjack strategy is a table of probabilities that skilled players memorize and use to make decisions about the most likely outcome at any time during the game. Learn when to stop, when to take another card, when to split or double your bet.
    • If you want to increase your chances of winning, learn how to count cards. However, this, while not illegal, is against the rules of the casino and the players who count the cards are tracked there.
  4. 4 Place no-pass bets at the craps (dice) table. If you want to win at the dice, it's best to bet on the loss. At such rates, the payouts are slightly higher than at win rates, even if the leading player has thrown a “point” (the sum of the dropped dice is equal to 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10). With consecutive losing bets, the advantage remains with the casino, but your odds are not bad either.
  5. 5 Bet on the dealer in baccarat. Like craps, baccarat is a relatively simple game of betting that one of two hand combinations will win. In baccarat, you bet on the winnings of the dealer (the "pot") or the player, and the cards are dealt in a circle of two "hands" (the dealer's hand and the player's hand). According to the rules, the casino has an advantage, and bets on the dealer will be a more reasonable option, although they will differ literally by a hair's breadth.
  6. 6 Look for slot machines just abandoned by other players. It is ugly to wander around the casino looking for people who are going to move away from the machines (and in some places - even against the rules), but still look to see if someone has been sitting in front of the machine for a very long time, having never won big. When that player gets up to leave, take his place. According to statistics, the probability of winning is now higher on such a machine.

Method 3 of 3: Betting at the bar (friendly bets)

  1. 1 Swap the water and whiskey. Ask the bartender for one glass of whiskey and another one filled with water. Argue with your friends that you can swap liquids without using the third glass or your own mouth. If it doesn't work out, you treat. The trick is that it always works.
    • Take a business card, playing card, or glass holder and tightly cover the glass of water. Turn it upside down and place it on the whiskey glass so that the card separates them. Align carefully, then slowly pull the card out to form a small hole for fluids to flow through.
    • If you take a closer look, you will see that the different densities of liquids will cause them to gradually switch places. The water will sink and the whiskey will rise until the contents of the glasses are completely swapped.
  2. 2 Win a repeat after me bet. Order two glasses and argue with a friend that he cannot repeat your actions and drink his glass exactly as you drink yours. To do this, you will need four coins, two for each of you.
    • Tell your friend to do what you do. Place the glass on the counter and have your friend repeat after you. Then place a coin on one side of the glass. When your friend does the same, place a second coin on the other side. By this point, the friend will surely gain confidence that he will not lose.
    • Take a glass and knock it over in one gulp, but do not swallow it completely. Hold the drink in your mouth, but swallow some to give the impression that you have swallowed everything. Your friend will get used to repeating after you and will immediately drain the glass. When he looks at you expectantly, spit the leftovers back into the glass. Since he drank his drink, he will not be able to repeat after you, which means you won!
  3. 3 Always win a 2 x 2 argument. Make a wager with a friend that you can drink two beers faster than he can drink two shots of any spirits. The only rule is not to touch each other's glasses or grab the second serving until both of you put the first glass aside.
    • The friend will drink the glass in one gulp. Try to drink your beer quickly - show that you are in a hurry for fear of losing. The friend will wait for you to finish, chuckling self-confidently at you. Finish your beer, turn the glass over, and cover your friend's second glass with it. Then grab your glass and drink slowly to your heart's content.
  4. 4 Make your fingers smoke. Argue with friends that you can blow smoke out of your fingers, then rub your fingertips together and strike them in place. This trick requires a little preparation, but it's not difficult.
    • Tear off the strip of phosphorus from the matchbox and fold it in half. Put it in the ashtray and set it on fire. Let it burn for a while, then extinguish. When you pull back the strip, you will see a yellowish-brownish precipitate. Wipe it off the ashtray with your fingers. Now, when you rub your fingertips together, they will smoke slightly.
  5. 5 Collect 17 coins and win. Add 17 coins in a column, better than one denomination, but you can also different ones - this will not affect the outcome of the trick. Argue with a friend that if you take in turns from 1 to 3 coins from the column, then he will always take the last one.
    • For the trick to work, you need your friend to take the coin or coins first. You take next, and you need to take such a number of coins so that in each round 4 coins go out of the column. If a friend took 1 coin, then you take 3, if he took 2 - then 2, if 3 - then 1. The amount should be equal every time 4. After four rounds, one coin will remain, and it will go to your friend. You won!
  6. 6 Make the glass drink itself. Tell your friends that you can make the glass drink water. For this trick, you need a glass with a little water, a plate or saucer, and a match.
    • Pour the water from the glass into the saucer. Turn the glass upside down and light a match. Hold the glass over a burning match until it burns out. Then place the upside-down glass on the saucer. Under the influence of heat, water will mysteriously begin to be drawn into the glass.


  • Remember, this is just a game.
  • Only bet your own money and only the amount you can afford.
  • Never do anything that can hurt others or offend them.

What do you need

  • Friend
  • Game or bet
  • Money (a little)