How to experience escapism

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Understanding Escapism
Video: Understanding Escapism


An out-of-body experience means that you experience a realm out of your own body. Some even say that they used to look down at their own bodies while floating above! Many out-of-body experiences happen by chance in altered states of consciousness - for example, you may escape from falling asleep, falling into a near-death state or under the action of certain drugs or drugs like that. However, if you are curious about the escape experience, there are some simple and safe techniques you can try for this experience. Keep an open mind and focus on discovery instead of results!


Method 1 of 2: Try the "Early Morning Method"

  1. Set positive and assertive goals. Before you try to enter into the experience of escapism, you need to consciously decide that you will have the experience! Remind yourself of your goals often and repeat more as the time to escape gets closer. This is especially important in the last few hours before the scheduled time.
    • You could try repeating a phrase or mantra, such as "I will consciously leave my body today and then return to it."

    Do you know? Many people believe that the experience of leaving the body is a mystical or spiritual phenomenon; others believe this is a physical phenomenon.

  2. Set a time and place to escape. Pick a specific time and find a comfortable and familiar “practice area” outside of the bed where you would normally lie down, where the escape experience will take place. This area should be quiet and comfortable that you can focus on without distraction.
    • For example, you could decide “I'll have an escape experience tomorrow night after going to bed”, then designate the sofa as where you intend to escape.
    • It's important to choose a location that isn't your regular bed. If not, chances are you will just fall asleep instead of entering a state of extinction!
    • Think of this area as a space to explore yourself. You can even decorate it to make it feel more special. For example, you can hang crystal balls to create a vibe that belongs to another world.

  3. Set your alarm to ring 4 hours after bedtime. Sleep in the bed as usual and on time as usual. When you get ready for bed, set an alarm on your watch or in your phone to wake up after 4 hours of falling asleep.
    • Depending on how fast or slow you fall asleep, you may have to adjust your alarms accordingly. The alarm should sound after you've had plenty of time to go into deep REM sleep (fast eye movement sleep).
  4. Sleep in your familiar bed and think about your purpose. When you start to doze off, try to focus fully on your purpose of creating the out-of-body experience. This will be the last thing you consciously think about before you fall asleep.
    • If you find your thoughts wandering, gently direct the thought back to your goal.
    • You can repeat a chosen phrase or spell to affirm your purpose.
  5. Switch to the “practice area” after the alarm goes off. When you wake up after the alarm, get out of bed. Sit in silence for about 15 minutes, then switch to the sofa or your chosen spot for the escape experience. Try to get rid of all your thoughts and only think about your escape goal.
    • Turn off the phone and make sure you are not interrupted by pets or family members during the practice session.
  6. Lie down and keep focusing on your purpose of creating an escape experience. Once you have moved to your chosen location, lie down comfortably on your back. You can leave your arms on either side or clasp your hands on your chest to make it most comfortable. Mumble your purpose over and over.
    • For example, you can say to yourself, "Now I am leaving my body", or "Now I will have an out-of-body experience".
  7. Imagine you are leaving your body and exploring your home. When you feel comfortable, close your eyes and visualize yourself leaving where you are lying down. Stroll through the rest of the house, look at familiar objects and explore each one. Stay calm and open to this experience.
    • For example, you might find yourself walking over to a painting on the wall or picking up a favorite decoration on a shelf.
    • Avoid thinking or focusing on your body.
    • As you become more familiar with this type of visualization, you can try exploring outside of your home. For example, try walking down the street outside the house, even imagining yourself hovering above the block.
  8. Continue focusing on your out-of-body experience as you drift back to sleep. As you envision yourself exploring the house, reiterate the purpose of the escape experience. Continue to focus consciously on these thoughts as you drift off to sleep.
    • Ideally, you'll enter a lethargic state during the transition back to sleep. The out-of-body state that occurs while you are falling asleep can be a form of lucid dreaming.The goal here is to maintain awareness and control over what is experienced as you enter REM sleep.
  9. Be patient and write down your experiences in a journal. Don't be disappointed if you are unsuccessful the first time! You may need to practice this technique several times before you get the results you want. Think of the process as a relaxing meditation session, and don't just focus on the results. After each practice session, write down every smallest detail in your diary dedicated to the out-of-body experience.
    • A journal will help you make and understand your experiences. You can also track progress more easily!

Method 2 of 2: Use visualization techniques

  1. Lie on your back in a comfortable position. Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can lie quietly and without distraction. You can lie on a bed, sofa, yoga mat, or even on the grass if you find a warm outdoor spot where you won't be disturbed. Try to keep your mind at ease.
    • You can keep your hands on your chest or on your sides - as long as you are comfortable.
  2. Imagine you are floating above the bed or the floor. When you start to feel comfortable, close your eyes. Try to picture your body gently soaring on the surface you are lying on.
    • Try to focus entirely on your image and feeling of hovering. If your focus is lost, gently bring it back.

    Advice: This technique is a type of visual meditation. Find the basic visualization techniques instructed to build the skills needed for this type of escape.

  3. Hold this position until you can no longer feel the bed or floor. While you are visualizing yourself floating, try to feel and imagine yourself. Imagine that below you is an empty space. Continue focusing on these sensations until you no longer feel the hard surface below.
    • You may have to continue visualizing yourself "hovering" for a while before you reach this state of sensory loss. If you find yourself distracted, take a few deep breaths and try again.
  4. Visualize yourself moving around to explore the room. Once you feel you are truly detaching from the surface below, imagine yourself slowly moving into an upright position. Visualize you are walking or hovering around the room, observing different objects and details around the room. Try not to analyze what you see and do - let the experience unfold.
    • You may be tempted to go back and look at your own body, but don't try to do this when you're new to the other stages of the process! If not, you can disrupt your out-of-body experience - the thought of your body can potentially bring you back to it.
  5. Practice this technique every day until you can comfortably perform each step. This is a visual escape technique that can take a long time to grasp, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't work for the first time. Practice each stage and repeat until you do it easily and comfortably.
    • It may take several months of practice to learn each stage of the technique. For example, first focus on visualizing you hovering above your body, gradually reaching a level of no feeling under your body, and so on.


  • You may find that the easiest way to start is to explore the environment next to you, such as the house or the room you are lying in. As you become more proficient in stepping into the trance state and manipulating it, you can begin to explore wider areas. Some believe that they can transcend the realm of the body and explore other realms in an out-of-body experience.
  • Please be patient. Conscious attainment of out-of-body consciousness requires practice.
  • There is no way of knowing if you are "really" going through the state of leaving the body - it depends on how you feel and how you feel about the event. Ideally, you will have a very strong sense of separation from your body. You may or may not see your body during an out-of-body experience.
  • To end your out-of-body experience, simply focus on the thought of returning to your body. You can also return to your body when you are interrupted by physical needs (such as hunger or needing to go to the toilet) or by outside forces, such as a loud noise.
  • There are many techniques that create an out-of-body experience. If one method did not work for you, go online to find information about other methods you can try.