How to be a good sister

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Be a Good Sister
Video: How to Be a Good Sister


Becoming a good sister is fun, but it also comes with great responsibility. Even if you don't realize it, the children are following your example. They are even imitating your actions. While there will be a lot of pressure, you can use your role to make a positive impact on their lives. Be a good sister by cultivating close sisterly love, being an ideal role model, and being kind to you.


Method 1 of 3: Building a sisterhood

  1. Support your children in important events. An important factor in being a good sister is spending time with her and showing how important she is to you. If your sister is going to have a exam or job interview, give her some encouragement! Or if she is about to receive a reward, make sure you attend the ceremony if possible.
    • Give me a card or a present to show your pride in them.
    • Say “Good luck with your exam today” or “Congratulations on being admitted to the best student group. I am very proud of you ”.

  2. Share meals together. You should eat lunch or dinner together from time to time. You can eat together randomly, unexpectedly, or create a weekly / monthly routine. Use this opportunity to chat with each other and limit phone play.
    • If you can drive, take your brother out to eat hamburgers or ice cream.
    • If you're not old enough, or don't want to drive, make a sandwich and hang out at the park.

  3. Play fun activities together. Have fun with them! You can go see a new action movie that the sisters would love to see. Or you need to go shopping for a dance soon - consider taking your baby with you.
    • Organize a day at the beach, go for a jog outdoors, or go bowling.
    • Arrange a handicraft day. You could try doing a project together, or teach your child how to do something that you are confident in.

  4. Share secrets. If your sister is trustworthy, share secrets with them. This will help me feel more comfortable talking with you about my secret secrets. Consider your brother's age and only tell them what is appropriate.
    • For example, if your brother is over 13, it might be okay to tell them about your first kiss.
    • Keep your secrets private, as long as it doesn't compromise safety or put you in danger. In that case, talk to me about why I shouldn't keep it a secret, and go with me to my parent, guardian, or a trusted adult.
  5. Talk carefully about all issues. Even if you are an ideal sister, problems always arise. When problems arise, listen to your concerns and respect your differences. Even if they are bothering you, keep calm by taking a deep breath.
    • You can say, “I'm pissed off because you took my shirt off without asking permission the other day. I will lend you things, but you need to ask me first, okay? "
  6. Keep in touch at least once a week if you are alone. Make sure you stay in touch with your younger brother if you don't live in the same house. Call me when you can, text me all week, and ask me questions on the important days.
    • You can create a chat group so people can text each other and share funny pictures or stories of the day.

Method 2 of 3: Become a good example

  1. Obey parents. It is very important to show respect for your parents. Sometimes they will observe your attitude when making a choice. You should respect all the rules of your parents, don't talk badly behind you, and always show respect for them.
    • You should also show respect for others. Respect teachers, elders, and other people with authority.
    • Keep the room clean and nice, go home before "curfew", and obey all other rules.
    • Encourage me to follow her friend, and tell me why this is important. For example, you could say “I know my mother is annoying to always tell my sisters to clean the room, but a tidy and tidy room is always a great thing. Mom will be happy when we do! ”
  2. Set an example through responsible action. If you are underage, do not drink alcohol and use drugs. Keep images on social media clean and avoid posting things that embarrass your family.
    • Use civilized language. Do not swear or spread gossip about other people in front of you. Become a good example for me.
  3. Help with house chores. You should show your child the importance of helping with chores. Clean rooms, and clean living areas. Wash dishes, dispose of trash, and cook if possible.
    • Encourage your child to do chores around the house.
    • If you are too young, consider making chores around the house a fun game. For example, play lively music when cleaning the house.
  4. Sorry when you made a mistake. The best sister makes mistakes sometimes! If that's the case, apologize right away. You need to be sincere and honest when you say you're sorry and learn from your experiences to avoid repeating mistakes.
    • You can say “I'm sorry for teasing your dress. She shouldn't have said those things. I promise I will never tease your clothes again ”.
  5. Protect me. If you see your brother being teased or bullied, intervene. Never let anyone insult or hurt you. You need to protect her from all dangers so she knows you support them.
    • If you see your brother being bullied, say “Leave her alone! Go and bully kids of the same age! "
    • Seek help from someone in authority if your brother is injured, but don't leave him alone. Call for help.
    • You also need to protect children from their parents. For example, if you think that your parents are too strict with you, you can say “I know Tuan should not be late past curfew, but I think I make mistakes by accident and I don't cause any trouble both. Maybe my parents should be more comfortable because I already apologized. ”
  6. Kindly talk. Your words have great power. An insulting statement can make you memorize longer than ten compliments. Even when you need to teach me, please do so kindly. You should also speak politely to others, and avoid yelling or cursing.
    • For example, if you find out you did something wrong, say “I saw you hiding a packet of pills in your bag. I know my parents don't want me to smoke. I won't blame you, but I'm really worried about your health. If I know I smoke again, I'll have to let my parents know. Would you like to have to explain this? "
  7. Study or work hard. You should show your brother the value of hard work and dedication. Spend your time doing productive things like reading, studying, and working. Focus on class and do homework to get good grades. Go to work on time every day and work hard at the company to achieve success.
    • Become a shining example through action. You can encourage them to do good deeds, but don't force them.
  8. Be honest. Even if the truth is offending, always tell the truth. If I see you lying to your parents, I will think that lying is an interesting thing. Be a good role model for you by being an honest person.
    • Remember that sometimes the truth is disheartening. For example, if someone is wearing a bad dress, don't encourage your sister to say: That dress is ugly!
    • Making constructive comments is normal if someone asks. If someone asks if the dress they are wearing is ugly, instruct her to say, "I don't think you match brown. What about a blue dress that suits your eye color?"

Method 3 of 3: Do kind things for me

  1. Increase my self-esteem. Help her to love herself and feel confident. You can do it by praising her success. Focus on your good qualities instead of your mistakes.
    • You can say “Binh, you play the violin very well. I firmly believe that you have practiced hard ”.
  2. Encourage when I'm worried. Even the most confident children sometimes deal with feelings of insecurity. If I feel insecure or worried about something, give me encouragement! You should say that she can do whatever she has prepared and try to alleviate her fear.
    • For example, if you're worried about a test, say “Thanh, I've seen you work hard for the past weeks because of that test. I was well prepared! I'll help you check out tonight if you want. ”
  3. Help me when needed. When I need you, be there to help. You can help with things like picking up something from the top shelf or finding a part-time job if you need extra pocket money.
    • Never pretend I owe you a debt because you did something nice for them. This makes acting beautiful selfish because you act for your own sake, not for you.
  4. Buy or make meaningful gifts yourself. On the occasion of your sister's festival or birthday, don't just buy something boring that everyone has; Please give me a present that I really like. Give a present that reminds you of a good time you two before or something you both enjoy. This will show that you care very much for her.
    • For example, you can buy her a sweater or CD they like.
    • You can also make your own artwork as a picture or clean your room as a present.
  5. Doing kind things brings surprises. Show your child that you care for them by giving a nice surprise, especially if they are stressed or need a little support.
    • For example, if I am going to have a difficult test but have to do a lot of chores, help me with those chores so I have a little more time to review.
    • If I'm going to an exciting event, lend me some of your belongings.
  6. Share with me. You and your sister should share whatever they can, whether it's a favorite computer game or heirloom. Be generous with each other because if you are not nice to your brother, who will you be good to? advertisement


  • Remember that she will imitate what you do, so don't be a negative role model!
  • Make me laugh.
  • Treat your friends with respect.
  • Remember it's okay to spend time with your friends, and allow me to have fun with my friends too.
  • Always tell me you love me.
  • Try finding something sisters both enjoy, such as a song or TV special, and talk about it! This is a great way to spend time with you.
  • Sometimes I do the things I want to do with me.
  • Never tease or talk about me, because when you know something, you will also leave a bad impression.That way, I will see you as a mean sister.

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