How to be cold

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To Be Cold Hearted Person
Video: How To Be Cold Hearted Person


Tired of being kind all the time? Being mysteriously cold instead of sweet and alluring gives you inner strength. Acting cold can make people at school value you more or make you more professional at work. However, do not overdo this because you do not want to completely alienate others. If you want to change your warm personality to a cold one, you can find out the content of the following article.


Part 1 of 3: Has a cold attitude

  1. Don't laugh often. A smile on his face shows an attractive and friendly expression that attracts everyone around him. When someone is serious, it can be difficult to read their expressions. If you want to be cold, don't laugh a lot. You should let the other person look at you and wonder what you are thinking. In general, don't show your emotions and be unpredictable.
    • If you do smile, hold back - don't open up. Just smiling and mysterious. Smile like that from time to time so people have to guess what you're thinking.
    • Men often enjoy more benefits than women when they smile less, as research has shown that men who smile less often attract women.

  2. Proficient in an iron look. When someone passes by, make eye contact with them and frown as if you feel confused and worried by their behavior. Lightly pout your lips to show a noble attitude. Lift your chin up and look down your nose. Don't let yourself look visibly angry or upset. You need to control your expression, be reserved and cold.
  3. Use cold body language. Proficiency in body language is key to being cold. Maintain mystery and control by avoiding talking when you can use more subtle skills to communicate.
    • Practice good posture; Stand taller than those around you.
    • Do not fidget with hands and feet. Don't play with your hair.
    • When others say something that makes you uncomfortable, be emotionless and gently turn away. Stop making eye contact.
    • Shake hands lightly instead of hugging.
    • Slightly stiff when someone touches you.

  4. Speak in a monotone tone. When you speak, don't raise or lower your voice clearly. Maintain a cool, calm, even tone of voice, even if you feel happy or angry. Don't laugh or cry; you should take control and not express your emotions too much. Show separation and alienation every time you talk to others.
  5. Don't talk about yourself. Keep some distance from those around you by not talking too much about your thoughts, feelings, habits, and personal life. Cold people don't usually share much. Just say what you need to say, and avoid telling stories or joking around revealing too much information.

  6. Don't ask too many questions. Asking many questions to others means that you care about them, and if the goal is to be cold, you should act the opposite. You can make jokes, but don't show too much interest. Act as though you are preoccupied with your own lofty thoughts and ideas to discuss trivial matters in other people's lives.
  7. Don't repeat sentences. If the other person doesn't hear it for the first time, it's their fault. You should never repeat anything to anyone. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Having a cold attitude

  1. Be willing to hurt others. When you are not smiling, asking questions, or showing positive emotions, people often feel hurt. That is the price to pay for being cold. Don't apologize or comfort others if you find them upset or upset.
    • If someone comes up and asks why you are so rude, look coldly and say you don't know what they're talking about.
    • If the other person is upset or angry, you can say "I'm sorry I feel so upset," then turn away and take care of yourself. Using the no apologetic method is a surefire way to show others that you are cool.
    • Note how cold it is to many people. Research shows that people who keep away from others can feel as sad as people who are alienated.
  2. Intense competition. Try to do your best, even if this means you aren't showing good teamwork skills. Get ready with the smartest and fastest answers in class. Get passionate on the pitch while practicing soccer. Excellent at work, even when the consequences will be that others will look inferior.
  3. Always be realistic. When others get excited about the big game coming up, you should say it's just a game, and really waste everyone's time. Not showing excitement for holidays and birthdays.
  4. Don't feel guilty about helping. Is there a woman on the street who has dropped all her belongings? Cross the street and look away, or pass the person. If the first thing that comes to your mind when someone asks for help is "Why help?" then you should not help others. Don't hesitate and let guilt affect your behavior. A cold person without sympathy and compassion.
  5. Become negative. Cold people always consider that the cup is only half. Imagine you are walking on the sidewalk when a car is passing by and splashing dirty water on you. Then what would you say? "God, it's the shirt I like" or "Why me?" Not like that, the correct answer is 'C': looks uncomfortable and says "Best you should crash your car and die."
    • Criticize those around you. Don't praise them. If someone asks if you like their outfit, you should look away and change the subject.
  6. Be careful with people you trust. Being cold to people can make them your enemies. As a result, there will be very few people you can trust. The people you truly trust are the people who know you well are not truly cold. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Knowing when to be cold

  1. Cold in public. This helps you feel safe in crowded places. You might offend others, but this is a good thing - especially when they deliberately want to flirt or beg. Being cold in public doesn't hurt your reputation or cause lasting damage.
    • However, when you see someone really in need of help, take a break from being cold and lend them a hand. Put yourself in the person's shoes when you need help.
  2. Be cold when this helps you excel. There are times when being cold can help you resolve a conflict, close a business, or score points. It's not wrong to have a tough, cold attitude when going forward - unless you're overdoing it and hurting someone else. It's important to think about the consequences of your attitudes and actions.
  3. Not cold to family and friends. People who care and treat you well deserve what they give in return. Being cold to family and friends only makes you feel isolated. After years of cold treatment, no one else except your parents wants to care about you.
  4. Note the scandal that coldness brings. Being cold has its interests, but in the end the people who are generous, kind and polite have the most friends. Good friends bring lasting joy, so you need to develop these qualities after you experience coldness. However, you can still be cool when necessary. advertisement


  • Do not make people easy to take advantage of because this is very annoying.
  • Try to face all of your fears so you can show that you are not afraid of anything.
  • Show indifference to people around.


  • Don't be cold to your superiors or people you care about.Don't turn away from others if you want to keep your job or make sure someone looks after you while lying down.