Not being a weak person

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Signs You’re a Weak Man (Avoid these low level behaviors)
Video: 5 Signs You’re a Weak Man (Avoid these low level behaviors)


Are you rusted? Always absent? A whiner? We are all annoying to our environment from time to time, but learning to recognize and avoid annoying tics can keep those around you from constantly bothering you. You can learn to appear more confident in dealing and pretend until you really can.

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Part 1 of 3: Don't be annoying

  1. Stop complaining. Nobody likes to be around someone who complains about everything. It is annoying and selfish to demand all your attention during a group dinner, for example by complaining loudly about your food. If you have to complain about something, do it later in private. In general, do your best to look for the positives in any situation and focus on having fun, not what keeps you from having fun.
    • If you don't like doing something, wait a while before you feel the need to complain. Why don't you have fun? Is complaining going to change without hurting someone's feelings or making everyone feel negative? Unless the answer is yes, keep your mouth shut.
    • Also avoid complaining's ugly cousin: the humble boaster. Don't use complaining as a way to sneak in details that put you on a pedestal. Don't say something like: I'm super stressed that they made a mistake and I didn't get into Harvard - just be sincere. Rather say something like, "I really feel like I won the lottery. It's incredible to get into a school like Harvard. "
  2. Stop blowing up little things. Remember how excited you were about those toys you got when you were five years old? How excited are you about it now? Annoying people treat everything like it's those toys. Try to hold back and see the bigger picture so that others understand what you mean.
    • It's okay to get excited about things and it's normal to hate other things. The difference with people who are annoying is that they emphasize the excitement or negativity too much. Try to keep things in perspective.
    • An annoying comment: "I will literally die if I don't go to the prom with anyone this year. I feel like my life has no meaning if I can't be at the prom. A more common comment: "I hope I can go to prom. It would be nice to go. "
  3. Do what you say you are going to do. Not keeping to your agreements is very annoying for others. If you arrange to have a lunch date with your girlfriend and then cancel it at the last minute, it can be very annoying. If you promise your brother that you'll hang out with him on Friday night and then ignore his texts and make an appointment with someone else instead, that's annoying. If you want to avoid acting like that, make sure your words mean something by following them.
    • Some people find it hard to say no and make too many commitments. If you've already made plans with someone and are being asked to go out, it's not the end of the world to arrange a different time with the last person. Be honest and have the courage to tell the truth.
  4. Stop asking for reassurance. Annoying behavior is often the result of low self-esteem. People who need constant reassurance from others or complimented on a regular basis to keep up their self-esteem can appear annoying or awkward to more confident people. Even if you are not confident, you should stop seeking reassurance in others and more in yourself.
    • You don't have to be the most confident person in the world to avoid needing confirmation all the time. No one is confident all the time, but it is annoying to constantly ask other people to reassure you that you are okay.
    • If you want to know more about building your self-confidence, read the next section.
  5. Be honest with others. It's easy to tell the truth when you're doing well, but what about when things go wrong? Like when you've screwed up something at work, and the boss is looking for the culprit? What about when your parents want to know who made that scratch on the car? Lying to escape trouble is a weak attitude.
    • Sometimes teens develop a tendency to stretch the truth or embellish stories as a way to sound better. Instead of making up what you did last weekend, decide to spice up your next weekend so that you really have something to say next time.
  6. Say "yes" to more things, but don't be afraid to say "no" either. If you're not up for anything, it will be difficult for others to see you as anything other than a limp figure. Flabby people always come up with excuses for not doing things, instead of offering reasons to take action, have fun, and reasons to take a little risk. Instead of coming up with reasons why you can't do something, make up reasons that you can.
    • Going along more often doesn't mean you have to be reckless. It is not a sign of a strong personality if you put core values ​​aside and become someone you are not just to impress others. Don't experiment with alcohol or drugs just because other kids in your school do, and don't get forced to do something you don't want to do. That is not strong.
  7. Be empathetic. Learn to listen to others and respect who they are. Try to be genuinely interested in what other people have done in their lives. Ask them questions and listen to the answers. When you are listening, don't be preoccupied with what you're about to say until it's your turn to speak. Really listen to other people and learn everything you can learn from them.
    • Weak people are often self-obsessed and self-centered. If you want to avoid this type of behavior, learn to empathize with others.

Part 2 of 3: Be more confident

  1. Stop making excuses. If you screwed up something, you can make a million excuses for what you did wrong, why something didn't work out, or what you didn't have that would have helped you succeed. But that's weak. Even when the world is against you, even others are favored, you must take responsibility for yourself and your actions, and do the best you can.
    • Don't make excuses after you've done things, and certainly don't make excuses up front. If you think that you are not going to pass a test because you are not good enough at math, you will probably have failed before you even started. It's stronger to just try.
  2. Speak clearly and loudly. You can radiate confidence even if you feel weak and not exactly confident just because of the way you talk. Speak at an appropriate volume and loud enough for everyone to hear what you have to say. Speak as clearly and concisely as possible.
    • Don't soften what you say in negative language. Never start a sentence with, "I mean, I don't really know what I'm saying, but ..." or "This must be stupid, but ...", or "Sorry, but ..."
    • Speaking confidently has two effects. It makes you feel good, even when you're pretending, by taking a stand for yourself and making your voice heard. Other people will also respect someone who stands up for themselves, which means that they will have more respect for you in the future, which in turn makes you more confident. Win win.
  3. Only speak when you have something to say. Everyone is familiar with those meetings, or the group discussions in or outside the classroom where someone who doesn't know when to stop and feels the need to contribute constantly every time there is an opening. It is inconvenient to talk when you have nothing to say. Learn to assess whether you have something to contribute to a conversation and otherwise choose to just listen.
    • It is also important to know when you can or should contribute something. The conversation should be a two-way street, and anyone who does not understand when it is useful to contribute or not will be a little awkward in a conversation.
  4. Stop comparing yourself to others. In addition to being an unhealthy way to spend your time, it will only cause you to get further and further away from yourself. If you don't understand yourself and don't have thoughts of your own, but choose to compare your achievements and skills with other people, then everything you do will be for the wrong reasons. And that puts you in a weak position.
    • "They have more benefits than I had" is the mantra of someone who is insecure about himself. Rather than focusing on what you don't have and what others do, focus on overcoming your obstacles.State your own story as a success, not a failure. Go for great performance.
  5. Be as skilled as possible. Everyone needs a little help from time to time, but constantly asking other people for help can make you feel inadequate and weak. Make it a goal to learn as much as you need to to move around your world with reasonable ease. If something needs to be done, learn it and do it yourself.
    • This applies with regard to your parents. Do you need them to pay your phone bill for you or are you taking a part-time job and taking that responsibility yourself? If you have to lean on others to get something done, try to do it yourself.
    • However, it is also inconvenient to try to do things you know you don't know how to do because you are too proud to ask for help. Rather than making a mess of fixing your car just because you're too proud to admit that you don't know how to do it, better be brave enough to ask for the help you need so that you know how to do it next time.
  6. Use your body in a way that makes you feel proud. If you want to feel proud in your own skin, start using your body in ways that work for you and make you feel proud. From the way you dress to the choices you make - treat your body as something you can control, not something that discourages or disappoints you.
    • If you're using your body in ways that don't make you happy and proud, be brave enough to change that. If you want to get more active, find a physical activity that you enjoy doing and get outside to work up a sweat. If you drink too much or use drugs, take the big step to overcome your addiction. You are stronger than your weaknesses.

Part 3 of 3: Looking more confident

  1. Dress in a way that makes you feel good. Trends and styles change so often that there is no way to dress to avoid always being "in". Styles can be cool one season and off the next. But isn't it a bit silly to chase all the fads? To go to the mall every few weeks to make sure you are as "in" as possible? Better to rise above these concerns and wear the clothes that make you feel good.
    • If it makes you feel good to wear what's trendy, then do it. If you absolutely don't like high-waisted pants or a flat-brimmed cap, don't wear them.
  2. Stand and walk upright. Confident people walk through a space as if they are comfortable in who they are and as if they belong to it. People who feel weak act as if they would rather be somewhere else than that place. Even if you don't feel super confident, you can train yourself to walk upright, the way humans are meant to walk. Push your chest out and keep your chin up. Walking like it gets better will help it get better.
  3. Be physically able to do the things you want to do. Everyone's body is different and capable of different things, but it's good to know your limits and push your limits. If you want to spend a long life playing video games and working at your computer, you probably don't need to be able to bench press 200 pounds, but you should watch your diet and make sure you get enough exercise to live long enough to experience the 50th anniversary of the Sony Playstation.
    • If you want to exercise, but don't want to run, you will be pretty weak (literally) when the sports season comes again. Get the fitness you need to do what you want to do.
    • It's okay to avoid the pool if you don't feel comfortable in a bathing suit. But if you really want to go to the pool, try to get the courage to go the way you are and feel okay about it, or make the changes you want to see.
  4. Slow down. When we're nervous, we tend to rush. From speeches to interpersonal interactions, people who are unfamiliar probably want the experience to be over ASAP. So, if you want to build confidence and get others to see you as a confident, cool person, pretend until you've become a part of you.
    • Speak slowly and clearly, taking the time to formulate all sentences well and choose your words as carefully as possible.
    • Breath. Take a moment to breathe, to digest what is being said, and to think.
  5. Make eye contact. When was the last time you made eye contact with someone and the other person looked away first? While it may seem incidental, training yourself to make eye contact more often and for longer can change people's perception of you and make you appear more confident in one-on-one situations. Don't stare at the ground. Look people in the eye and have the confidence to keep looking at the other. This helps to make you more confident and give other people the impression that you are a confident person.
    • Of course, this can get creepy and that would be annoying. Avoid staring.
  6. Be proud of your appearance. Again, we can come across as cool or weak in many ways. It is usually unwise to spend too much or too little time on your appearance, but it is important to take pride in how you look and use your appearance as a way to gain confidence, rather than a burden that you always struggle with.
    • If you're obsessed with your wardrobe, your body, and your beauty routine, then you may need to take a step back and build confidence in other areas of your life. Looks aren't everything.
    • If you're not into fashion and don't remember when you last got your hair cut, that's fine, but self-care is important. You need to make sure you take care of yourself basically, take good care of your body, and keep yourself clean so that you can be confident. Brush your teeth twice a day and wear clean clothes, shower a few times a week and you're on your way.


  • Be careful of secrets people entrust to you.
  • Don't overdo it with makeup or clothes.