How to please people

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop People Pleasing
Video: How To Stop People Pleasing


You cannot completely control the liking or antipathy of other people, but you can positively influence their decision. Increase your chances of being liked by someone (whether as a friend or romantic partner) by smiling and being in high spirits around them. It would also be nice to find out his interests and get him talking. In spite of everything, be sure to be yourself. If a person doesn't like you the way you are, then he is not worth the effort!


Method 1 of 3: Become Attractive and Affordable

  1. 1 Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Before the meeting, take care of basic grooming: shower, comb your hair, brush your teeth / floss, apply deodorant and put on fresh clothes. You can also chew on mint gum and apply some perfume or cologne.
    • Cleanliness, neat appearance and pleasant smell make you feel your best. As a result, we seem to be more self-confident and sympathetic to those around us.
  2. 2 Smile. A sincere smile conveys interest and admiration for the other person, so show all thirty-two teeth when you meet. Smiling at the sight of a person will also make you look prettier and prettier in their eyes.
  3. 3 Keep your back straight and keep your body language open. A torso pose can give you a more confident look and encourage others to approach you. Sit upright, straighten your shoulders and lift your chin. Don't cross your arms and legs, make eye contact, and face the person.
    • You can also take a domineering pose to appear more confident. To do this, place your palms on your hips or cross your arms behind your head to form an inverted triangle.
    • Whichever position you choose, make sure it is relaxed, not forced. Tense body language betrays awkwardness, and people may think that you are playing in public. You may want to practice open and confident body language when no one is around.
  4. 4 Remember the name of the person and some information about him. When we remember and use a person's name, we make them feel special, so mention them regularly in your conversation. You can also show sympathy for the interlocutor (and, ultimately, make him reciprocate) by clarifying some entertaining information about him.
    • For example, you might say, “Hi Anton! How did the math test go? ”If the last time you spoke, he mentioned the need to study.
    • Resist the urge to research information about him on the Internet to find out his interests. If you start talking to someone about a hobby they didn't tell you about, the situation can become awkward. He may also conclude that you have an unhealthy interest in him.
  5. 5 Respect other people's boundaries and personal space. Increase your chances of being liked by the person by avoiding any awkward or uncomfortable situations. Recognize the personal space of the other person by standing at least at arm's length from him during the conversation. Also, do not poke your nose into his personal affairs or bring up sensitive topics.
    • Once you are sure that you like the person, you can approach them during the conversation.
    • In addition, he may be more comfortable sharing personal topics once he gets to know you better.
    • Respect for boundaries also applies to social media. Don't attack a person's social media profiles or push virtual communication further than is appropriate at this stage of the personal relationship. A person may find your courtesies frivolous and inappropriate.

Method 2 of 3: Show your interest

  1. 1 Encourage the person to talk about their hobbies and interests. If you can identify some common interests, then this will serve as a great start to the conversation. Otherwise, ask some open-ended questions to find out more about what the other person likes.
    • For example, you might ask, "What brings you to this conference?" - or: "What kind of music do you prefer?"
    • Open-ended questions require more elaborate answers to support the flow of the conversation.
  2. 2 Make a noble gesture. Do something for the person without asking. In this case, one should behave appropriately. Pick something that a friend or acquaintance usually does, depending on what level your relationship is at.
    • For example, if the person missed a class, ask if they would like to rewrite the notes. If he's sick, bring him chicken noodle soup.
  3. 3 Carefully listen. People love talking about themselves, so let them do it. Turn to face the person and listen completely without interrupting.
    • As soon as he pauses, rephrase his words to make sure you understand his message. This will help him understand that you are really listening, and this will give him the opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings so that you can fully immerse in his thoughts.
    • Listen with your whole body. Make eye contact with the other person, lean forward slightly and nod in agreement or understanding.
    • Keep in mind that if you talk about yourself all the time, you will not get to know the person better, and, most likely, he will think that he is not interesting to you. Let him dominate the conversation.
  4. 4 Compliment him. Compliments make people feel special, and they also add attraction to the person who compliments them. Comment on the person's physical appearance, special skill, or knowledge they share during the conversation. Try not to focus on just one area, such as your appearance.
    • Say, “Cool shirt! I'm a Harry Potter fan too, "or," Wow, that's a really great idea! "
  5. 5 Make him laugh. People love funny personalities, so make a witty remark or make a joke. Laughing together can help strengthen the bond. As a result, the person will look at you with more sympathy.
    • Dance a jig to show that you are happy, tease the person slightly, or send them a funny meme. If you make him laugh, he will definitely like you even more than ever!
  6. 6 Ask him for help or advice. Of course, people are attracted to individuals who are able to accept other people's recommendations and are ready to learn. In addition, if a person gives you advice or helps you in any way, he will feel connected with you, because, as a rule, we help those who are not indifferent to us.
    • You might say, “Look, I remember you said you were computer savvy. My laptop freezes constantly. Could you take a look at him, please? "
  7. 7 Do a favor. The same logic that makes sure the person will like you if you ask them for help works in the opposite direction. Help the person in some small way, and he will feel even deeper sympathy for you.
    • If you know a person always forgets their pencil when they come to class, have a spare for them. If he is desperate for someone to look after his pet over the weekend, offer your help.
  8. 8 Prioritize spending time with him. Typically, people want to spend time with those who express a desire to spend time with them, so show the person that you enjoy their company. Say goodbye how much fun you had and how much you look forward to meeting you again.
    • It also means being true to your words. If you say you want to spend time with him on Thursday, don't change your plans for the sake of hanging out with someone else.

Method 3 of 3: Be yourself

  1. 1 Show your quirks. You may be thinking that it is a good idea to act completely cool in front of a person. But in reality, he has quirks too, and will feel much more comfortable around you if you don't hide your quirks. Sing it a little off-key without embarrassment, admit that you are still watching your favorite kids' cartoons, or tell them that you love dipping fries in barbecue sauce.
    • By telling the little nonsense that define you as a person, you become closer to the interlocutor. Plus, being slightly open will make your relationship deeper, since you probably don't share this information with everyone.
  2. 2 Communicate sincerely, but be tactful. Most people like straightforward personalities. If you lie or under-tell, you will most likely appear to be untrustworthy, so try to be honest. In doing so, be tactful anyway.
    • For example, if a person asks if you like their favorite movie, say, “Well, it's not really my favorite genre, but I liked the personality of the protagonist. I understand why you like him - he's hilarious! " Don't say, "No, I hate this movie!"
  3. 3 Stand up for your values ​​and beliefs. The principles and beliefs you hold dear define you as a person. These things are at the core of who you are, so it's important to stay true to yourself, even at the risk of disliking someone.
    • It takes courage to stick to your beliefs. It is not easy to be the one who confronts the abuser or refuses to admit a harmful or dangerous joke. Being true to yourself may make you unpopular with some people, but at the same time it will attract those with whom you share common values.
  4. 4 Respect yourself. Having healthy self-esteem means loving yourself no matter what. When dealing with people, do not compare yourself with others and in no case belittle yourself in any way.
    • Remind yourself of your strengths by listing them. You can say, "I am a great listener," or, "I can make people laugh."
    • Respecting yourself also means not doing anything that goes against your personal beliefs or values.
    • Self-respect is the key to gaining the respect of others.It will be difficult for people to treat you with true respect if you treat yourself badly.