Ways to Increase Pregnancy Naturally

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Fertility 101: How to increase your chances of pregnancy
Video: Fertility 101: How to increase your chances of pregnancy


After trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant, many couples find getting pregnant more difficult than they think. Unfortunately, there are many factors that lead to infertility, which sometimes makes it difficult to determine the cause of the condition. Some infertility couples will have to undergo long-term treatments to conceive, while others with only a little lifestyle change can increase fertility. There are simple yet effective ways to improve a couple's fertility. These natural techniques can be of help to all couples trying to have a baby.


Part 1 of 2: Lifestyle Changes

  1. Pay attention to your weight. A healthy BMI is associated with better fertility in both men and women. Because weight affects the body's ability to reproduce hormones, being overweight leads to a simultaneous decrease in sperm production in men, and a decrease in the frequency and uniformity of ovulation in women.
    • A normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. You can find a BMI calculation on the websites of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or the Mayo Clinic (a US hospital and medical research organization).

  2. Balance your diet. An important part of weight tracking is eating right. Although there are no studies showing that specific diets increase fertility, a balanced diet improves overall health, including reproductive health. You should avoid sugar and other simple starches, as well as fried or fatty foods. Focus on a diet high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, lean meat proteins (like fish and skinless chicken), as well as healthy fats (like omega-3s and omega-9).
    • Note that when you start to become pregnant, you should adjust your diet a little, especially do not eat fish like tuna because it can contain harmful mercury.
    • Uncontrolled stools diarrhea is believed to be associated with reduced fertility in women. If you have this condition, do your best to avoid gluten when planning a pregnancy. Ask your doctor for the ideal gluten-free diet during pregnancy.

  3. Stay moving. Another important step to maintaining a healthy weight is getting plenty of exercise. Especially for men, moderate intensity exercise can help produce sperm protective enzymes.
    • Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardio (exercises that increase your heart rate like running, cycling, swimming, etc.) five days a week.
    • Note that women should exercise with moderate intensity because high-intensity exercise reduces levels of progesterone, the hormone important for ovulation. You should reduce high intensity exercise to less than 5 hours per week.

  4. Avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These diseases, especially chlamydia and gonorrhea, can cause infertility in both men and women. Both diseases rarely present symptoms (there are no warning signs), so you and your partner should have an STI test before stopping using a condom to prepare for pregnancy.
    • Both of these diseases are caused by bacteria, and you can treat them with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.
  5. Quit smoking. Tobacco use is another leading cause of infertility in both men and women. Women who smoke are at risk of aging ovaries and premature depletion of eggs. In men, smoking reduces sperm count, sperm motility and even deform sperm.
    • Quitting right away is not the most effective and healthy way to go. Talking to your doctor about the best way to stop smoking is also a safe way for couples who want to have children.
    • You can find out more information in other articles of the same category.
  6. Reduce your alcohol consumption. Experts suggest that alcohol use is linked to a number of fertility disorders in both men and women. Heavy drinking can cause ovarian disorders in women, making it difficult to pinpoint exactly when your fertility is best. For men, a lot of alcohol consumption is associated with lower testosterone levels, leading to reduced sperm count, and even impotence. You should regularly drink in moderation and consider quitting alcohol completely when trying to become pregnant.
  7. Check lubricant. Consider not using extra lubricant during sex if possible. Many lubricants contain chemical spermicides or make it harder for the sperm to reach the egg. If you need to use a lubricant, try to use baby massage oil or a fertility-safe lubricant (like Pre-Seed).
  8. Reduce caffeine. Excess caffeine intake has been linked to fertility problems, especially for women. Family planning experts suggest that women planning a pregnancy should reduce their caffeine intake to less than 200 or 300 milligrams per day.
    • This means drinking only about one 250 ml coffee or two 90 ml (or less) espresso cups.
  9. Work during the day if possible. Night shift often affects sleep hours, as does fertility hormones. If you work the night shift, research if you can switch to a day shift even if it's only temporary. If that doesn't work, do your best to keep your sleeping hours unchanged.
  10. Discuss medications with your doctor. Certain medications (such as calcium channel blockers and tricyclic antidepressants) may decrease fertility. Talk to your doctor about any effects of the medication. Your doctor may change your medication or reduce your dose as you try to get pregnant.
    • Never self-adjust a prescription without first consulting your doctor.
  11. Avoid contact with chemicals and toxins. Both men and women need to limit their exposure to chemicals and other toxins, as they can lead to menstrual disturbances in women, while also reducing and damaged sperm count in men. You should wear protective clothing and equipment at all times if possible when working with chemicals. Some chemicals to avoid exposure include:
    • Nitrogen oxide if you are a dentist or dental assistant
    • Organic solvents such as those found in dry cleaning chemicals
    • Agrochemicals
    • Industrial chemicals and manufacturing
    • Hair treatment chemicals at hairdressers
  12. Relieve stress. Increased stress levels can affect fertility hormones and fertility in both men and women. If you are overly stressed at work or at home, be sure to spend some time relaxing with your meditation, hobbies, or any other stress-relieving activity you enjoy.
    • You can find more information on best practices for reducing stress in articles in the same category.
  13. Avoid high temperatures. Higher body temperature around the male testicles can affect sperm production. Wear loose, breathable underwear (such as cotton) and avoid hot environments such as saunas and hot tubs. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Using a Determination of Optimal Time

  1. Keep track of mucus on a calendar. Women can monitor body temperature and changes to mucus secreted to know when fertility is at its peak - often referred to as the symptomatic thermal method. After the last day of your last period, start recording information about mucus on a daily calendar.
  2. Check for mucus when you urinate. One of the easiest ways to check is to use a toilet paper before you urinate first thing in the morning. You need to watch for mucus for the following problems:
    • Color - Yellow, white, clear or cloudy mucus?
    • Adhesion - Tough, sticky, or pullable?
    • Feeling - Dry, wet or slippery?
    • To avoid confusing the lubricant that is normally released during sex with mucus, do not have sex during the cycle when you first start recording your information.
  3. Notice mucus changes throughout the cycle. You will notice some noticeable changes in mucus throughout the month. These changes include:
    • No clear mucus for the first three or four days after your last period ends
    • A small amount of sticky, cloudy mucus for three to five days
    • Clear, wet, and slippery mucus for three to four days, either before or during ovulation
    • Mucus plummets 11 to 14 days after the next menstrual cycle begins
  4. Baseline body temperature monitoring on the same mucus monitoring schedule. Basal body temperature is the temperature when you are fully resting. Many women record a slight increase in body temperature - about 0.3 ° C - during ovulation, you can use this to determine the date when you are most fertile.
    • Because of very little temperature changes, you need a highly accurate electronic temperature clamp to measure up to 1/10 degrees.
    • You can take your temperature by mouth, vagina or anus, but be sure to always use a method to get accurate results.
  5. Record body temperature before getting out of bed each morning. For a uniform baseline temperature under the same environmental conditions each day, keep your bedside temperature clip and take your body temperature before you wake up in the morning. You also need to make sure to get at least 3 hours of continuous sleep to avoid changes caused by sleep disturbances.
  6. Try to get pregnant on the day you're most likely to get pregnant. That is about two days before your base temperature rises. By monitoring mucus and baseline temperature, you can accurately determine the date when the most likely to become pregnant when the mucus is abundant and clear but the baseline body temperature has not increased.
    • Although two days before an increase in body temperature means pre-ovulation, this is still the ideal time as sperm can live up to 5 days in your reproductive tract.
    • You may have to keep track of this cycle for several months to conceive. Be patient and make a plan with your partner during this time each month.


  • Talking with your doctor about any persistent fertility problems is always a good idea. If you have tried everything to increase fertility but are unsuccessful, schedule an appointment with your doctor. A thorough fertility test is needed to determine if there is an underlying cause of your inability to conceive.