Ways to Find Motivated Homework

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Yourself Study When You Have ZERO Motivation
Video: How to Make Yourself Study When You Have ZERO Motivation


Even if you love studying, you may still feel less excited when you have to do homework. To overcome this feeling, it's important to set personal goals and find inspiration to help you act in the same way as with other jobs. You can also help yourself focus by limiting distractions and by taking care of your needs while doing your homework. Finally, schedule your time appropriately and break the exercise into small, powerful chunks so that you won't feel overwhelmed.


Method 1 of 3: Find your motivation and inspiration

  1. Reward yourself when you complete your homework goal. The rewards are a huge source of encouragement! Every time you accomplish a goal - even a tiny one - take some time to reward yourself. Your reward doesn't have to be something big or expensive. These can be things as simple as watching a fun 5-minute video after reading a short document.
    • Giving yourself a boost is usually greater when you accomplish big goals. For example, you could go out for a pizza with your friends after submitting an important essay.

  2. Don't forget to motivate yourself before doing the exercise. You do not need to save the rewards until the quest is completed. The reward sometimes improves your mood before do homework. So take a few minutes to enjoy your favorite snack or browse social media.
    • Just make sure you set a time limit for yourself (say 10 minutes) so that you won't be distracted and spend a few precious hours.

    Do you know yet? Recently, researchers in Japan have found that viewing photos or videos of newborn animals before starting work can help you be more productive. So next time try checking out some cute kittens videos on YouTube before you start doing the boring homework. This way will work!

  3. Do homework with a hard-working friend. Connecting with a friend can make homework more enjoyable. You and your "teammates" can also motivate each other. Make sure your partner is serious about completing the assignment so that you don't play around and become distracted.
    • Doing homework with a friend does not mean completing an assignment together. You just need to sit together to complete each person's task.
    • Check with the teacher before you want to complete the assignment with a friend. Sometimes your teacher will want you to do your homework alone.

  4. Determine when and where you study most effectively. Many people are active in the morning when they wake up, while others feel energetic in the afternoon or evening. You will also find a number of learning environments that can improve your concentration. So try to find the one that best suits you.
    • For example, if you are energetic in the morning, do your homework right after you eat breakfast.
    • If you often get distracted while sitting at your desk at home, try doing your homework at the library or cafe.
    • Many people say it helps them to change their habits from time to time. If you feel bored, you can try studying at a different time of day or find a new study corner.
  5. Set goals SMART for homework. Setting specific goals will motivate you and help you stay in control of your work. To achieve your goals, you need to set specific goals (Measurable), Attainable, Practical (Relevant), and Time-limited. -bound). Write down your goal and don't forget to celebrate when you reach your goal, even if it's very small!
    • Unclear goals can be frustrating. Instead of saying, "I'm going to do all my homework this week," try something more specific like, "I'll spend an hour a day doing my English essay for this week".
  6. Remember why you have to go to school. Even if you are not interested in your current subjects, it can help to look into your perspective and set some personal goals. Think about what you will achieve in the future when you do well in school.
    • For example, maybe you want to do well in school to get into the university you've always wanted, or maybe you're working on building a promising career.
    • Doing well in class is also a reward - you'll be more confident when you find yourself working hard and achieving well.

Method 2 of 3: Keep focus and alert

  1. Be mindful of your body's needs before doing this exercise. It will be difficult to focus on your exercise when you are tired, hungry or uncomfortable. Try to get enough sleep when you know you'll have to do a lot of exercises the next day and don't exert yourself while you're hungry or urinating!
    • If you feel a bit tense in your body, you should do yoga or gentle stretches before doing the exercise.
    • Doing a breathing exercise also helps you feel more comfortable and alert.
    • If your outfit doesn't feel comfortable, change to a different one before work. You can choose loose sportswear, pajamas, shorts, home wear or whatever makes you comfortable.
  2. Find a quiet and comfortable study corner. The environment can make a big difference to the effectiveness of your concentration in learning. Before doing your homework, find a quiet, well-lit and spacious place where you can comfortably study.
    • You need to find a place where you can sit comfortably, but that doesn't get you too comfortable. If you choose to do exercises in bed or in a comfortable armchair, you will easily fall asleep!
    • When studying at home, let everyone in the house know so they can keep quiet while you do homework.
  3. Cell phones and distractions aside. If you constantly surf Facebook or check notifications on Instagram, it will be difficult for you to complete the assignment. Place your device in a place where you cannot see it easily, such as in a briefcase or in a drawer. Turn off notifications if they distract you.
    • If you can't resist using your phone or viewing time-consuming web pages on your computer, try installing an app or browser extension to block tempting apps and websites.
    • Do not turn on the television or radio while studying. If you want to listen to music while doing your homework, choose something that is gentle and not overly active, such as soothing classical music.
  4. Drink water and eat healthy snacks to keep your body energized. You should have a bottle of water and a few snacks to sip while studying. Staying hydrated and healthy food can keep you awake, focused, and energized. Choose brain foods, such as:
    • Whole grains
    • Healthy proteins like fish, beans, nuts
    • Blueberry
    • Green vegetables
  5. Take some time off while doing homework. You will quickly become exhausted and distracted if you try to do the exercise for long periods of time without taking a break. Focus on studying for 1 - 1.5 hours and then take a 15-minute break. This will allow your tired brain to rest and recharge.
    • During a break, you can walk, have a snack, meditate for a few minutes, or even take a nap at your desk.
    • Take advantage of the break to reward yourself by watching a funny video or playing a game on your phone.

    Do you know yet? Walking can improve your thinking skills. If you feel stuck with something, brisk walking or treadmill exercise will be very effective!

  6. Switch exercises to help you stay motivated. If you've reached the point where you can't stand watching an essay, take a break and move on to another assignment for a while. This way, your brain will rest (and experience the difference) and still function effectively.
    • For example, if you did an essay for 1-2 hours, take a break and move on to Math homework.
    • However, don't try to do more than one thing at a time. When you do many things, your concentration will suffer and make you more prone to making mistakes.

Method 3 of 3: Organize your time effectively

  1. Schedule activities and study each day. When you are in school, it will be difficult to fulfill all your obligations. Having a regular schedule for yourself can help you complete tasks and not feel overwhelmed. Set aside a set amount of time each day for studying, doing homework and stick to your schedule.
    • Planning will also make it easier to avoid procrastination.
    • Don't forget to schedule a break and relax time in your calendar!

    Advice: You can avoid unexpected surprises by writing down important dates and deadlines in your calendar. For example, write down the date on which you have an exam or test or by deadline for submitting an essay.

  2. Prioritize essays and get things done early or hard in advance. You probably want to put off essays that are both long and difficult to the last minute and do the easy things first. However, avoiding important parts will leave you nervous, frustrated, and late in your submission. Review your entire assignment and evaluate which parts are most important or need to be done early and which can be arranged later.
    • Make a to-do list in order. Prioritize things that need to be done early, have a big impact on academic performance, or seem very complex.
    • Put essays that are not due or that can be completed quickly and easily at the bottom of the list.
  3. Divide your essay into small, powerful chunks. Long or complicated essays can overwhelm you while trying to complete them in a while. Instead, break your essay into smaller sections and complete each section one after another. This makes it feel like large exercises are easier to complete - besides, you can reward yourself after completing a portion of the exercise!
    • For example, if you have to write a long essay, you will break the process down into small steps like finding information, writing a table of contents, writing an outline, drafting your introduction, and more.
  4. Try using productivity-enhancing apps to help keep things organized. If you have trouble completing to-do tasks and schedule your time, the productivity improvement app will help you. Try downloading apps like Todoist, Hours, or Any.do to help you keep track of submission deadlines, make to-do lists, and keep track of how much time is spent on each assignment.
    • While productivity-enhancing apps are useful, not everyone is as efficient as they can be. Make sure you don't spend too much time worrying about the application to avoid interfering with the completion of the assignment!