How to Live up to your heart's call

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Robert Plant - ’29 Palms’ - Official Video [HD REMASTERED]
Video: Robert Plant - ’29 Palms’ - Official Video [HD REMASTERED]


Listening to your heart is not always easy, especially in a busy and demanding culture. Although life has always tried to push you in front of millions of turns, you still have your own paths and sacred places. You can live up to your heart's aspirations, that will help you enjoy life, and help others around you more.


Part 1 of 3: Identify your heart's aspirations

  1. Make a list of the things you want to achieve. A "bucket list" can help you determine where the heart wants to go. Try to set goals that you are likely to achieve (but not "be the first to go to Mars"). This list can be a great inspiration when you are searching for the things that make sense in your life. If it truly comes from your heart, it will reflect your deepest passions and aspirations.

  2. Create an open space. The first step in communicating with your heart in a deeper way is to give it time and space for it to speak. You need to sit still and not allow any distractions to disturb your heart to listen to it. Maybe you want to create a place where you can sit and relax. If you have an extra room in your home, you can light candles and create a comfortable environment in which to practice.

  3. Listen to the heart. Once you have the right conditions, you can start doing mindfulness opening your heart. You may want to ask yourself, "What do I feel from deep inside of me right now?" Wait a moment after asking to see if your heart answers. This is the type of practice that makes the heart and inner desires manifest.
    • You can also use a technique called Focusing, which is a great technique for communicating with the body. Here's how to do the Focus technique:
    • Once you have cleared the space, ask what is going on inside you, and focus on listening to what your body answers. Don't try to explore it, give yourself some distance to observe. For example, you may feel tightness in your chest when you ask about what's going on inside of you. There should be distance to realize it.
    • Begins to understand body sensations. It usually comes in the form of a word or short phrase. For example, you might say "stuffy" or "tightness in your chest" or "pressure". Try to think of many words until you have pinpointed the problem.
    • Examine your body's sensations and words that describe it. Check to see how they interact. See if your body sensations have changed at all once you have identified a correct emotional name.
    • Ask yourself what causes this body sensation. What in life is making you feel tight in your chest right now? Don't rush to answer, let the feedback appear on its own. This may not happen the first time. Concentration takes practice, but it includes a series of steps to help open your heart and everything that is going on inside you.

  4. Set aside time each day. A busy life can really decrease your ability to live up to your heart's call. Take time during the day and every day for yourself. Don't let anything else interfere this time. Do what you want, and here are a few suggestions:
    • Meditate. There are many mental and physical health benefits of meditation, like lower blood pressure and reduced stress. Try sitting upright for at least 10 minutes in a quiet place. Focus on something, like the feeling of air entering and leaving your nose, or something like a pencil. When you stop paying attention to the object, gently remind yourself to bring your attention back.
    • Take a long bath. Relaxing in the water has the same effect as other relaxation techniques. It's a great way to relieve it. You can use this time to reflect on life, or indulge in the silence and feeling of a warm bath.
    • Spend coffee time with a friend. Perhaps you did not spend as much time contacting your friends as you would like. Use this "your time" to invite a best friend over for lunch or coffee together.
  5. Find hobbies that will trigger your heart. The brain is under great social pressure. It says that you should "think before you act" and make sound decisions. However, this doesn't give much of a chance for your intuition or your heart. These can make life more enjoyable instead of habitual and productive. Finding activities that touch your heart can help keep the path of life open, not just rational.
    • For example, if you enjoy reading, make sure you make time to read in your schedule. Ask your friends to recommend you good books. A collection of poems can be very emotional.
    • If you're a movie fanatic, find some critically acclaimed movies that will be able to touch your heart.
    • Spending time in nature is also a good choice; it can help you become healthier and understand yourself better.

Part 2 of 3: Organizing life

  1. Seek treatment if it seems to help. If the obstacles that prevent you from following your heart call seem overwhelming, or with the help of a friend, consider seeing a specialist. Many doctors routinely address this problem. If you had a traumatic childhood, an unhappy marriage, or if you've just been devastated by a series of stressful issues, therapy can help you rediscover your heart and feel your life. healthier.
    • Somatic experiencing therapy (Somatic experiencing therapy) is similar to the Focus technique. It focuses on bodily sensations rather than on thoughts and memories.
    • Cognitive-behavioral (Cognitive-behavioral) therapy can help you examine certain thoughts and beliefs that may be preventing you from listening to your heart's calls.
    • Find a therapist in your area. For example, if you are living in the United States, do you visit this website.
  2. Ask your friends for help. Sometimes it's hard to discover your own heart. For this task, enlist the help of a friend. You can actually use Focus technique together with a friend, take steps together and report what happens. You can also just talk about what's going on in your life right now and express a desire to communicate more with the heart call. See if your friend has any advice for you. Expression is also very helpful, because expressing your emotions in your words is very powerful.
    • Example: You can say "Hey, I feel like I don't really live up to my heart right now. I really need someone to talk about this. Are you willing to help me?"
  3. Enjoy your own life. We tend to live off pressures from others, like friends, family, spouse, or children. If you want to live up to the calling of your heart, make sure you live up to your own desires rather than those of others. This is one of the most common regrets recorded by people dying in bed.
    • Ask yourself: "Is this what I really want, or am I doing it for others and not for myself?"
    • Of course, there's nothing wrong with being generous and working to help others. However, you have been able to find a balance when you live true to who you are: being kind and helpful to others.If not, then even if you have good intentions, you are most likely to fail and lose connection with your calling to heart.
  4. Commit yourself to the chosen path. Changing your mindset can be an easy way to get through difficult situations, but if you always can't keep up with what you've said before, you'll never learn from your mistakes or make mistakes. get any progress. Committing to follow your own path is very important in life. Your commitment will give you the strength to keep going. Following the call of your heart is not an easy task. If you feel a lot of opposition to this commitment, no matter what education or career it is, then you should check to see if you really live up to your calling of heart.
    • Avoid confusing natural and tough resistance with more serious resistance. It's okay to feel discouraged sometimes, even if you're on the right path. If you are not sure if you are doing the right thing, try asking someone you trust, like a close friend or family member.
  5. Clean and organize personal space. You may be surprised at how much your environment affects your mood. For example, color can have a big effect on how people feel. Make sure your home is clean and tidy. Paint the walls with a different color if you don't like them. Decorate with works of art that inspire you and create a "response to beauty". Arrange pictures of loved ones around. Implementing simple home arrangement techniques will change the way you feel and make it easier for you to reach your true desires. Clutter and clutter can cause mental chaos, and will limit your ability to follow your heart's calls. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Act the way you want to

  1. Participate in emotional activities. You can do some creative activities to understand what your heart desires. The goal is to openly accept the call of your heart, or your deepest desire. The self-expression style used in art therapy can help you become more open to yourself and to your heart's calling. Here are some ideas for you to implement:
    • Music. Try a choir and guitar lessons.
    • Art. Go to painting or sculpture classes.
    • Dancing. Enroll in a Latin salsa dance class or even take dance classes at the gym.
    • Dramatic. Find out if any theater groups are active around for you to join. Acting is a great way to show creativity.
  2. Freely take note. Life can make your real desires and daily activities framed, paralyzed by obligations and expectations. Practicing things like taking free notes can help you reach your heart and begin to develop a closer relationship with the heart's calling.
    • Pick a topic and write it down at the top of a piece of paper. The topic could be a word like "travel", or a short statement, like "what do I think about travel". Set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes and try to write about that topic without thinking too much about what you are doing. Don't plan ahead. The goal is to let your unconscious mind work instead of letting the central part of the brain take over.
  3. Practice mindfulness. There are two different ways for you to live properly: to be and act. The "action" mode is when many people find themselves spending a lot of their busy time. It is a necessary regime in our culture of high pressure and at high speed, and it is really useful for moving forward. However, the "action" mode can make it difficult to listen to your needs and live slow enough to enjoy life. Mindfulness meditation can help enhance your lifestyle with a "survive" mode, which will help you begin to follow your heart's call.
    • Sit in a comfortable position, sitting upright. Get acquainted with this position in a few minutes. Start paying attention to what's going on in your experience. You will have lots of rambling thoughts, bodily sensations, and a surge of random emotions. Pay attention to all of this and what else is going on. Do your best to stay "curious" when you don't need to react to what is happening. Pretend you're a scientist and you want to observe this experience without interfering with it. Once you've practiced sitting in a safe and quiet place, you can try it out in your everyday life while you're doing other things.
  4. Take a big step forward. Based on your bucket list and your overall goal list, decide to make a big move if necessary. It could be going back to school to gain more knowledge, moving to another city with better opportunities or being close to home, or quitting work to do something more closely related to expectations. want from your heart. It is a good idea to talk to your friends and family about moving before you start the move, to find out what they think and gain their support.
  5. Make a small change. You do not must to make a big change to change your life and begin to follow the call of your heart. Find out what little things you can do in your daily routine to feel more in tune with yourself and your desires. For example, maybe you want to spend more time with friends, or spend less time watching television. Refer to the "list of things to do before you die" to see if you can make small adjustments to achieve what you really want to change. advertisement


  • Be confident, but not arrogant.


  • If you think your heart is telling you something and your mind saying something else, take time to think carefully. Being hasty is not always good.