How to get good hair without costly

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
I Made My Hair Grow Faster Without Expensive Products
Video: I Made My Hair Grow Faster Without Expensive Products


Having soft and shiny hair takes a lot of effort; Many people possess these natural hair traits from their early years. Luckily, you can restore softness and shine to your hair with a variety of hair restoration methods, and most of them come from ingredients that you will find right in the house. your. Even if you are in a cramped economy, you can have smooth, shiny hair with ease.


Method 1 of 10: Deep Regenerating Hair with Coconut Oil

  1. Massage raw coconut oil onto your dry hair. The coconut oil you use must be unrefined, otherwise it won't be able to penetrate your hair.If your scalp is oily, do not rub too much oil into your scalp or too close to the hairline. Our goal is to nourish the ends of the hair; The scalp usually contains a natural oil content and does not require much attention. Apply coconut oil from the ends of your hair, and slowly up your hair.
    • The amount of coconut oil you use in your hair depends on the thickness and texture of your hair. Oily hair and scalp usually require less coconut oil than dry hair. Do not use too much coconut oil.

  2. Wash your hair with warm water, then put a shower cap or towel over your hair to help stabilize it.
  3. Let stand for at least 30 minutes.

  4. Rinse out your hair, then use shampoo and conditioner as usual. Rinse hair with cold water. Let your hair dry naturally or use a towel wrapped around your head to dry it. Should not be rubbed. advertisement

Method 2 of 10: Deep Hair Recovery with Chicken Eggs

  1. Use eggs to nourish hair deep. Most of the main ingredients of Mayonnaise are eggs, so it's easy to understand why eggs are an effective method for moisturizing and giving hair a shine.
    • Break two to four eggs (depending on how long your hair is) into a bowl. Separate the yolks from the whites, remove the whites. (You can use whites to make fried eggs.)
  2. Fill the bowl with olive oil, add enough oil to cover the egg yolk surface, and stir well. Make sure the mixture is well mixed.
  3. Wash your hair with warm water then apply the mixture to your hair. Let it sit for 5-6 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Finally, rinse hair again with cold water. advertisement

Method 3 of 10: Deep Recovery Hair with Yogurt

  1. Use yogurt as a deep nourishing conditioner. Comb your hair thoroughly. Finding a carton of unsweetened, unsweetened Greek yogurt also works great.
    • Make sure the yogurt you use is sugar-free, or you will add unnecessary sugar and color to your hair - you probably won't want this to happen.
  2. Apply yogurt evenly over all of your hair. Then, use an old hair tie and tie your hair in a ponytail or bun. If you want, you can either put a bag over your hair or leave it as it is for your preference.
  3. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes or until yogurt is curd. It's best to take a shower and wash your hair with a branded shampoo / conditioner right after. advertisement

Method 4 of 10: Deep Hair Recovery with Aloe and Honey

  1. Mix equal parts conditioner, aloe vera gel, and honey. Aloe vera is great for nourishing and regenerating hair, and honey will add shine to the hair.
    • People with dark hair should be careful when using honey because honey can lighten your hair.
    • Make sure the Aloe product you use doesn't contain harmful ingredients such as alcohol.
    • A mixture of Jojoba essential oil (instead of Aloe), honey, and conditioner will also be effective for hair.
  2. Massage the mixture over all of your dry hair. Let stand for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Rinse hair with shampoo and conditioner. advertisement

Method 5 of 10: Deepening Hair Recovery with Vinegar

  1. Wash your hair with the shampoo you normally use. Rinse hair thoroughly with cold water to remove excess shampoo or hair residue.
  2. Mix 2 cups apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of filtered water and carefully rinse your hair with this mixture. Leave the mixture on your hair for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the vinegar from your hair. Rinse your hair with warm water until it no longer smells of vinegar. Carefully brush your hair and now your hair will not be tangled, and it will also look firmer and more “manageable”.
  4. Repeat this method every week or less if desired. The acidity of apple cider vinegar is quite similar to natural hair, so apple cider vinegar is a good cleansing and nourishing agent. Apple cider vinegar also helps in eliminating bacteria effectively. advertisement

Method 6 of 10: Deep Recovery Hair with Essential Oil and Shea Butter

  1. Put 1/2 cup of Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Contractor Oil, Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil, Almond Oil, and Chamomile Oil in a bowl.
  2. In another bowl, mix 1 cup of shea butter and 2 tablespoons of Avocado, Jojoba and Barley Seed Oil into one teaspoon of Honey.
  3. Mix the mixture in two bowls together.
  4. Apply the mixture evenly to your hair and let it sit for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Rinse hair with Herbal Shampoo and let it dry naturally. advertisement

Method 7 of 10: Deep Recovery Hair with Vegetable Oils and Conditioners

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo as usual and rinse it off. Pat your hair dry to prevent water from falling out of your hair.
  2. Mix two tablespoons of vegetable oil in the conditioner you normally use. You can also use canola oil. Don't use too much oil, as otherwise your hair will become greasy.
  3. Rub and soak the mixture into the entire hair from root to tip. It's best to divide your hair into small sections so that the mixture covers your entire hair, massages your scalp, and lets the conditioner penetrate deeply into each strand of your hair.
  4. Cover your hair with a hood (or plastic bag). Leave the hood on your hair for about 30 minutes. If you want, you can use a hairdryer to add heat to your hair.
  5. Rinse your hair clean. Rinse your hair until the water is no longer "milky white". You should not rinse your hair too clean as you need to store some of the oil in your hair. advertisement

Method 8 of 10: Regenerating Deep Hair with Hibiscus Leaf Extract

  1. Extract 8-10 leaves from the hibiscus tree. Soak the leaves in water for 10 minutes.
  2. Extract the gel from the leaves. Extract this gel into a plate.
  3. Apply the gel to dry hair. Let stand for 30-60 minutes.
  4. Use a mild shampoo to rinse off the gel.
  5. Do this once a week to keep your hair looking shiny. advertisement

Method 9 of 10: Avoid Damaging Hair Habits

  1. Do not use products containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Ammonium Laureth Sulfate. This is important to keep in mind if you have curly hair. Read shampoo and conditioner labels carefully before deciding to buy and use them.
    • Although Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is derived from palm trees and coconut oil, it is believed to have been linked with skin irritation and hair loss. It is also used as an industrial detergent.
    • In addition, gentle cleaning agents cannot completely remove silicon and wax. So make sure silicones and wax don't stay on your wonderful hair!
    • Try to find shampoos and conditioners that contain natural organic ingredients. The natural ingredients will help restore the natural oils to the hair.
  2. Do not over-drain the conditioner from your hair. If someone ever tells you "wash your hair until it's clean", that person is wrong. When you rinse your hair, wash it until you still feel some conditioner in your hair and then (no need to touch the hair) pour cold water over your head. You don't have to rinse your hair with your hands, just pour water over your head.
    • The conditioner that does not need to be rinsed with water is widely available. Spray the solution on your hair after shampooing and bathing, and leave it in your hair until you take a shower next time.
    • In addition to hydrating your hair, some conditioner that does not need to be rinsed with water can help you style your hair. They are a key ingredient in frizzy hair control products. Make sure your hair is not flat or shiny after using it.
  3. Avoid using chemical styling agents as much as possible. Hair dyes and relaxers can do a lot of damage to your hair. If you want to use them, make sure you don't leave them on your hair for too long. You should use these products in small doses to avoid damaging your hair. Carefully read the directions on the product packaging to know how long it will take to use them.
    • Hair softeners containing keratin, or Brazilian hair smoothing products, can be seriously damaging because they contain high levels of formaldehyde and can cause hair loss.
  4. Avoid using the straightener too much. You will probably love having smooth, straight hair, but your hair are not loves hair straighteners. Straighteners can be too hot and damage the hair, making it dry and brittle. advertisement

Method 10 of 10: Healthy Hair Habits

  1. Remember to trim your hair from time to time. If you think you can trim your hair by yourself, feel free to do it. Splitting ends causes hair to become lifeless, dry, and damaged.
  2. Brush your hair properly. We all know we need to brush our hair to make our hair look cleaner, but many people often don't know about proper brushing.
    • Avoid brushing your hair while it is still wet. It's hard to do, but you should wait for your hair to dry a little before brushing. If you need to brush your hair while it is still wet, use a wide-tipped round tip brush. This brush will help remove split ends and reduce hair loss.
    • Do not use a comb to brush tangled hair. If you don't have an anti-tangle spray on hand, wet the tangles and apply a lot of conditioner to make it easier to troubleshoot. A bun or braid at bedtime will make it easier to brush your hair the next morning, and will help you manage your frizz (if any). Brush your hair gently and slowly to remove tangles.
    • Avoid brushing your hair too much. Many people think that brushing 100 times a day will stimulate blood circulation to the head and stimulate hair growth. There is not any scientific proof that this is true. In fact, brushing your hair too many times can damage the hair cuticle and make it more prone to breakage.
  3. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy nutrients. Drink a lot of water. Your body is the sum of everything you eat, and so is your hair. Eat healthy for healthy hair. In addition, you should eat more protein as it will help strengthen hair, improve hair color and shine because your hair is mainly made up of protein. advertisement


  • Always rinse your hair with cold water as cold water strengthens your hair. Hot water damages the hair and makes it look lifeless.
  • Wash your hair at least twice a week. Washing your hair every day will cause hair to fall out.
  • Always be careful when exposing your hair to chemicals. Some shampoos may even be bad for hair. For example, curly hair can become dry and brittle if you use shampoos containing sulfate-based cleaners too often.
  • Start brushing your hair from the ends and only move to the top of your hair once the ends have been completely untied, this will prevent breakage and make it easier to untangle your hair.
  • Do not brush your hair immediately after shampooing. Let the hair dry and then you can brush it. Wet hair will break off more easily.
  • Do not neglect the use of heat-blocking hair sprays. Ignoring these products can save you time and make it easier, but it will be difficult to restore your hair to its normal shine.
  • Try a variety of shampoos and conditioners. Remember: Expensive doesn't mean good. Products that do not contain chemicals, alcohol, or artificial flavors / colors are the best.
  • Whenever possible, keep your hair out of direct sunlight as it can damage your hair.
  • Eat healthy because what you eat will have a direct impact on your body and hair and remember to eat plenty of green vegetables.
  • If you don't like the idea of ​​limiting shampooing because you fear your hair will turn greasy, you can look for a dry shampoo. If you can't afford it, you can mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of cornstarch. Rub the mixture over your hair as it dries, little by little, and brush your hair until there is no more powder on your hair.


  • If you go swimming in a chlorinated pool, wear a swimming cap. Too much chlorine exposure causes hair to become dry and frizzy.