How to control your subconscious

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza
Video: Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza


Although the consciousness is very interesting, the subconscious is even more inspiring! While consciousness processes a choice or an action, the subconscious deals with many unconscious choices and actions simultaneously. Once activated, subconscious targets, choices and actions persist until they are met. Research has shown that you cannot control your subconscious mind. However, there are still actions or exercises that allow you to penetrate or broaden your subconscious mind.


Method 1 of 4: Practice diligence

  1. Practice positive self-talk. Replace negative words with affirmations. Changing your speech will change your thoughts and override negative actions and thoughts in your subconscious mind. Instead of saying "I can't do it!", Say "I can do it!". Instead of saying "I will fail whatever I do!", Try saying "I will be successful!". If you find yourself immersed in negative words, pause and take a deep breath. Consider why you say you can't be successful. Identify what is causing you to be negative. Note that these are the factors that trigger and commit again to assert yourself.
    • You cannot change your words for a while. You need time and consistency. Maintain a positive attitude as you try to release yourself from subconscious negative behaviors and thoughts.

  2. Think of a positive spell ''. When you are stressed and anxious, stay calm and suppress negative thoughts by reciting your own incantation over and over. Regularly applying this therapy will help reduce the subconsciously generating negative thoughts and actions. Identify your negative thoughts and admit that your judgment of yourself is baseless. Think of healing spells' with the opposite of what you accuse yourself of. Creating two more spells 'spell' also expresses an idea to change when used. Choose a position on your body to practice positivity. You can choose heart or belly. Place your hand on your heart or stomach and repeat the spell. Focus on action and be more confident.
    • If you feel that you are not good enough, you should use the mantra "I am good", "I deserve" and "I deserve it."

  3. Practice visualization. Visualizing or imagining a goal achievement is an effective way to interact and train your subconscious mind. Begin with a visualization exercise, which uses one or two of the senses. Try to visualize every detail of a photograph or a familiar object. Once you've mastered it, move on to visualizing a whole scene from a movie or your memories. Memorize sounds, colors and flavors. Once you are able to focus and accurately describe details, begin to visualize your goal achieved. You need to visualize it as real as possible. Don't let yourself fall into negative or fail visualizations, imagine yourself succeeding and achieving your goals! For example, if you envision giving a speech, think of yourself overcoming stuttering or forgetting instead of thinking about people leaving.
    • Visualize a specific goal. Be specific about what you want to achieve. Locate, time, and context for success. Be as specific as possible!
    • Don't imagine yourself as a superman, imagine yourself as yourself.

Method 2 of 4: Practice mindfulness meditation

  1. Prepare to meditate. Meditation helps you focus and exploit your subconscious mind. Before meditating, decide when to meditate. If you're new, try 5-minute meditation. Wear comfortable clothes. Set a clock and meditate in a quiet place. Choose a location that will not be disturbed by anyone. You can meditate outdoors, on the floor of your apartment, or on the back porch. Stretch your muscles before entering your meditation position. Touch your toes, relieve neck tension and relax your shoulder blades.
  2. Set up your posture. Find a stable seat. Sit on a chair with backrest, feet on the floor, or cross-legged on the floor. Sitting upright — demonstrates the natural curve of the spine. The biceps are parallel to the body. The elbows are slightly bent and the hands rest lightly on the knees. Lower your chin slightly and look at the floor. Hold your posture, get to know your body before you start.
  3. Focus on breathing and thinking. Close your eyes and start monitoring your breathing. Focus on breathing in and out. When you relax, your mind is also distracted. Thought will move from subconscious to conscious. Pay attention to these thoughts but do not rate them. Let that thought exist. When you notice your mind is distracted, focus on your breathing. Whenever your mind is distracted, keep focusing on the rhythm of your breathing. Repeat the above process until the time is over. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Practice writing the stream of consciousness

  1. Prepare. Prepare a pencil or ballpoint pen and paper. Find timers: boiled egg timers, timers or phones all work — 5-10 minutes timer. Sit in a quiet and undisturbed position. Set your phone to silent mode. Avoid using computers or tablets as it distracts you!
  2. Start writing. Sit in a comfortable position, take deep breaths to focus your thoughts. Start timer and write. Without access to the stream of consciousness with a to-do list, let your thoughts flow by yourself. Whenever you have a thought in your mind, write it down. Write down mundane thoughts, without avoiding the odd ones, this may be your subconscious mind. Don't judge thoughts or stop to analyze them. Just write it down. Continue recording your thoughts until the clock goes off.
  3. Analyze the article. When time is up, reread what you have written. Ruminate on the words that have just been written. Identify repetitive thoughts or quirky phrases. Try to find connections between two different ideas. Note any thoughts that may come from your subconscious mind. As you continue with this exercise, reread your thoughts from the previous exercises. Track the progress of the stream of consciousness and assess whether the subconscious is awakening on its own. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Practice dream analysis

  1. Dream recording. Before you go to bed, keep a pen and diary by your bed. Record your dreams in your journal when you wake up in the morning or in the middle of the night. Write down what you can remember. Write down every minute details, even if they are only for a moment. After a period of recording your dream, you should notice concepts, letters or objects that appear many times.
    • Your subconscious may appear in dreams. Hence, dream recording and research will give you subconscious access.
  2. Determine if the dream has a meaning and classify it. A dream without meaning often incorporates elements of your environment; your dreams can include the flavors, sounds and actions that occur around you; meaningful dream originating from the subconscious mind — it is not an ordinary dream but a bit strange, confusing and enlightening. If your dream has meaning, decide what kind of it it is. Is it a predictive dream about future events? Or a warning? Is it real, does it confirm what you already know? Does that dream inspire or fulfill your wishes? Does the dream fulfill your wish or aspiration to be in harmony with someone or something?
    • Vivid dreams often have important implications.
  3. Dream decoding makes sense. You don't have to be an expert to analyze your dreams! You just need a little effort and exploration.There are many resources online and reference books in the library! When analyzing dreams, make an overall assessment. Every detail you memorize is meaningful and will help you decode your dreams and understand your subconscious at the same time. If the dream dictionary defines an incomplete symbol, try approaching your dream according to your life context. Find out for yourself if there is any reason for the image, person, or object to appear in your dream. advertisement