How to have a sexy body

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get a Sexy Body
Video: How to Get a Sexy Body


To get an hourglass figure, you need to lose body fat and increase the thighs, hips, back, chest, shoulders and abdomen. You can't get bigger bust or hips from exercise or diet, but you can definitely tone and slim your body. In addition, knowing how to dress also helps to accentuate your natural curves.


Method 1 of 3: Change the way you eat

  1. You can reduce the amount of calories you consume each day. If your goal is to lose weight, the easiest way to lose excess fat and have sexy curves is to incorporate the right diet and exercise. You can reduce 500 to 700 calories per day to lose about 5 ounces, 1 kg per week.
    • Remember that you should not eat less than 1200 calories per day, such a diet will be very harmful to your health.

  2. Eat in accordance with an intense exercise regimen while still cutting calories. Making changes to your diet is difficult and not a day, especially when you've just started exercising. Pay attention to what you eat, especially when you are aiming to eat 1200-1400 calories per day. Eat less sugar. Refined sugars and high fructose corn syrup (high fructose corn syrup) will greatly affect your weight loss plan. You also shouldn't eat as much processed food, which is not as healthy as the food you cook on your own.
    • Eat more fruits and vegetables. You can snack on avocado, kale, carrot stick, hummus sauce, berries and other foods containing micronutrient, complex carbs (complex carbohydrates), Good fats and proteins: remember to control your appetite.
    • You can eat low-fat dairy foods. Greek yogurt, skim milk or low-fat cheese are examples of the foods you can choose from. Dairy types will help you gain muscle and stay full for longer.
    • You can eat dessert sweets or chips, but don't eat them every day or even weekly. They are often referred to as a "treat" food, meaning food you reward yourself with after a period of strict diet.

  3. Increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Your body needs 25-35g of fiber per day, but most people usually only eat about 10g. Studies have shown that soluble fiber (viscous / soluble fiber) makes you feel full and reduce appetite.
    • Some foods that contain fiber for weight loss and good for the body are legumes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and oatmeal porridge. Whole grains, green vegetables, and complex carbs are all rich in fiber.
    • Slowly increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Eating too much fiber when your body is not used to it can cause stomach upset, nausea, and even diarrhea.

  4. Drink a lot of water. When you start exercising, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters, or 10.5 cups of water per day. The more you exercise, the more water your body needs. Drink water before, during and after you exercise.
  5. Use less alcoholic beverages. They can add unnecessary calories to your body, slow down your metabolism and make the body more tired. Drink less alcoholic beverages and don't drink too often. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Change body for curves

  1. Prepare your body for muscle gain and fat loss. The positive changes in your body are not only a better body, but also a better mind. Always feel comfortable with yourself so you can see the most obvious results.
    • Sleep. People who sleep less than 7 to 8 hours a day are more likely to get fat in the abdomen. This will make it harder to achieve your goals. Try to spend about an hour before you go to bed to turn off all your mobile devices and relax, so you will have a restful, deeper sleep.
    • Do something to reduce stress every day. When you feel stressed by work or private life, your body releases cortisol, a substance that can increase fat in your abdomen. You can practice deep breathing, yoga, meditation, or listening to ambient music to reduce anxiety.
  2. Increase cardio exercises. To lose body fat and gain muscle, do a variety of cardio or aerobic exercises. You need to do 5-6 days a week and need at least 45 minutes of cardio each time to lose weight.Increasing the amount of exercise from 30 minutes to 1 hour can help your body slim down and lose fat faster. The body curves are also clearer.
    • If you don't have enough time to work out 45-60 minutes, divide each exercise into 2 30-minute sessions. Do a 30-minute workout at the gym and then do a speed walking after dinner. Each of your training sessions should last at least 30 minutes to see clearer results.
  3. Alternate to rest between vigorous exercise. If you choose high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises, you will do short exercises that draw more body strength, and then do lighter exercises or rest. This is a method to help you lose excess fat. You can start with a warm-up and then switch continuously between light / medium and high intensity exercises for 2 to 4 minutes at a time.
    • For example, you can try to run as fast as you can in 1 minute (or 15 seconds or 30 seconds if you can't run for 1 minute). Then, walk for twice the amount of time you run (2 minutes walking for 1 minute running, 1 minute for 30 seconds, 30 seconds for 15 seconds running). Repeat 5 times for a 15-minute cycle. As your body gets used to it, run faster, go for a walk instead of walking, and increase your exercise duration to 30 to 45 minutes.
  4. Do a variety of exercises for different parts of the body. For a curvy body, you should balance the amount of exercise for the upper and lower body. Each of your exercises should focus on different muscle groups to tone the whole body and the digestive system will be faster.
    • You could try going to fitness classes, like indoor cycling, barre, cardio, yoga flow / vinyasa, or bootcamp once a week.
    • Exercise, like the elliptical, treadmill, or ladder every day. You can also do machine workouts during the HIIT exercises.
    • Try other exercises like swimming, hiking, brisk walking, or cycling to diversify the exercises.
    • You can do both cardio and strength training exercises in every 30 or longer muscle workout. Use weight machines or dumbbells for each 30-minute machine workout. Reduce the rest between workouts to keep your heart rate high and your body sweating.
  5. Strengthen the muscles around the hips, thighs, abdomen, and chest with muscle exercises. For a toned body, pay attention to your legs and arms when exercising. Another thing you should pay attention to is back exercises. Exercise 3 to 4 times per week - almost every day. Once the cardio exercises burn off excess fat, the muscle exercises will give you an hourglass figure.
    • Do squats to increase thigh muscles. Remember to always stretch your abs and relax your back. Use dumbbells if you want to increase the difficulty of the exercise.
    • You can walk up and down to improve your thigh and hip muscles. Place a chair that is knee-high or higher in front of you. Place your right foot on the chair, then step up with your left foot. Then, lower your left and right legs to the ground. Repeat 12 times with each leg. You can also step sideways, which will improve your hips and outer thighs.
    • You can also practice plank. If you're new to training, start with a half-plank with your knees on the floor instead of the toes of your feet. As you get used to it, practice with a full body plank. You can also plank each side (side plank) to train the muscles on the sides.
    • Serratus push-ups. This action will affect the shoulder muscles and chest, helping your body to create curves. Get into a position where only your hands and knees touch the ground. You lower your arms so that your body is against your elbow, then you pull your belly back and get into a plank. Squeeze your shoulder muscles for 2 to 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times with each exercise, notice how slow and steady breathing is.
    • Train your outer thighs with a clamshell. Lie on your side, resting on your elbows. Place your knees directly in front of you as if you were in a chair. Open the knees, but keep heels together. Stop and then lower your knees slowly until they touch. Repeat this movement 20 times, and don't move your hips to focus all of the force on your thighs.

Method 3 of 3: Dress properly

  1. Wear clothes with horizontal stripes. Horizontal stripes will make your body rounder instead of long and slender. They will help highlight the fullest part of your body and the curves, which is very important if you want to look like you have an hourglass figure.
    • Big horizontal stripes also make you look rounder.
  2. Avoid wearing only black. Black makes you look thinner and will accentuate your slim figure or engulf the curves you have. Instead, wear bright colors or even textures that help your body look out in shape.
    • If you have more lower body curves than your upper body, wear light-colored upper body and darker lower body colors to balance your figure.
  3. Wear tight-fitting clothing. To look as if you have an hourglass figure, choose waist-length clothing styles. Squeeze at the smallest measurement of your waist: this will make your curves clearer and focus all of your attention on your waist.
    • Try wearing a peplum top or skirt. This kind of outfit has a frilly design around the waist, making your hips look bigger and your bust smaller, making your hourglass body look better.
    • Wear a belt. Like peplum, the belt makes you look like an hourglass figure by hiding your bust and letting the shirt / skirt drop at your hips.
  4. Wear loose clothing. Instead of wearing tight clothing, choose clothes that are loose and slightly volatile. This type of clothing, like waistwear, will make your waist appear smaller and make your whole body look more attractive. Wear shirts with prominent sleeves, like puffy sleeves or ruffled sleeves. You can also wear a wrap to look as if you have an hourglass figure.
    • Wear a long skirt (maxi skirt), mermaid skirt, a tulip skirt, a pleated skirt or a tiered skirt to look as if you have an hourglass figure. You can also choose to wear harem pants (crotch pants), bat blouses or ruffled top.
  5. Wear loose jeans or skinny jeans. Both types of pants help you look bloated. Tights will embrace your natural curves whether they are clear or not, and tights will shape your lower body and make them look bigger. advertisement


  • Your body can't change overnight, but every change, small or large, is remarkable and happy. You are becoming healthier day by day!
  • Don't worry too much if you do something wrong. It can be very difficult to reduce calorie intake and change your diet, especially in the early days. If you eat a piece of cookie or don't restrain yourself when going out to eat with a friend, don't worry too much. Be more careful the next day and learn from experience. Don't give up too easily!
  • Do not rush. Your body needs time and perseverance to get used to losing weight and starting to gain muscle.
  • If your daily schedule does not allow you to exercise too much, you can join freestyle dance classes or practice dancing at home, this is also a way to help you lose belly fat.