Find out if your best friend has a crush on you

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Signs Your Best Friend Has A Crush On You
Video: 7 Signs Your Best Friend Has A Crush On You


Sometimes in a friendship there comes a time when you start to wonder if your best friend might want to be more than friends. Romantic feelings can begin to develop at any time, but sometimes you may find that there are marked changes in his or her behavior and in the way your boyfriend or girlfriend interacts with you. These signals can help you determine if your friend is starting to develop romantic feelings for you, or if your relationship will simply remain friendly.

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Method 1 of 3: Noticing changes in his or her behavior

  1. Find out if your friend is treating you differently. When you do something with your mutual friends, pay attention to whether your best friend treats you differently from his or her other friends. Your friend may be more affectionate towards you, trying to talk to you more, or making comments about your relationship.
    • If your best friend treats you the same way as all of his or her other friends, he or she is unlikely to be interested in you romantically. A friend who treats you the same way his or her exes might be interested.
    • This can help you figure out if your friend is just herself as a friend, or maybe has a romantic interest in you.
  2. Pay attention to how you spend your time together. Of course you do things with your best friend. You just have to ask yourself if the things you do together might resemble romantic dates. For example, are you going out for dinner or to the movies? If so, do you usually go in pairs?
    • When someone starts to become interested in another in a romantic way, they will want to spend more and more time with that person. If you notice that you are doing more things together than before, and that the things you are doing are starting to take away from dates, then the other person may be interested in you.
    • You should also notice if your friend starts to say how much he or she likes doing things alone with you. This can be a way for your friend to let you know that he or she would like more than just friendship.
  3. Pay attention to his or her speech. Listen to the way he or she talks about you to others and how he or she talks to you. When people are attracted to someone, they usually talk to the other person in a particular tone that they have reserved especially for them. It could also be that he or she is a little nervous around you and quickly turns red.
    • Notice how hard he or she laughs at your jokes or the things you do. If the other person smiles more than usual, it could be a sign that he or she likes you.
    • As friends, you normally feel comfortable in each other's company, so if you start noticing that the other person suddenly reacts shyly or reluctantly when you talk about certain things, it could indicate that he or she is more than usual you are interested. For example, it can make the other person shy when you talk about school parties you have been to or dates you have had.
  4. Listen to the things he or she says. He or she may be subtly trying to convey his or her feelings to you. Your friend may bring up romantic topics or ask if you currently have a crush on someone.He or she may also be trying to strengthen the bond between you by asking profound questions about your life, your dreams, your goals, and your desires.
    • Since this person is your best friend, he or she is probably already paying attention to what you say. But you may find that your friend suddenly begins to remember small details about your life when he or she would otherwise forget them, such as when you have a test or a special appointment. Maybe your friend will show you that he or she remembers those things by wishing you luck or by saying something about them when the big day comes.
  5. Watch for flirty behavior. Flirting can be a sign that he or she is attracted to you, or it can mean that your friend is a natural person who likes to flirt. You will have to find out what his or her flirtation means, but you have the advantage of already knowing his or her character. Watch for flirty signals like:
    • He or she often compliments you.
    • Your friend smiles and stares at you when he or she talks about you.
    • Your friend keeps touching his or her face or her while talking to you.
    • He or she laughs at all your jokes, even if they aren't that funny.
    • He or she teases you in a nice way or makes fun of you in a playful way.
  6. Notice if your friend pays extra attention to his or her appearance. You may notice that your friend starts to pay more attention to his or her appearance when he or she starts doing something with you. For example, your friend suddenly wears new clothes or clothes that he or she knows you like, or she suddenly wears make-up or goes to the hairdresser more often. When we are attracted to someone, we often try to show the best side of ourselves.
    • If you notice that your friend is all of a sudden consistently paying more attention to his or her appearance when the two of you are together, he or she may well be taking more than usual interest in you.

Method 2 of 3: Pay attention to his or her body language

  1. Notice if you can see any signs of attraction in his or her body language. When people are attracted to someone, they often show that attraction through their body language. There are many different forms of body language that can indicate physical attraction, and if you notice them more and more in your best friend, it could be a sign that he or she is attracted to you. Watch for signs like:
    • Seeking eye contact or looking at you all the time.
    • Smile unconsciously while talking about you.
    • He or she tries to be physically close to you by initiating physical contact.
    • When you talk, his or her feet point your way.
    • Mirroring your body language when you talk to each other.
    • Your friend keeps touching his or her hair or face when you talk to each other.
  2. Notice if there is more physical contact. If someone is interested in you, he or she will try to have more physical contact with you. Maybe you didn't hug that often before and now every time you see each other.
    • It may also be that the type of physical contact you have is changing. Rather than playfully pat your arm, he or she may be trying for a gentle hug. Or your friend keeps trying to touch your knee or arm.
  3. Notice if your friend takes the initiative for more physical contact. Physical contact between friends is normal and healthy, but you may find that he or she starts to touch you more often than before. Perhaps your friend is trying to be nice in a physical way by hugging you, putting his or her arm around your shoulder, or touching your hand.
    • He or she may "accidentally" bump into you when you are close together. This may indicate that your friend does not dare to make physical contact in any other way, for example by hugging you, while he or she still wants to be close to you.
    • If you don't feel comfortable with all that physical contact, then you should tell him or her in a kind and gentle way.

Method 3 of 3: Taking stock of your relationship

  1. Determine what you feel. Are you romantically interested in your best friend? Ask yourself if you would like to try and start a love affair with this person if he or she is indeed interested in you. How you feel about your friend's idea as a romantic partner will affect how you react to his or her behavior.
    • If you are romantically interested in your boyfriend or girlfriend, try to be honest with him or her about what you are feeling. If the signals are there, he or she may also be interested in you. What you can try is to casually mention that you like someone and see how your friend responds, or ask if he or she might have a crush on someone right now.
    • For example, you could say, "Job, I've thought a lot about our friendship, and I think that together we might be quite suitable as more than friends."
  2. Watch your demeanor. It may be that you subconsciously send signals that indicate that you are interested in the other person. Maybe you've flirted with him or her, been more physically affectionate, or showed more of yourself emotionally. If you don't see your boyfriend as a possible love partner, you better try to stop sending these kinds of affection signals, because it could mislead the other person.
    • If you are interested in the other person, you can continue to send signals that make that clear.
  3. Talk about it with your friends. You may still be unsure whether or not your friend is romantically interested in you. You can talk about it with another close friend and ask how he or she feels about it and try to find out if he or she knows if your friend might like someone.
    • Do this carefully; what you don't want is for your best friend to hear from someone else that you are talking about him or her behind his or her back. Only talk about it with friends you really trust and who can oversee the situation.
    • You can also say something to one of their friends in a more casual way to see if they know if your best friend might be interested in someone. You could say something like, "Hey, I notice that Mark hasn't been talking about Caroline at all lately. Do you think he might have a crush on someone else?"
  4. Talk to your friend about it. If you're still not sure, just ask. Ultimately, that is the only truly reliable way to find out if he or she is interested in you in a romantic way, if not without risk. Your friend may not want to risk your friendship, making it difficult for him or her to tell you the truth.
    • Before you ask, make sure that you would indeed like your friendship to turn into a love affair. If you are not sure, it is better not to ask the question and just wait for your feelings to subside on their own. If your friend then suddenly takes a certain step or starts talking about it himself and tells you, you can still talk about it.
    • If you still want to ask, say something like, "I don't want to scare you, but I feel like something has changed between us lately and I was wondering if that's because our relationship might be a different side. is going on. " That way you give him or her the opportunity to share his or her feelings with you.
  5. Carefully broach the subject. If your friend doesn't respond, or says something disapproving like, "No say what, have you gone crazy? We're just good friends, that's all," then you better leave it alone. You can take the tension out of the situation by saying something like, "Okay dude, no problem, I was just curious. It's fun anyway."
    • If your friend is afraid to tell you, or is struggling with his or her feelings, it may take him or her a while to bring it up. Be patient and compassionate and don't pressure your friend.
  6. Tell him or her how much you value your friendship. Tell him or her that your friendship is very important to you and that you care deeply about him or her as a person. Whether you and your boyfriend end up together or not, your friendship is special and you don't want to lose him or her.
    • If he or she is romantically interested in you and you are unable to respond to those feelings, you may need to temporarily end the friendship. This can hurt, but your friend will need time to process his or her feelings and move on.
    • Make it clear to your friend that you do care about your friendship by saying something like, "Hey Bas, your friendship means a lot to me. You really are a great friend and I am glad that you are part of my life. I don't have any romantic feelings for you, but I hope we can still be each other's best friends. ”


  • Stay yourself. Do not suddenly behave differently towards him or her if you like the other person. If your boyfriend or girlfriend likes you, he or she likes you for who you are and you don't have to change for him or her.
  • Just be cool and relax no matter what. Whether or not you have romantic feelings for your boyfriend, it is important to find out if your boyfriend or girlfriend might have romantic feelings for you if you have noticed that he or she has started to act differently towards you . Let your friend know that he or she shouldn't be afraid to share those feelings with you.
  • Don't try to communicate with your boyfriend or girlfriend only via Facebook or text messages; try to really speak to each other as much as possible.
  • Be yourself and enjoy his or her company.


  • Do not discuss this where others can hear you. Your feelings and what you say to each other is private and whatever it is about, you have to be discreet about it. Whether you decide to just stay friends or try to start a more in-depth relationship is a decision for the two of you to make.