Treat perioral dermatitis

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to treat Perioral Dermatitis- Dermatologist Explains
Video: How to treat Perioral Dermatitis- Dermatologist Explains


Unfortunately, perioral dermatitis is a very common skin condition, especially in women between the ages of 15 and 45. Perioral dermatitis is characterized by red itchy patches around the eyes, nose and mouth. If you notice these kinds of spots appearing on your face suddenly, then you may be a little worried and not sure what to do. Fortunately, with the right medical treatment and simple lifestyle changes, you can easily get rid of your perioral dermatitis and get rid of your symptoms quickly.

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Method 1 of 2: Apply medical treatments

  1. Do not use topical corticosteroids. The long-term use of corticosteroid creams is the most common cause of perioral dermatitis. The omission of topicals or cosmetics, or "zero therapy", can help treat mild dermatitis. If you are taking corticosteroids for an individual condition, ask your doctor to prescribe an alternative treatment for your condition.
    • If you can't stop taking corticosteroids completely right away, try cutting them back over time. Apply your cream less and less often for a few weeks until you no longer need it.
  2. Apply antimicrobial creams as directed by your doctor. This type of topical therapy is usually used in mild or moderate cases of perioral dermatitis. Apply the cream every day, as instructed by your doctor, until the dermatitis is completely gone.
    • It may take a few weeks to several months for your dermatitis to disappear completely.
    • Examples of topical antibiotics are erythromycin, clindamycin, metronidazole, pimecrolimus and azelaic acid.
  3. Take oral antibiotics if your doctor prescribes them for you. Oral antibiotics are the most reliable and effective agents for severe perioral dermatitis. They are usually taken in decreasing doses every day for a period of 3-12 weeks.
    • Tetracycline and erythromycin are two of the more commonly prescribed oral antibiotics for perioral dermatitis.
    • Make sure you strictly follow dosing instructions when taking antibiotics.
    • Oral isotretinoin may be prescribed if none of the other treatments work.

Method 2 of 2: Change your way of life

  1. Only wash your face with warm water to clean your face. Do not use soap or any liquid cleanser on your face until the rash has disappeared. Make sure to be very careful when washing your face, as vigorously exfoliating your face can make the rash even more unpleasant.
  2. Use fragrance-free moisturisers on your face. Hydration is an important part of the treatment of perioral dermatitis. Apply moisturizer to your face every day, but refrain from perfumed face products as these can irritate your rash.
    • In fact, for milder forms of dermatitis, hydration may be the only treatment required.
  3. Avoid exposing your skin to the sun when your dermatitis flares up. Keeping your rash away from the sun's harmful rays can help relieve some of your symptoms. If you have to go out into the sun, put on a wide hat to protect your face. Do not use sunscreen on your face as it can irritate your dermatitis as well.
  4. Consider using natural remedies to treat your symptoms. For example, some research suggests that coconut oil as a moisturizer can help reduce inflammation, fight bacteria, and promote skin healing. Meanwhile, applying aloe vera to the affected area can also treat and prevent redness in some cases of dermatitis.
    • To use these remedies, use a cotton swab to apply a thin layer of the oil to your dermatitis by gently rubbing it on the area in a circular motion.
    • Not all natural remedies for perioral dermatitis have been thoroughly researched, so you cannot consider these as the main treatment for dermatitis.
  5. Stop using fluoride toothpaste. The fluoride in your toothpaste can cause perioral dermatitis when it comes into contact with your skin. If nothing else has worked to clear up the rash, try switching to a fluoride-free toothpaste.
    • Toothpaste without fluoride is available at supermarkets, drugstores and health food stores.


  • The perioral dermatitis rash can last from a few weeks to a few months, before it disappears completely.