Talk about oral sex with your wife or girlfriend

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Talk to Your Wife or Girlfriend about Oral Sex
Video: How to Talk to Your Wife or Girlfriend about Oral Sex


Most men experience oral sex as a sensual and intimate part of making love with their partner, but not all women are open to giving or receiving it. Often a conversation about it, in which women can express their reluctance about it, is enough for them to take a positive view of it. It may feel strange and awkward to start a conversation on this topic, but talking about intimate topics with your partner helps them to feel more confident and intimacy with each other, even though she may not want it at first. While the first step is to ask for the giving and receiving of oral sex, there are other ways to initiate it in a respectful, open way.

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Method 1 of 4: Approach the topic in a respectful manner

  1. Talk extensively about your sexual desires and fantasies with each other. It might be uncomfortable at first to talk about this with each other, but it's also a light-hearted and fun topic of conversation, if you've agreed not to judge each other. What do you find exciting fantasies or ways to make love? Which special and sexy ideas capture your imagination? Do you both have the same fantasies? Remember, this isn't a deep, serious conversation, but it can lead to an intimate conversation, where you can eventually broach the topic of oral sex:
    • List your top 5 dream places where you would like to have sex with each other, even if some places may be unlikely or even laughable.
    • Take a look at an erotic site or take a look at an erotic book such as the Kama Sutra, in which you can see which positions are fun or special.
    • Share your fantasies and secret desires, and ask about hers. If you find ways of making love that you both enjoy, the conversation will be much easier.
  2. Build up your sexual adventures very slowly, if oral sex is still a bridge too far for your partner. If you would like oral sex, but know that it may be going too fast if you tell us to, then start with other things that aren't going as far. Build on the topic of foreplay, which is an easy way to take small risks and get to know each other better. Try out some dirty talk. And kiss each other's bodies completely so that you become familiar with every inch of your bodies. If you have already crossed these thresholds, then oral sex is not that far away, and it becomes a natural next step.
  3. Talk to each other regularly about your sex life. When you're in a relationship, you can't have a conversation about sex and never talk about it again, can you? Why would you? Whether the conversation is about oral sex or not, it remains important to keep talking to each other about your sex life so that you continue to grow together and build your relationship with each other.It is also easier to broach the topic of oral sex if you are already used to talking openly and honestly about sex.
    • If you feel comfortable with each other, are there things you would like to tell or ask her (oral sex or other things)? Ask her about that too.
    • When the topic of sex comes up, don't avoid it. "What do you think about our sex life lately?" is a good, open way to start talking about it.

Method 2 of 4: Talk about her feelings

  1. Talk about your desires in a clear, ordinary way. Once you manage to talk openly about sex, don't ignore it, or try to subtly persuade her to have oral sex with you. You have to be clear, especially if you expect her to do the same. Remember that your sex life is something you share, it is not only yours or hers, but yours together.
    • "I would like to see how we can discover oral sex together."
    • "I think we should explore oral sex together, if we feel good about it, of course."
    • "I really love to have oral sex, and I would love to try it with you and make it an important part of our sex life."
  2. Listen to her response without immediately reacting yourself. Listen to her, even if it's not what you want to hear. Really listen to the thoughts and concerns expressed by your partner. Maybe she doesn't have much to say or she does, and maybe what she says isn't really pleasant for you to hear. In any case, you have indicated what your desires are, and even if she says no, at least she knows what you like. That will stay with her, and if you support her in her feelings, are respectful, and show that you understand her, she will likely feel more confident in you once she has had a chance to think about it for herself.
    • Remember: the only thing you can do is indicate what your wishes are. Be honest about what you want and she will be too.
  3. Remember that your sex life is something you share, it is not a solo trip. Comments like "I'll do the dishes next week if you give me oral sex" don't exactly help build trust and love together, so you can work towards a good sex life together. The things that happen in the bedroom are intimately shared, they are not services she renders to you because you have done something for her, whatever it is. If you want her to feel appreciated by you, and comfortable with you (and thus more likely to agree with you), then don't treat the topic of oral sex as a business transaction - start there just a good chat about it.
  4. Think about why your girlfriend or wife might not want to give you a blowjob. Blowjobs can be scary for some women. Some women feel like they cannot breathe and may gag or feel like they are choking. She also makes herself vulnerable by blowing you, and it is important that you understand that. Some women fear that they will hurt their partner or that they are not doing it right. Without full confidence in sex, things like this can easily make her feel scared, insecure, helpless, worried, and uncomfortable. So if you dismiss her concerns and focus only on your own desires, you are not comforting her.
    • Ask her why she doesn't feel comfortable with oral sex, or why she doesn't like it, and be prepared for the answer. Remember that there are also sexual activities that would make you uncomfortable.
  5. Ask her how you could make oral sex more comfortable for her and how it could make her feel a little easier. There are many ways through which you can make things more attractive to each other. She might like you shaving your genitals a bit, or she might want you both to shower before moving on. Maybe she's been wanting to talk about oral sex herself for a while, and she wants you to think about eating her out. Whatever her reasons or ideas, you don't really know it all until you've asked.
    • Do you like to have sex and then do other things together? Oral sex is intimate and works best when you take time for each other and really pay attention to each other.
  6. Know that oral sex is not a one-way street. Guys can eat out girls, and if you want to get a blow job from your wife or girlfriend, you should also feel good about eating her. It's a great way to not only put her at ease, but also to try new things together and show her that you like to take the initiative when it comes to oral sex.
    • Never use oral sex as a passive-aggressive bargaining position - "I did it to you, and now you have to do it to me." Not only is this disrespectful; you will make her feel uncomfortable with this and oral sex really isn't going to be a regular part of your sex life this way.

Method 3 of 4: Continue together

  1. Try to keep the sex fun and light, rather than serious and by all kinds of rules. Ignore what you see in movies, where sex is often portrayed as a fierce serious act that cuts through your soul. In reality, sex in a serious relationship is usually a natural, fun, and relaxing activity that the two of you share. Taking a light-hearted attitude when it comes to oral sex may seem like worthless advice, but people are generally more likely to try something new when they can laugh at an awkward or awkward start.
    • If you're having sex with her and you really like something, let her know right away! This is the best way to get used to each other, to build trust and to share a wonderful sex life with each other.
    • When something goes "wrong", just laugh about it! If you're doing something terribly awkward, like accidentally falling off the bed, don't be afraid to laugh - it won't ruin the romantic mood.
    • Having a successful sex life will make you feel calm and confident, and your partner will also feel comfortable laughing and chuckling with his other half?
  2. After your conversation, give her the chance to take the initiative to give you a blowjob - don't put pressure on her "because now you've talked about it. Never demand, get angry, force her to give you a blowjob, or ask directly about it, especially if it's getting into a serious discussion. You've had your say, she's done hers, and there's no reason to pressure her now. When she's ready, she'll start sucking on her own.
    • If you've talked to her about all kinds of ways to make oral sex a part of your relationship, and several weeks or even months go by without anything happening, then it's best to pick up the topic again in an intimate, intimate way. quiet moment.
  3. Little by little, make oral sex a regular part of your sex life, without emphasizing it. Not all oral sex has to end as oral sex. A good way to get her used to is to use oral sex as foreplay, then move on to positions that you are used to and feel comfortable with. This makes her feel comfortable, and it is something that you can talk about well together, and it is also a kind of compromise that you have made together.
  4. Give her control of her body, let her control the speed and the way it happens. It is important that she feels completely safe. Make sure she knows you won't hold her head hard if you get really aroused. Let her know that you are always in control of yourself when she is so intimate with you. It's fine, and sometimes desirable, that you keep her hair out of her face, or that you rest your hand on her head or shoulder, but it should always be done in a pleasantly gentle manner.
    • If you find her uncomfortable or want to stop prematurely, allow it. Keep that in mind, because a woman who doesn't like to give a blowjob might enjoy it after a while.
  5. After sex, ask her what she liked or what she wants to try next time. It doesn't have to be an exact report, and you don't have to ask every time you have sex (it will soon become commonplace), but you should feel free to talk about your sex life together. After the oral sex, when you're together and cuddling, ask what she liked. Find out if there are any things she'd rather not do, and keep things light and joking. You're a couple, and you probably usually discuss the meal you've cooked together - there's no reason to believe that you wouldn't be able to talk about it as openly after intercourse.
    • If she's just discovering the blowjob, let her know how much you enjoy it! If you don't say anything, she might think you didn't like it at all, or worse, she's no good at it and she'd better stop.
  6. Keep in mind that oral sex is a very intimate sexual activity and it can take a while to do this together. If you do it with love, trust, openness and understanding for each other, it can become something that you both can enjoy. Your sex life is a part of your relationship that keeps changing and developing, and it will grow and get better if you keep giving it enough attention. Keep talking about it, stay honest, keep loving each other and you'll both be happy.
    • Know that if you've talked honestly to each other, you shouldn't take it too personally. Her refusal or desire not to give you a blowjob isn't necessarily a sign that she "doesn't love you." Have faith in her answers, and try to find a way to work it out together, instead of freaking out.
    • Disliking oral sex is not a good reason to end the relationship with someone, but if you don't have a good sex life together you might. Make sure that both parties want to listen to each other, make compromises and want to work together.
  7. Be aware that your partner may never like to give you a blowjob or may never want to. Every person has his or her own sexual preferences. Talking to her, listening to her, and doing everything described above does not mean that after a while you can assume that she will "come back to her words." The same goes for yourself. If she comes up with something you don't like, you wouldn't want to do it, even if she asked very nicely. Respect her decision. She doesn't owe you to give you a blowjob, or to get eaten out because you want to do that to her.

Method 4 of 4: Make sure she enjoys it

  1. Do your best to discuss pussy eating with her, not just giving her a blow job. Talking about oral sex doesn't just mean talking about your needs. As partners, you have a responsibility to help each other enjoy your sex life, which means asking questions about her and your oral sex desires.
    • "Do you like it when I bite you?"
    • "Are there things I can do to make making love even better?"
    • "I'd like to eat you off - what do you think about that?"
  2. Let her lead the conversation, and let her talk about her needs first. This is not the time when you push your own wishes and desires through, it is about her now. Oral sex is often something one partner does for the other, where the passive partner can relax and the active partner does his or her best to spoil the other. This doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy it and feel comfortable with it (yes!), But it means that you spoil her first, if that's something you enjoy doing.
    • If she's uncomfortable getting eaten out, ask her why. Women often mistakenly think that their vagina is "dirty" or something to be "ashamed" about, and that guys don't want to be too close to a vagina. Assure her that this is not the case with you at all.
    • Are there things she knows she doesn't like? Or things she likes?
  3. Be honest and clear about your own wishes, concerns, and any reservations you may have. If you expect her to be honest about her feelings, be it yourself. Not all guys are comfortable with pussy eating, and that's okay - that's why you talk about it. If you want to help her enjoy pussy eating more, then you need to feel comfortable too. This means that you let them know if there are things about pussy eating that make you uncomfortable, or if you want to eat her a lot more than you have done so far.
    • Which things are really going too far for you?
    • What things would you like to add to your sex life or try out in the future?
    • What do you think about eating pussy?
  4. Make oral sex part of your foreplay as a way to get to know each other better. Then you take off the pressure to satisfy your partner all the way through oral sex, which can be especially nice if you are still new to it. Use the oral sex to warm up and then move on to things you're more familiar with. You will then start experimenting with each other, and you can slowly work towards longer sex or other intimate things, without putting pressure on a person who has to do all the work.
  5. Pay close attention to what she gives as feedback about eating pussy. After all, she is the only one who can indicate whether something feels good or does not do much, so listen to her very carefully! Make sure you don't feel attacked if she wants you to do something different, because it's the only way to find out what she likes. Most importantly, give her a chance to speak up when you're doing something she likes, so you can focus on the things she needs and likes.
    • Also listen carefully to her voice, moaning, and body language. Remember that for optimal results, you need to focus on her, not on yourself.
    • If she is afraid to speak properly during sex or to give feedback, she may be able to indicate it in a different way - for example, she may gently pull your hair if she likes something, or she may give you a light touch. your shoulder if you do something she doesn't like.
    • If she seems to be enjoying something, continue with it. Letting your partner enjoy yourself is not a complex mind game like chess - just get on with what works for her.
  6. Always get her permission when you move on to the next step, especially if it's your first time doing it. New sex positions, experiments, and ways to make love are an exciting part of your sex life, but that doesn't mean you have to overwhelm them all the time! Asking for permission doesn't mean breaking the magic moment or interrupting the lovemaking - you can easily make sure it's part of foreplay or dirty talk (for example, "I really want to ______ that too baby? "). Agreeing is something that comes up over and over in a relationship, it's not a one-sided conversation, and it makes it easier to be on the same wavelength when you're having sex. If you want to bring up the topic of oral sex in a spontaneous way, first say something like:
    • "Would you like it if we tried ________?"
    • "Do you want me to continue?"
    • "I would like you now _______. Please tell me if you don't like it.
  7. When you're done, ask her about the things she liked about it. A good start is to come up with things you think were going well by saying things like "did you like it when I was __________" or "would you like it if I did __________ more often?" Don't pressure her to answer - she'll often get too engrossed in making out to stop and think about what she liked - but just asking is a good way to show her that her enjoyment is important to you.


  • Make sure you are always well cared for and that you keep yourself very clean. If you are not clean and take poor care of yourself, your partner may be concerned about hygiene.
  • Remember that your girlfriend or wife is not a porn star. Porn stars are professional sex workers, and are experts at what they do, and your wife or girlfriend is not. Never expect your wife or girlfriend to do what you see in porn movies.


  • While oral sex may be safer than other sexual practices, oral sex can give you an STD. An STD can be transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids.