Choosing the right kind of bottled water

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to pick the BEST bottled water? // Bianca Jade
Video: How to pick the BEST bottled water? // Bianca Jade


When buying bottled water, it can be difficult to decide which one to buy. This is especially the case if you are unsure of the meaning of the marketing terms on the packaging or bottles. Many bottled water companies have promoted their products as more natural, healthier, or superior to tap water. But a little research can help when you have to choose between a variety of bottled water. Some basic information can help you buy a brand or type of water that is best for you.

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Part 1 of 2: Buy bottles of water

  1. Buy bottled water from natural sources. Companies offer a wide variety of water types. But it is better to buy bottled water from a natural source - such as a spring or artesian well. Try:
    • Water from an artesian well. This is water that is bottled from a well that contains either sand or rocks that serve as an aquifer. Aquiferous soil layers are important because they form a natural filter for the groundwater.
    • Mineral water. This type of water contains no more than 250 parts per million dissolved solids - it contains both minerals and trace elements. At no time should minerals or other elements that were not already present be added. Commonly found minerals are: calcium, magnesium and potassium.
    • Spring water. This must have been collected from an underground source that flows naturally to the surface. This type of water should only be collected from the source or a tap system that has direct access to the source.
    • Sparkling water. This type of water naturally contains carbon dioxide. After treatment, companies can add the carbon dioxide back to the carbon dioxide content.
  2. Avoid bottled water from municipal sources. Some companies sell bottled water that is considered tap water or comes from a municipal source. If you're looking for an all-natural or artesian water, then you shouldn't buy bottled tap water.
    • Purified water must meet government requirements. It must have been treated by either distillation, reverse osmosis or deionization before bottling. But this often comes from municipal sources and is usually the same as the water coming from your tap.
    • You can find them with labels like distilled water or purified drinking water.
    • Bottles of purified water are not considered less than other types of bottled water, but it should be known that it does not come from a natural source and is not considered to be artesian water.
  3. Read the labels on the packaging. If you look at the bottom of the bottle, or on the back of the bottle, you will find a label that refers to the type of plastic used for this particular bottle. Many types of bottled water consist of a plastic known as PET. This particular type of plastic is used in a variety of plastic packaging and is considered safe by the FDA.
    • The chemical Bisphenol A (also known as BPA) has received a lot of criticism of late. As with PET, you will find this on products that contain BPA. However, the FDA has reviewed several studies and has determined that BPA is safe for consumers.
  4. Calculate your expected bottled water budget. Some bottles can be quite expensive - especially those with unique packaging or those that claim to be artesian water.
    • When thinking about buying bottled water, consider how many bottles of water you drink or plan to drink on a daily basis. This daily amount will help you determine how much to buy each week.
    • It can be more cost effective to buy bottled water in bulk. Many stores offer discounts when you buy larger quantities.
    • You may also want to consider getting a home water system. Some companies will send large bottles of water and a dispenser that you can use at home to fill reusable bottles.
  5. Store bottled water properly. Bottled water, like many other foods and drinks, must be stored properly to maintain the quality and safety of the product.
    • Keep bottled water away from light and heat. It is best if you can store this in a cool, dark place.
    • There is no expiration date on bottled water as long as it is stored sealed in a dark, cool place.
    • Keep in mind how the water bottles are stored or handled. You may want to consider washing the top or cap, especially if it doesn't have a protective film. The top and cap may contain bacteria or other contamination from the treatment process.

Part 2 of 2: Consider other sources of water

  1. Buy a home water purification system. Water purification systems can be more cost-effective in the long run and save on throwing away large quantities of plastic water bottles. There are two types of purification systems: complete home systems (these treat all water that enters the household and are usually more expensive) and point-of-use purification systems (which treat the water at the tap - such as a shower head or kitchen faucet). Many people choose the tapping point system because it is less expensive. These are:
    • Personal water bottles that have a built-in filter. Great for people on the go who don't always have access to purified water.
    • Jugs that have a built-in filter and purify water as it passes through the filter.
    • Purifying faucets attached directly to the kitchen sink. But often special taps do not fit here.
    • Purification plants in refrigerator or freezer. These are usually built into your device and allow you to have purified water as well as ice cubes made from frozen purified water.
  2. Buy reusable BPA-free water bottles. If you decide to use or drink tap water, or if you have access to a water tank with purified water, consider buying a reusable water bottle to be more environmentally friendly.
    • Using a reusable water bottle can help reduce waste and discarded plastic water bottles.
  3. Drink tap water. While tap or city water does not have the appeal that some water bottles have, it is a healthy and inexpensive alternative to bottled water. In general, tap water is fine to drink. If you are concerned about it, only buy a pitcher with a filter that is in your fridge so that you have an extra layer of filtration.
    • Tap water is tested more often and for more bacteria and chemicals than bottled water. In addition, it is required to go through a disinfection process prior to consumption.
    • Up to a quarter of bottled water is in fact regular bottled tap water (this is why it's important to read and understand labels and marketing terms).


  • If bottled water does not fit your budget, or if you cannot find a brand that meets your desired quality, then you can consider a water filter.
  • Some companies make false statements on their bottles or in their advertisements about the source of their water. Make sure you get your information from reliable sources.
  • Bottled water can get quite expensive, even if you take less expensive brands. Remember to calculate and stick to your monthly drinking water budget.
  • Be wary of sales slogans like natural ice water or pure spring water. These statements may mean nothing more than purified tap water.