Making a baby with a fever feel better

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Fever in Kids: When to Call the Doctor
Video: Fever in Kids: When to Call the Doctor


Fever can have various causes - viruses, a bacterial infection or even a common cold - and cause discomfort to your baby. It is the body's natural response to fight infection or disease. Fever is characterized by a temporary rise in body temperature, and if the body temperature is 39.4 ° C or higher this can be uncomfortable for your baby and cause concern. In babies, a fever can sometimes indicate something more serious, so you should keep a close eye on your baby. As a parent or caregiver, you will need to take the necessary steps to relieve your baby's discomfort.

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Part 1 of 3: Treating the fever at home

  1. Have your baby drink plenty of fluids. Keep your baby hydrated by giving him or her plenty of fluids to drink. A fever can cause your child to sweat excessively and therefore lose more fluid than normal. This can cause your baby to become dehydrated. Talk to your doctor about giving an electrolyte solution instead of just bottle feeding your child.
    • Do not give your child fruit or apple juice, or dilute the juice half with water.
    • You can also give your child popsicles or gelatin.
    • Avoid caffeinated drinks as this will cause your child to urinate and lose fluids.
    • Feed your baby the same food as usual, but be aware that your baby may not feel like eating because he or she has a fever. Try to feed your child bland foods such as bread, crackers, pasta, and oatmeal.
    • Breastfed babies should only drink breast milk. Keep your baby hydrated by giving him or her plenty of breast milk to drink.
    • Never force your baby to eat if he or she refuses to eat.
  2. Let your child rest in a comfortable room. Make sure your baby is not overexerting or his or her body temperature will rise. Instead, rest your child in a room with a pleasant temperature between 21 and 23 ° C.
    • Do not leave the heating on all the time so that your baby does not overheat.
    • The same goes for the air conditioning, if you have one. Turn off the air conditioner so that your baby does not shiver and his or her body temperature does not rise.
  3. Put on light clothes for your baby. Even thick clothing can cause your child's body temperature to rise. Putting on too much clothing can cause your child to retain heat and make him feel even more miserable.
    • Put on comfortable clothes for your child and cover him or her with a thin blanket if the room is too cold or you see your baby shivering. If necessary, adjust the temperature in the room to keep your baby comfortable.
  4. Give your child a lukewarm bath. A lukewarm bath is neither too hot nor too cold and can lower a fever.
    • If you plan to give your baby a lukewarm bath, give your child some medicine so that his or her body temperature does not rise after bathing.
    • Do not give your child a cold bath, do not use ice or rub alcohol on your child's skin. This will make your baby shiver and make the situation even worse.
  5. Give your child medicine. Be careful when giving your baby acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Read the packaging and the leaflet carefully to make sure you are giving your child the correct dose for his or her age. It may also be a good idea to seek advice from your doctor before giving your baby medicine for fever.
    • Doctors and nurses usually recommend giving your baby acetaminophen or ibuprofen (e.g. Advil) if he or she has a fever.
    • If your baby is less than three months old, call your doctor before giving your child any medication.
    • Do not give your child more than the recommended dose. Too high a dose can damage the liver or kidneys and in the worst case can even be fatal.
    • If your child is over six months old, you can give him or her acetaminophen every four to six hours or give ibuprofen every six to eight hours.
    • Keep track of what medicine you give your child, what doses you give and at what times you give them. This will prevent you from giving your child too much of the medicine.
    • If your body temperature is lower than 39 ° C, you should try not to give your child any medication unless the doctor or nurse recommends it.
    • Never give aspirin to a baby, as it can cause your child to develop a rare and fatal condition called Reye's syndrome.

Part 2 of 3: Get medical attention

  1. See if your baby's body temperature has risen. Even a low fever can indicate a serious infection in babies. Therefore, depending on how old your baby is, you should call the doctor if your child's body temperature has risen significantly.
    • For newborn babies up to three months old and with a body temperature of 38 ° C or higher, you should call your doctor and ask for instructions.
    • If your baby is older than three months, has a body temperature of 39 ° C and the fever lasts for more than a day, call the doctor.
    • If in doubt, call your doctor to be on the safe side.
  2. Call the doctor. If your baby has a fever but is eating and playing normally, then don't worry at that point. It is recommended that you call the doctor if your baby is less than three months old and has a body temperature of 38 ° C or higher. Call your doctor or go to an emergency room if your baby is over three months old, has a fever for more than 24 hours, and also has other symptoms such as a cough, earache, loss of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea.
    • Call your doctor right away if your baby is drowsy, uncomfortable, very irritable, has a stiff neck or no tears when the fever has subsided.
    • If your child has certain medical problems, such as heart problems, immune system problems, or sickle cell disease, call your doctor when your child has a fever.
    • Call your doctor if your child has a fever, if it lasts for more than 48 hours, and if your child has a wet nappy less often or has severe diarrhea or nausea. This may indicate that your child has an illness that needs to be investigated.
    • Call your doctor if your child has a fever with a body temperature higher than 40.5 ° C or the fever lasts for more than three days.
    • Call 911 if your baby has a fever, appears confused, cannot walk, has difficulty breathing or the lips, tongue or nails turn blue.
  3. Prepare for the visit to the doctor. If your baby needs medical attention, make sure you bring all the necessary information with you so that your baby is served quickly and appropriately. You must also know in advance what to expect during the appointment with the doctor.
    • Write down all the necessary information about your baby's fever: when the fever started, when you last took your baby's temperature, and what other symptoms your baby has.
    • Make a list of all the medicines, vitamins and supplements your baby is taking and whether your baby is allergic to anything.
    • Think about the questions you can ask your doctor, such as what causes the fever, what tests should be performed, how to best manage the treatment, and whether you should give your baby medication.
    • Prepare to be able to answer the questions your doctor will ask you, such as when the symptoms started, whether you gave your baby and when you gave them, and what you tried to bring the fever down .
    • Be prepared that your baby may need to be admitted to hospital for observation or further examination. This may be necessary if your baby is very sick or less than three months old.

Part 3 of 3: Preventing a fever

  1. Wash your hands. In almost all situations it is necessary to keep your hands clean, because your hands come into direct contact with germs and transfer them to other parts of your body.
    • Especially wash your hands before eating, after going to the bathroom, after petting or playing with a pet, after traveling on public transport, and after visiting a sick person.
    • Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly - the front and back, between your fingers and under your nails. Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
    • Take a hand sanitizer with you when you travel or if there is no water or soap available.
  2. Do not touch the "T" zone. The T zone consists of the forehead, nose and chin. These parts together form the letter "T" on your face. The nose, mouth and eyes located in this zone are the main places where viruses and bacteria enter your body and cause infections.
    • Also protect yourself against all bodily fluids that come out of the T-zone. Cover your mouth when you cough, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze, and blow your nose when you have a runny nose (then wash your hands!).
  3. Don't share stuff. Do not share drinking cups, water bottles or cutlery with your baby as this is an easy way to transfer germs from one person to another, especially if it is a parent and a child. A baby does not yet have a well-developed immune system.
    • Do not put your baby's teat in your mouth to clean it or put it back in your baby's mouth. Adult germs are very powerful in a baby's mouth and can easily cause your baby to get sick. The same goes for toothbrushes.
  4. Keep your baby at home when he or she is sick. Keep your child at home and do not take him or her to daycare when he or she is sick or has a fever. This way you prevent other children from getting sick too. If you know that friends or family members are sick, try to keep your baby away from these people until they are well.
  5. Make sure your child is vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule of the National Immunization Program. By sticking to the vaccination schedule and possibly letting your child get the annual flu shot, the chance that your child will get sick is smaller.