Improve your psycho-hygiene

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Link Between Hygiene and Mental Health
Video: The Link Between Hygiene and Mental Health


Bad psycho-hygiene refers to unhealthy ways of thinking and acting that can lead to unhealthy psychological complaints. That's why it's important to unlearn bad psycho-hygiene while working on good psycho-hygiene - healthy behaviors that can lead to positive mental gains. You can do this in a number of different ways.

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Part 1 of 2: Changing the way you think

  1. Avoid negative thoughts and actions. If you find yourself thinking about or even planning to say things that you will later regret, you can tell yourself to be quiet. If what you wanted to say wouldn't be a convenient or unwise thing to do, take a moment to consider what you actually want to express. If you are worrying or having negative thoughts, think about something peaceful or pleasant.
    • Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. For example, if you failed an exam, instead of saying "I can't pass this course, why try it?" rather something like "I messed up this exam, but if I study harder, I can do better next time."
  2. Accept the circumstances you are in and who you are. Acceptance means being proactive and not giving up: Tell yourself you want to improve various aspects of your life. However, it is also important to accept yourself as you are while getting better. Practice acceptance of yourself in the following way:
    • List all your strengths. You can also ask your friends and family to write down what they think are your strengths.
  3. Believe that your ordinary way of thinking can be changed. If you don't believe you can actually change your current and future results, then you probably aren't going to try. However, if you believe, "Yes, I can do something about it and I can change." Then you will see opportunities to change and with conviction and hope, start and continue. This is called a "self-fulfilling prophecy".
    • Assurance that you are able to change your mental life is based on different ways of understanding and techniques such as those explained below that you can apply to move forward.
  4. Forgive and forget. Don't bring up everything that went wrong unless it is unavoidable. Studies have shown that learning to forgive others is good for your mental health and well-being. So the next time someone misbehaves towards you, do your best to accept the situation and forgive them. Even though you have to pretend you're smiling, smile. "Bite your tongue," if you have to.
    • You can forgive someone by saying, for example, "What you have done hurt me very much, but I know we all make mistakes and I can see that you are genuinely sorry. It may take a while to get back to normal, but I forgive you."
    • Empathize with the other. Try your best to put yourself in the other person's shoes. This helps you realize that it is only human to make mistakes. Just as you yourself will make mistakes from time to time, so will other reasonable people.
  5. Go to a psychotherapist. Qualified mental health professionals, such as psychologists, counselors or licensed social workers, are trained to use techniques to improve the psycho-hygiene of their clients. These techniques can include removing negative thinking patterns and / or creating positive thinking patterns.
    • It is a misconception that you only benefit from a visit to the psychotherapist if you suffer from serious psychological complaints. If you want to improve your psycho-hygiene, give psychotherapy a try!

Part 2 of 2: Improvement through behavior

  1. Reduce stress. Stress can be a major contributor to negative feelings and thoughts. You can reduce your stress by recognizing factors that cause stress and working to reduce them, for example by practicing yoga and / or exercising.
    • Social support can help reduce the impact of stress, so make sure to spend valuable time with family and friends.
  2. Distract yourself from negative thinking. If you find yourself having negative thoughts, try to distract yourself from them. This will change your thinking and improve your psycho-hygiene. You can distract yourself in the following way:
    • Rub your fingers together and focus on how that feels. Pay close attention to the texture of your fingers and the temperature as you feel it from rubbing.
    • Take a deep breath in and out. Take a breath for five seconds and then hold your breath.
  3. Help others. One way to get rid of bad psycho-hygiene is to replace it with better thinking habits. Studies have shown that spending more time and money with others can increase your happiness, as well as your well-being. These are two critical factors that are the direct opposite of bad psycho-hygiene.
    • So, helping others to get rid of bad psycho-hygiene can help.
    • There are several ways you can help others, including for example people you don't know who seem to need to help with something, donate your time to homeless shelters, or give a homeless person a hot meal for a few dollars.
  4. Smile. An interesting way you may be able to improve your bad psycho-hygiene is by getting yourself to smile several times a day, even if you don't feel like it. Studies have shown that you can get a better mood by tucking your face into a smile.
    • One way to get yourself to smile when you don't feel like it is to hold a pencil between your teeth.
  5. Express your anger appropriately. It is important to express your negative feelings or else they will get bottled up and promote bad psycho-hygiene. Some ways to express your anger are:
    • Write a mean note to someone you are angry with, but don't show it to anyone, then tear or burn it. It's about venting your frustrations without hurting anyone.
    • Go to the gym and do a tough workout to work out your anger.
    • Go for a long jog to let off some steam.
    • Try to view the situation in a humorous way. Think about what's funny about the situation you are in. As many of the great comedians have shown over the years, most subjects can get funny just by looking at them from a certain angle. Looking at things that make you angry from a comedic point of view can help you feel less angry.
  6. Associate with people who have healthy psycho-hygiene. We learn a lot from the people around us. Take advantage of this and spend time with people whose psycho-hygiene you admire. Look at people who are positive, not judgmental, and who find life exciting and exciting.
    • That said, understand that negative emotions are a part of life. No one will be able to feel happy all the time. Sometimes sad or angry events occur. One indication of good psycho-hygiene is the way that person reacts to their emotions.
  7. Try new things. Look for a new experience once a week. Doing so can keep boredom at bay, which can help ward off bad psycho-hygiene. Specifically, you might:
    • Try a new coffee house instead of going to the usual place.
    • Start a conversation with a stranger.
    • Try a new activity.
    • Try a new musical instrument.
    • Try whatever gets you excited.


  • Hang out with happy, energetic people and / or family.
  • Reduce your stress by exercising. Vigorous exercise can make you feel alive and improve your mood.
  • Go to a folk college or take free classes online so you can feel the excitement of learning something new.
  • If you are alone, you can improve your mood by getting out of your house and mingling with people.