Opening a beer bottle with a lighter

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Open A Bottle With A Lighter
Video: How To Open A Bottle With A Lighter


The lack of a beer opener can completely ruin a party unless you know how to open a beer bottle using a lighter. The lighter acts as a lever, allowing you to open the bottle. You simply have to hold the lighter firmly under the cap with one hand and activate the lever with the other hand to pop the cap off the bottle.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Lift the cap off the bottle

  1. Hold the lighter firmly in your hand so that it is only half visible. You should hold the lighter firmly, with a small portion protruding from the thumb side of your fist.
    • The lighter is in line with your middle knuckles. In other words, the long side of the bottom of the lighter is parallel to your thumb.
  2. If you are still unable to remove the cap, try a different method. Fortunately, there are several options for opening a beer bottle, without the need for a lighter.
    • Use a door by inserting the cap into the part of the doorway (the small metal part that normally keeps the door closed) and then pushing the bottle down to remove the cap.
    • Use a ring.
    • Use an old CD.


  • Instead of trying to pry the cap all around, improve your technique by drying your hands and wiping the condensation off the beer bottle.
  • Use the large knuckle on your index finger as a fulcrum. This could lead to a more champagne-like “pop” with a cap that can fly several meters through the air. Such a technique always works well at parties.
  • Use the second phalanx of your index finger from the top, as the muscles can tolerate quite a lot there.


  • Do not cover the lighter too much or push the lighter in the direction of the beer. If you do this and the cap doesn't fly off on the first try, you can cut yourself badly on the cap.
  • Once you've mastered this trick, you can then open a beer bottle with almost any item. Do not use metal objects to open a beer in this way, as the person who is going to eat the beer can cut himself ugly on the damaged rim.


  • A bottle of beer
  • A lighter made of soft plastic