Be attractive to women

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Instant Ways To Be More Attractive To Women (Proven By Science)
Video: 10 Instant Ways To Be More Attractive To Women (Proven By Science)


Many men would like to be more attractive to women. This is useful when dating or in romantic relationships. There are some things you can do to become more attractive to women. However, keep in mind that women have different preferences. There are no things that are guaranteed to appeal to all women.

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Method 1 of 3: Work on your appearance

  1. Grow your stubble. Women generally like facial hair, but especially those in the form of light stubble. Instead of growing a full beard, don't shave for a few days so you have some stubble. Studies show that this is the type of facial hair that women find most attractive.
  2. Wear red. Some studies show that red reminds people of sex and sexuality. Adding a little red to your wardrobe can make women feel a little more attracted to you. Some studies indicate that women link the color red to success and social status, and both can make you more attractive in their eyes.
  3. Exercise. Biologically speaking, sexual attraction is a quality of the person who can be the best partner. Men with a more powerful physique may appear healthier to some women. Women also associate strength with protective, dominant men, whom many women find more attractive. Spend some time in the gym exercising with weights and eat more protein to support your strength training.
  4. Make yourself look a little older. A few studies show that women prefer older men. This is partly due to the increase in independence and financial security that often accompanies aging. Many women prefer men who are confident and have their lives in order, and this type of confidence is typical of older men. Instead of casual wear, choose clothing that is typical of older, professional men, such as a tailored suit and tie. You may also want to consider getting your hair cut in a short, conservative style as it can make you look older too.
  5. Take care of yourself. Women are often more attracted to men who are clean and take care of themselves. Make sure your breath is fresh by chewing gum or with a peppermint after smoking, coffee, or alcohol. Brush your hair and go to the hairdresser regularly. Before going out on a date or going to a place where you hope to meet women, check your teeth to make sure nothing is in between.

Method 2 of 3: Dealing with women

  1. Be respectful of her body. If a woman is comfortable around you, she is more likely to find you attractive and romantically interested in you. Be respectful of her body and her choices.
    • The way a woman treats her body is her choice. Do not comment on her eating habits, fitness habits, and the choices she makes regarding her clothing, makeup, piercings, or tattoos. The feeling of being sent or judged is a major letdown for women.
    • Don't judge a woman by her sex life. A woman's sexual past and her background is not your concern. There is often a double standard when it comes to judging a woman's sex life versus a man's sex life.Women are more likely to be convicted of promiscuity than men. If a woman feels that you are judging her, she will be uncomfortable around you and unlikely to find you attractive.
  2. Listen. Women want to feel that their presence is appreciated. Listening carefully can make a woman feel more attracted to you.
    • Maintain eye contact when a woman is talking to you. Use nonverbal cues that you are listening. Nod and smile when necessary.
    • Ask questions about what she is saying to show that you are listening carefully. Ask for clarification of her feelings or clarification of a story.
    • Try to remember bits of previous conversations. If she mentioned a friend of hers, ask about that friend. If she mentioned a problem with a family member, ask if the matter has been resolved.
  3. Tell an interesting story. Many women find the ability to tell interesting stories appealing. Try to incorporate funny or surprising anecdotes into a particular conversation. Remember, the elements of a good story are conflict, suspense, humor and drama.
    • Try to place experiences in a story-like context. Create a beginning, middle and end. Build the tension by creating suspense and an expectation.
    • Search online for old radio shows, such as This American Life, where storytelling is an essential element. This can give you a good idea of ​​how to tell a compelling story.
  4. Share your emotions. While a lot of men believe that women are attracted to cool aloofness, in reality this is not true. Studies show that women are more likely to be attracted to men who are open about their emotions. Vulnerability makes men more masculine and attractive to women. Try to be open about how you feel and why when you interact with women. This can make you appear more attractive.
  5. Be a talker. Women are often attracted to men who are good conversation partners. While listening can make you more attractive to women, you should also work to have a good conversation.
    • Make use of the environment. When going out to a club, restaurant, or bar with a woman, base your conversations on what's going on around you. Pay attention to what a woman is noticing and use this as a conversation piece. For example, if she's looking at a painting on a restaurant wall, say something like, "That's an interesting painting. I wonder who the artist is." This is a great way to start a conversation.
    • Current events are also great conversation starters. If you are on a date with a woman, you can, for example, mention current events to avoid silences in a conversation. Say something like, "What do you think about the recent polls?" You can also keep it light. Celebrity misbehavior is often a fun topic of conversation. If you notice someone is drunk, make a humorous comparison between that person and whoever, as a result of narcotics abuse, has graced the headlines of the paper this week.
    • Ask a woman for advice on all sorts of things. Women are attracted to people who they feel value their insight. Say something like "My friend Peter and I have a disagreement about something and maybe you can help resolve this. Do you think cell phones improve or diminish communication skills?"
  6. Play a game. Another fun way to entertain women is to play a game. If you're at a bar, play butter cheese and eggs or hangman on a napkin. If you've been dating a woman for a while, go scrabble at your place. You can show your good qualities by playing games that require insight, intelligence and strategy. This can make you appear more attractive to a woman.

Method 3 of 3: Use your personality

  1. Be nice. The halo effect describes a phenomenon in which you unconsciously judge someone as a whole instead of based on a single characteristic. This is why the more conventionally attractive people are often better at their job. However, the effect also works the other way around. If you are a genuinely kind, considerate person, people will find you more attractive. Being genuinely nice to those around you can make you more attractive to women.
  2. Show passion. Women are often attracted to men who are passionate about life. Be yourself around women and try to broach topics that really interest you.
    • Many women find men who speak passionately about something attractive. While you don't want to accidentally dominate a conversation, don't be shy about talking about your own interests. Don't be afraid that your hobbies or passions will be weird or unconventional. Women will be drawn to your sincere nature.
    • Women also often enjoy in-depth, intelligent conversation. Don't be afraid to talk about heavier topics that you are passionate about, such as politics, art, and literature.
  3. Be supportive. Women appreciate men who are supportive and understanding. Being actually invested in a woman's life can make her feel more attracted to you.
    • Allow a woman to express herself however she likes. Have her take selfies, take pictures of food, joke and laugh without having to pass judgment. Support her choices.
    • Be nice to a woman's friends. Female friendships are important. Support fostering her close relationships with other women. Allow her to spend time with her friends.
  4. Be romantic. Women are often attracted to men with a romantic side. A romantic gesture every once in a while, even if it's something small and simple, can go a long way in getting a woman's attention. Bring her flowers on any given day. Light candles with dinner. Plan a fun date night. Send her a sweet text during the day saying "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I like you."
  5. Think about her needs. Women tend to be attracted to considerate men. Just working on being more observant of those around you can make you more attractive to women. It can also help you become a better person in general.
    • Being considerate involves a lot of little gestures that mean a lot. Pay attention to how a woman feels when the two of you are together. Offer to take her home if it looks like she hasn't had a good time. Ask if she needs anything when you walk to the bar to order some.
    • Ask her how you are. If you know she had a dentist appointment at 3am, text her at 4am with a question like "Hey, how was your appointment?"
    • You also need to be considerate of those around you. Tip well at restaurants. Please say and thank you to waiters and bar staff. Be nice to friends she introduces to you and be nice to her family.