How to treat tonsillitis

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to treat tonsillitis | NHS
Video: How to treat tonsillitis | NHS


Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the two oval patterns in the back of the throat. In addition to swelling, some symptoms of tonsillitis include sore throat, difficulty swallowing, stiff neck, fever, headache, and yellow or white patches on the tonsils. The cause of tonsillitis is often a bacteria or a virus. The treatment for tonsillitis depends on the cause and severity of the disease.


Method 1 of 2: Use home remedies

  1. Rest much. Patients often miss work or school for one to three days, depending on the severity of the illness. You can take a week off, keep going to work or school normally, but limit your social interactions, work, and other events until you feel better. Speak as softly and as little as possible while you are recovering.

  2. Drink water and eat puree foods to relieve pain and discomfort. A mixture of tonsillitis painkillers can be mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey, a small teaspoon of cinnamon, and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with hot water and use as needed. Water works to prevent dry throat and tonsil irritation.
    • Hot teas, warm broths, and other hot drinks can help relieve pain.
    • In addition to hot drinks, cold popsicles are also effective in soothing sore throats.

  3. Gargle with warm salt water. Mix 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of salt in 236 ml of warm water. Gargle with the solution, spit it out, and repeat a few times to relieve sore throat caused by tonsillitis.
  4. Eliminate environmental irritants. Limit stimulants that affect the tonsillitis, such as dry air, cleaning products, or cigarette smoke. Alternatively, you can use a humidifier to increase the humidity in the room.

  5. Use medicine for a sore throat. Many sore throats have anesthetics that help relieve sore throat and throat pain.
  6. Consider "alternative therapy."Always consult your doctor before applying alternative remedies to ensure your safety regarding your medications. Medicines are not intended for children and adolescents. You might consider one. Some of the following medications:
    • Papain. This is an anti-inflammatory enzyme that reduces inflammation of the tonsils.
    • Serrapeptase. Another anti-inflammatory enzyme that reduces tonsillitis.
    • Elm extract in the form of tablets. This type of analgesic effect.
    • Radial inter. This herb is used to relieve symptoms of fever and sore throat.

Method 2 of 2: Conduct specialist treatment

  1. Make the diagnosis by smear test. If you think you have tonsillitis, you need to see your doctor to get a smear and make a diagnosis. The biggest problem associated with tonsillitis is when it is caused by Group A streptococcus bacteria. This requires treatment with antibiotics, otherwise it can lead to serious complications later on.
    • The good news is that prompt treatment can eliminate tonsillitis without complications.
    • Tonsillitis can have another cause, such as a virus. Tonsillitis is not always caused by streptococcal bacteria; however, you should see your doctor to rule out this agent and ensure it's safe for your health.
  2. Get enough water and calories. One of the most important things your doctor wants to confirm when you have tonsillitis is whether you can get enough water and food each day. The main factor that is preventing you from doing this is a swollen or painful tonsil that prevents you from eating or drinking.
    • Doctors recommend taking pain relievers to continue eating.
    • In severe cases of tonsillar swelling, your doctor may prescribe corticosteroid medication to reduce the swelling.
    • If you can't eat or drink, your doctor will prescribe intravenous fluids and calories until the corticosteroids and pain relievers take effect and relieve the pain and swelling of the tonsils so you can eat and drink normally.
  3. Take pain relievers. In most cases of tonsillitis, your doctor will usually prescribe acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) as needed to control pain. Both of these drugs are available from pharmacies; Follow the dosage directions on the package.
    • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is usually more effective because it reduces fever and pain. Most tonsillitis is caused by an infection, so acetaminophen can help reduce fever.
    • Be extremely cautious with acetaminophen, however, as many drugs contain this ingredient, making you overdose. You need to monitor the dosage and do not take more than 3 grams per day. Do not drink alcohol while taking acetaminophen.
  4. Take antibiotics as directed by your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe penicillin for 10 days if the tonsillitis is caused by bacteria.
    • Ask for an alternative to antibiotics if you are allergic to penicillin.
    • Use up all your antibiotics, even if your condition improves. Discontinuing the medication can make your symptoms of tonsillitis more recurring or worse, or you may experience complications later if you don't take all of the prescribed medication.
    • If an antibiotic is forgotten, consult your doctor.
  5. Tonsil removal surgery. If the antibiotic doesn't work, or if you have chronic or recurrent tonsillitis, you should have tonsillectomy. Amidan recurs when the patient is inflamed several times over a period of one to three years.
    • Doctors perform surgery to remove the two tonsils from the back of the throat. In addition to being the ultimate treatment for tonsillitis, this type of surgery also fixes sleep apnea or other breathing problems caused by tonsillitis.
    • Doctors typically complete this maneuver in a day, but patients need 7 to 10 days to fully recover.
    • In the United States, the criteria for tonsillectomy are usually 6 or more tonsillitis in a year, five inflammation in two consecutive years, or three inflammation in three consecutive years.


  • Get medical help right away if you have difficulty swallowing or breathing, high fever, or delirium. These are signs of a serious infection similar to tonsillitis, called an abscess around the tonsils. This can be fatal and needs immediate treatment.