How to Prepare for a Medical Exam for Health Insurance

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Tips To Pass Your Health Insurance Exam
Video: Tips To Pass Your Health Insurance Exam


When you apply for health insurance, you need to see a doctor for a check-up. Read these simple tips to make sure you are in great shape before your check-up.


  1. 1 Stop smoking. This is the single most effective way to reduce your health insurance premiums. The presence of nicotine in the body (which can be detected in a urine sample for 14 days in both smokers and non-smokers) will worsen your rating for an insurance company specialist. Even if you only smoke occasionally, once, for example, a cigar during a game of poker with the guys, will be enough to distort the laboratory results.
  2. 2 Stop eating junk food. Avoiding unhealthy foods two days before the test will significantly reduce the amount of bad lipids (cholesterol) in your blood. But after two days of abstinence, you are unlikely to improve your health. Better not to eat anything after midnight on the eve of the study. Then you will have better blood glucose and lower lipid levels than if you had a large, hearty breakfast. Eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of fluids in the days leading up to your test to help cleanse your body.
  3. 3 Treat high blood pressure. Go to the pharmacy and measure your blood pressure with a public tanometer. If you have high levels, see your doctor and treat it right away. Although you will have to mention this in your statement, you still benefit from lowering your blood pressure. If you plan to keep silent about taking some drugs, thinking that "conscience is your only judge", then remember that misleading or deceit can "backfire" you in a few weeks or even years, if, in the end , your "omission" will be discovered. Your insurance may be canceled the moment you need it most.
  4. 4 Lie down when you have an EKG. It is very often necessary to do an EKG when undergoing an examination for health insurance. In this case, if you are starting to do the research while sitting, ask if you can do it while lying down so you can completely relax. Most likely, this will have a beneficial effect on the results of the study.
  5. 5 Don't take pain medications. Many are free to take over-the-counter headache medications and pain relievers such as Advil and Tylenol. However, all medications taken have an effect on the liver. A healthy person with normal weight and no health problems may be denied insurance only because of an increased level of liver indicators.
  6. 6 Watch what you eat. You may remember the Seinfeld episode where Elaine failed a drug test when applying for a job, and then she discovers that it was due to a poppy bagel she ate the day before. Believe it or not, poppy seeds can actually skew your results - and not in the best way! Avoid poppy seed bagels, cakes, etc., at least a week before researching.
  7. 7 Get yourself in order. Although appearance is not the most important thing, it is still worth looking clean and well-groomed. I hope you will not forget to lead a healthy lifestyle, control your weight, blood pressure and other key indicators. If not, remember that most illegal drugs and alcohol can be detected in urine (alcohol - within 12 hours; marijuana - within 30 days, with constant use; everything else - within 4 days).


  • Fasting for two days is not the best way to lower your cholesterol levels.Instead, try to eat healthy foods for two days, as well as foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. Remember, your brain needs glucose!