How to gain weight fast (for men)

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gain Weight | How To Gain Weight
Video: Gain Weight | How To Gain Weight


If your metabolism is going too fast and you want to gain weight, then changing how you eat and exercise can help you achieve that goal. While you can gain weight by eating junk food and exercising less, there is a healthier way to help you gain weight, by eating more nutritious foods and exercising to strengthen your muscles. me. It doesn't work overnight, but if you start now, you'll see results within the next few weeks.


Part 1 of 3: Eat to gain weight

  1. Eat more than three meals a day. If your body's metabolism happens too quickly, three meals a day won't help you gain weight. Your body burns calories quite quickly, so you need to provide enough calories for your body to use it right away. That means you don't just eat when you're hungry, but eat several meals a day. You can eat 5 meals / day to gain weight.
    • Don't wait until your stomach starts to protest to eat. Plan to eat 5 meals a day so that you never go hungry.
    • It certainly takes a lot of effort to eat that much, so you need to buy enough food that you can eat regularly. You can eat foods high in calories for energy, like bananas and peanut butter or granola bars (cereals).

  2. Food in each meal must contain many calories. Divided into 5 small meals, low-calorie meals will not be enough for the body; you need to have high calorie meals.The menu for each meal should be the same at the restaurant, with a serving of meat, vegetables and carbohydrates mainly. Eating many of these foods may make you feel uncomfortable, but they are the best way to help you gain weight.
    • A breakfast is said to be complete with three omelets, two pieces of bacon or sausage, a cup of breakfast baked potatoes and a glass of orange juice.
    • At noon, try using up a turkey sandwich, two bananas, and a salad plate
    • In the evening you can have a steak, served with baked potatoes and a few cups of roasted fruits.

  3. Stick to foods high in nutrients. To increase your body weight, eat foods rich in nutrients. While you can easily gain weight by drinking sugary soft drinks and eating pizza every day, eating like this can damage your metabolism and make you obese instead of building up muscle mass. corn. When choosing your food, follow these steps:
    • Use unprocessed foods. For example, choose old-fashioned oatmeal over instant meal, and use raw chicken for lunch.
    • Make a variety of dishes from the foods you have chosen. Avoid eating cold evening foods, fast foods and snacks that are high in salt, sugar, and other non-nutritious substances.

  4. Focus on foods high in protein, fat and carbohydrates. These are the three basic ingredients that not only help you gain weight, but also keep you healthy. Incorporate foods containing protein, fat, and carbohydrates with each meal to keep your diet balanced. Here are some foods you can eat:
    • Foods high in protein: Eggs, salmon, tuna and other fish; roast pork, pork ribs, and ham; chicken breasts and thighs, crispy burgers and beef.
    • Low-fat foods: Olive oil, safflower oil, coconut oil, and grape seed oil; avocado, walnuts, almonds, flax seeds.
    • Foods high in carbohydrates: Fruits and vegetables; beans, lentils, peas; brown rice, sleeping bread, cereal pasta and other cereal foods; honey and fruit juice.
  5. Drink a lot of water. Water will help your body process the excess protein and calories in your body. Drink several glasses of water after each meal to avoid dehydration. If you are exercising to gain weight, remember to drink 10 glasses of water a day.
    • You can drink sugar-free tea, juices and other nutritious drinks.
    • Avoid Gatorade energy drinks and other sports drinks, as they are high in sugar

Part 2 of 3: Muscle Strengthening

  1. Focus on bodybuilding exercises. Bodybuilders all know that the best way to gain weight is through weight training exercises. This form of exercise will make your muscles bigger and stronger. You can exercise at the gym or buy equipment to exercise at home. This is an integral part of gaining weight, planning to exercise several times a week.
    • If you don't want to spend money on the gym, buy a set of weights and choose dumbbells that you can work out at home.
    • You can also do resistance-strengthening exercises that don't require the use of weights. You can start with push ups as it is so easy. You can also install a push bar in the doorway for arm and chest exercise.
  2. Exercise other muscle groups. Maybe you just want to strengthen certain muscles, but you will see the benefits of training the whole body instead of just one muscle area. Spend equal time exercising your arms, back, chest, abdomen, and legs. Instead of training all of your muscle groups for one day, alternate training each muscle group so that the rest of them rest between workouts.
    • Make plans and goals you can achieve each week, for example, you could exercise your arms and chest on day one, then focus on your legs and abs for the second day, and then on the next. will reach the back and chest in the third day.
    • You may want to train with your own coach to keep up with your training schedule and plan.
  3. Exercise your muscles, but avoid hurting yourself. Your muscles are formed when you put pressure on your muscle fibers by pushing them over the limit each day. This is done by lifting a strong dumbbell and repeating it until your muscles are tired and sore, but avoid hurting yourself. Find the right dumbbells to work out by calculating the weight of the lift where you can lift in 8 to 10 reps. If you can lift the dumbbell more than 10 times more easily, then increase the weight of the dumbbell.If you have to stop after 5 lifts, then you will need to reduce the weight of that dumbbell.
    • Combine several exercises together. Focus on compound exercises that can use as much muscle as possible, such as: barbell push, dumbbell lying, squatting, weightlifting, push ups, swingers, and double beams.
    • If at this time you can only lie and push one ball in a 5-kg pair, then no problem. Whenever you start exercising, focus on exercising to make you healthier. Try to lift the dumbbells up and down several times before you feel exhausted.
    • When exercising, take a break for a minute or less, and don't do more than 12 consecutive reps at a time.
  4. Drink egg scrambled milk for protein supplement immediately after each workout. According to research done at the University of Birmingham, supplementary milk will help you to improve endurance during exercise. Eat a banana, some dried fruit, or drink an energy shaker right after your workout.
  5. Relax. Let your muscles rest between workouts. This is an important way to make your muscles bigger and stronger. Your muscles will be strengthened again during the rest of the day, so never train before your muscles are not ready and don't train one muscle group for two days in a row. Have to wait at least 48 hours before resuming training.
    • In addition, getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep a day is also an important factor in helping you gain weight. If you only get 6 hours or less of sleep, your exercises and diet won't work for the best.

Part 3 of 3: Don'ts

  1. Don't practice out of habit. Your body is able to adapt very quickly, so sometimes if you don't change your exercise routine, you'll face a steady state. Change your routine once a week. You can increase or decrease the number of workouts or exercises, or simply change the order of the exercises that you usually work out every day.
  2. Limit cardio exercises. When running, cycling, swimming, and other cardio workouts, you're using the most of the energy you have instead of building muscle .. Reduce cardio by 1 times a week, or stop doing these exercises while you're trying to gain weight. If you don't want to skip cardio altogether, opt for low-energy exercises like walking, hiking, or cycling short in a flat area.
  3. Move around instead of sitting. Another way to gain weight quickly is to eat whatever you want and be as active as possible. However, gaining weight this way will not help you look good, and can make you weaker. Although gaining weight by building muscle is quite hard, but it will help you stay healthy and have a good appearance.
    • Remember that when you eat 5 meals a day, you will put a lot of fat into your muscles. No problem! Calculate the number of kilograms you aim for, and then add 2 - 5 kg.Before you reach this level, you can reduce the amount of carbs in your diet, sprint, and keep exercising: you will melt the fat quickly and you will have a great appearance.
  4. Don't ignore signs that you are gaining weight too quickly or exercising too much. Maybe because you're eager to gain weight as soon as possible, you can put a lot of pressure on your body. But you shouldn't exhaust your body and experience constant pain. In fact, improving your diet and exercise will help you feel better than before. If your body seems to want to tell you there's something wrong, listen to it.
    • Consider hiring a private trainer scenario. Within a few sessions, you'll have a great idea of ​​your workout schedule, form, intensity, and duration and get a better view of your diet.
    • Consult your doctor before taking any medication, and see your doctor right away if you become injured during exercise.


  • Consult with your doctor before changing your diet or exercise routine.