How to smile with your eyes

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Master Smiling With The Eyes
Video: How To Master Smiling With The Eyes


  • Once you recognize the sensation of eye smile, try to remember it. Practice incorporating your whole face when you smile. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.
  • Besides, remember how you feel when you are are not smile with eyes. That feeling will help you guide the action, so that you will be able to correct your smile to make it more authentic.
  • Practice imitating a Duchenne smile. Though it's a little tricky, you can mimic this kind of smile by squinting a little to create a small cushion underneath your eyes. Look in the mirror and try. If you created a small crow's-feet mark under the corner of your eye when you tried it out, you did it right. Once you have mastered the technique of eye smiles, you can use it to bring out your smile, whether it's a subtle smile or just a fleeting one.
    • Every time you smile, for whatever reason, try to squint a little. Don't overdo it, or your face will grimace; Just a little squint will make your eyes sparkle.
    • Try making eye contact when you squint to make a big impact on your partner when you smile at them.

  • Try smiling with just your eyes. Feel yourself mastered with the classic Duchenne smiley? Try laughing without lifting your lips. People who truly master the skill of eye smiles can express happiness or joy without moving their mouths. This doesn't mean you have to tightened mouth, but try to keep your mouth normal while you are smiling with your eyes.
    • This kind of smile is great for when you want to express secret happiness. This is when you don't want to show too much by smiling brightly, but simply want to show that you are satisfied with the current situation.
    • You can also smile without using your mouth when you need to keep a pleasant face on your face for a long time. Maybe you're in a long meeting and you want to look like you're having a good time without looking fake. Smiling with your eyes can make you look close and positive.
  • Method 2 of 3: Learn to Think Right

    1. Think positive things. A genuine smile comes from true happiness. Studies of what makes people happy show that it's not material possessions or high achievements; it simply adjusts to your outlook on life. In other words, try to be Optimistic and then genuine smiles will appear on your face throughout the day.
      • Think who has the truest smile? Child! They don't worry as much as adults because life is less complicated for them. Try them to be comfortable and playful!
      • Don't try to force yourself to smile unless you feel really happy. Stop being a person to please others. If you keep smiling just to be polite and comfortable, you're taking too much control of your appearance and thus, not giving your Duchenne smile a chance to shine. A genuine smile comes from your own joy, not that of others.

    2. Find a place that makes you happy. When you are in a situation that doesn't make you happy, but you don't want to appear depressed, you have to find a place that makes you happy. It means thinking of something that makes you jump for joy, or something that easily brings a smile to your face.
      • This exercise will help you realize something really makes you happy. Look in the mirror and cover your face under your eyes with a handkerchief or something similar. Then start thinking or speaking out of your happiest memories. Smile when you do it. You will notice that at some point your eyes become "sparkling" and you have "crow's feet" wrinkles near your temples. That is your Duchenne smile! The closest thing to eye smiles is when you think of beautiful memories and let your face do the rest.
    3. Be confident with your smile. If you are preoccupied with things like color, evenness of teeth, overhanging gums, smell of breath etc, you have subconsciously curbed your smile because you feel embarrassed. Taking care of the issues that prevent you from smiling freely will help you have a brighter and more genuine smile.
      • Check out this article whitening your teeth and removing breath odor to tackle these two simple problems - the source of your shyness.
      • If you really want to have a great Duchenne smile, pay attention to your eyes as well. Take care of your eyebrows and apply a little eye makeup to highlight your eyes.
    4. Don't be shy when you talk to people. While you are talking, try to focus on the story instead of thinking about yourself. Make eye contact with the other person and have to actually "see" him or her. If you're really happy to see the person, and they say something satisfying. You will make a natural smile. When you feel anxious about how you will look in the eyes of others, this can also be reflected in your smile. Instead of worrying about how you might be showing back then, allow yourself to freely express your emotions.
      • Watch other people's smiles as they talk. Does the person smile with his or her eyes? If you see a Duchenne smile on someone else's face, you know it's a genuine smile, which can help you relax and relax a little more in the conversation.
      • On the other hand, if the person's smile is fake, it will be difficult for you to make a genuine smile. If you want to be sincere, you have to think a little cheerful thoughts, or at least remember to squint!

    Method 3 of 3: Try Other Smiles

    1. Try squinching laughs (mouth-pulling laughs). Similar to smizing, squinching is when you lower your eyelids a bit and squint slightly. At the same time, laugh softly on the lips, but don't open your mouth too wide. It's more subtle than a pure eye smile, and it gives people the impression that you are friendly and interesting. Some say this kind of smile helps to make a person more photogenic, as it reflects confidence and sexual appeal.

    2. Practice teeging (laughs). This smile uses your mouth more than your eyes, but both. Teeging is meant to open your mouth slightly so that your teeth are exposed, and push your tongue up to the inside of your teeth. At the same time, smizing or squinching with eyes. Done properly, teeging will make you look playful and adorable. If you try this out for selfies, taking a tilted shot is better than shooting head-on.

    3. Relax and Laugh Out loud (LOL, Laugh Out Loud). Laughing loudly at something funny is a great way to make you laugh. Try stopping when you're laughing and taking a selfie that captures your genuine smile. You will look very happy, cheerful, and engaging, and most importantly, it's not forced or artificial. advertisement


    • When you smile, let it be a real, comfortable smile. Don't let anyone tell you how to smile. Smile your way and that will create a beautiful smile.
    • Duchenne smiles and wrinkles go hand in hand. That makes sense in the case that for truly happy people, wrinkles cannot affect them because they are always positive!
    • In case you find it difficult to smile because you feel your face is too tense or have a headache, do a relaxing exercise.
    • When trying out smiles, make sure you are in a private place, or the people around you will look weird!


    • You may become ugly if you mess up the methods in this lesson!