How to be a good boyfriend

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be A Good Boyfriend - 17 Tips On How To Be A Better Boyfriend
Video: How To Be A Good Boyfriend - 17 Tips On How To Be A Better Boyfriend


Becoming a good boyfriend is not an easy job, even if you are a great girlfriend. A good guy always knows when to speak and when to listen quietly; when to advise, and when to show sympathy; when to care more about your girlfriend and when to let her be private. A good boyfriend needs someone who lets his girlfriend give her all her trust and admiration, someone who makes her want to be a good girlfriend. A good boyfriend must adapt well to all circumstances and understand a boyfriend's job that never takes a day off.


Method 1 of 2: Express and Share Emotions

  1. Honest. In any relationship, with the exception of a few very rare exceptions, honesty is always the best. If you are honest from the very beginning of your relationship, you will avoid many problems later on.
    • You should tell your girlfriend all the facts she needs to know, without a hint of hiding. Let's say you just went through a bad relationship, just tell her it, no need to mention your ex-girlfriend in details.
    • Honesty should come with sincerity. Don't force yourself to use compliments to react to any situation. Let her know what you think. Suppose your girlfriend asks you if you like the dress she is wearing, tell her they are beautiful, but you are more satisfied with the color blue because it brings out her gentle eyes.
    • You should be able to freely display honesty, but also respect her honesty. To be a good boyfriend, you have to know how to deal with all the facts.

  2. Trust her. Trust your girlfriend and give her a sense of security to trust you. Your relationship should be built on mutual trust, so that you can not only open up to each other in all matters, but also let the two of you understand all of your desires, feelings and needs. my lover.
    • You can show her that you trust her by telling her your own secrets.
    • You protect her trust in you by showing kindness and a seriousness as she shares secrets and important things with you.

  3. Build equality when you talk. When you are talking, try to find a way to balance the conversation. If you are too quiet, she may think you are not interested in her. But if you talk too much, she might think you're an autistic or rude guy.
    • A conversation is also a give and take process, like relationships, they cannot succeed when only one side cultivates them unilaterally.
    • Obviously, there will be situations where you talk a lot (like when you're excited to show off to her or at a big event) and when you should stay quiet (for example, when something bad happens. ). In short, try to keep your balance when you are talking.

  4. Always listen. Instead of thinking of your next sentence or looking for a different topic, listen to her. Ponder what she's saying. Always show concern and be willing to be around her.
    • Note, the conversation between you and your girlfriend should not just get to know each other, but also to remind each other. If she ever tells you a special experience, keep that in mind.
    • If the same thing your girl mentioned twice but you still don't react to it, it means that you didn't really pay attention to her, she will notice, and will be sad. there.
    • Listen her expressions too. Learn to understand her meaning without waiting for her to say it. Your girl is still talking to you with facial expressions, body language and even the way she flips her hair.
  5. Learn to compromise. Compromise is a crucial part of the success of any social relationship. If your girlfriend immediately agrees without talking back and forth or demanding conditions, then you're in big trouble. To be a bargaining expert, you must learn to present your needs and wants and understand your girlfriend's intentions instead of ignoring her opinion.
    • After you both have discussed your intentions in a given situation, move on to the next step of making a list of the gains and losses, and then make a mutually beneficial decision for both of you.
    • Sometimes, the two of you should talk to each other. It's okay, for example, if she chooses to go to the movies on a date, choose where to eat and drink after the movie is over.
    • One of the main parts of a successful compromise is staying calm, your voice should always be calm even if you disagree. No matter how angry you are, you should never scream, swear and (under no circumstances) use violence against your girlfriend. Go away for a while if you feel you need to, and come back when you have settled down.
  6. Become a source of encouragement. Become her spiritual support by being there for her whenever she needs you, listening attentively, and showing interest in the stories she tells you. When you are with her, always be mindful of her needs. Once you become your girlfriend's fulcrum, you will reinforce the supportive and secure relationship between the two of you. If you've helped your girlfriend with her dreams and goals, she will definitely help you conquer your dreams.
    • Always be there for her encouragement when she was concentrating on reviewing for the important upcoming test, or when she was nervous about what was going to happen that could affect her future.
    • If her job is busy, you should be with your girlfriend, bring her small joys, such as buying lunch, taking her to class, sharing work with her.
  7. Always sympathy. What's meaningful to her should be something that matters to you as well. It doesn't matter if you are not interested in things that have nothing to do with your girlfriend –– the essence of this relationship is to share and support. When you see your girlfriend in distress, put yourself in her shoes so that you can understand the industry. Do not ignore her feelings for thinking that ''nothing big.
    • Make sure you listen and be honest when you comfort her. If you feel that your words of comfort are not sincere enough, try to change your thinking. Put yourself in her shoes to feel.
    • There will be times when she just wants to cry with you for your comfort. Don't immediately try to find a solution to her problem. Please wait for her emotions to stabilize.
    • When your girl is upset, you need to ask her Do you want to talk about it with me? Show her that you really care. And if she doesn't want to talk about it yet, wait.

Method 2 of 2: Expressing Your Love

  1. Regularly express feelings for her. Tell her how much you love her through romantic gestures such as: lightly touching, hugging, kissing or performing romantic public gestures or using any "cheesy" action will make her love to love.
    • Don't go too far –– if you don't want to make her feel unnatural. Pay attention to grasp her expressions, if she is not in the mood, should not kiss her.
    • Just touch her gently. If your lover is a romantic girl, after a few days of not seeing each other, when you're together again, tell her I miss you so much..., then wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a warm hug.
    • Give her a kiss on places she likes: lips / cheeks / forehead / neck to show your satisfaction about being with her. Or just give her a kiss on the hand.
    • If you are unsure of her attitude toward public expression, be more subtle. All the girls on this earth love to hold hands, don't you believe?
  2. Praise her beauty for her appearance. When she tries to put on makeup to look better, give her compliments, but make sure she feels comfortable and can be herself with you. Don't make her feel like you want her to wear makeup all the time. Tell her she's always beautiful even though she wears make-up and when she wakes up.
    • When she first cuts her hair or wears a new outfit, show your attention and praise her.
    • Really praising someone's looks is not a superficial act. When you truly love someone, that person is always beautiful in your eyes. If you feel the same way about your girl, show it to her.
  3. Give her sincere compliments. Compliment your girl as much as possible as long as she doesn't feel stuffy. Praise not only her appearance but also her quality. That way, she will realize that you are not only attracted to her appearance but also by her soul. Your compliments are your motivation and reason to feel confident in herself.
    • Change the way you praise her. Like, don't just say, You look so beautiful. Which should be said This set really makes your eyes stand out, good Her new hair looks perfect on her face. The more you specify your compliment, the more unique and impressive your compliment will be.
    • Though they were small, they sounded stupid, but they were very meaningful to her. Please tell her words like Your handwriting is so beautiful good I am very good at parallel parkingWhen you speak sincerely, they will have a huge impact on her confidence. It is also a way of showing your care for her.
  4. Surprise gifts. Surely no serious relationship can be sustained if it is based solely on gifts, even if those are flashy, expensive gifts. However, meaningful gifts are a way to show your love, concern and affection for her.
    • Give her gifts for birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas, or any anniversary, any big occasion. Choose gifts that are insightful but reasonable; No need to be expensive, just match her interests and personality.
    • Think of special gestures, like carving her name on a locket or choosing to buy her a pendant reminiscent of things she likes, like a snowflake pendant if your girl likes to ski, Or if she likes to play musical instruments, get her a note-shaped locket.
    • Pay attention to her hobbies when going out with her. Sometimes she would mention her favorite things in the window shop, or something she said she would definitely try once, riding a horse. Don't just stop at physical gifts –– spiritual gifts that will make her much happier and more excited.
    • Give her gifts from time to time for no occasion. Choose to buy something according to your mood then and give it to her, letting her know you always miss her. Gifts like these have a huge impact on your girl because they are surprising and interesting.
  5. Refresh love with unexpected actions. While familiarity is a vital part of a relationship, don't repeat things that are so familiar. Of course there will be one or two things you guys still enjoy doing together, while others you should avoid repeating too often.
    • Instead, try exploring a new land, take on new activities, and hang out in other local locations. Even though the new activities are not as fun as you expected, at least you have had new experiences together and learned new things.
    • By refreshing things, you will keep both of them excited, turn outing into new experiences, and create unforgettable memories for each other.
    • Surprise her from time to time with something out of the ordinary - it could be anything, like walking with her, dancing without music, or even giving her one. Set up the Lego puzzle and encourage her to create something that represents your love.
    • Unexpected trips. You choose a secret location and tell her to prepare her luggage but don't tell her where you will take her. Of course, you need to use your mind to guess what kind of places she likes to go. For example, if the girl you love has a crush on the mysteries, she will be very excited if you take her to a place that isn't known to everyone, or she won't.
    • If she has been in a relationship with a friend she has never been to a national park or an unusual town near your locality, secretly take her there. She will love this surprise more and more because she knows you always listen to her.
  6. Take good care of yourself. Give your girlfriend a feeling of caring for you and being respected, but not relying too heavily on her. Haty keeps his personal hygiene clean and demeanor, sets goals to pursue and works hard. You cannot be a good boyfriend if you lack responsibility for yourself.
    • Be confident about your appearance and how you perform on social media. Pay attention to not only your appearance but also your dignity, and take care of your lover's beauty to take care of her. That is a huge plus point in her eyes.
    • Your girl will not be happy if she has to nag you often from small to big. Yes, she wants to take care of you, but she doesn't want to be your second mother.
  7. Give her (as well as give you) a private space. That's because your girlfriend is someone very important to you, but that doesn't mean she is absolutely your. You don't have to be with her all the time for your relationship to be perfect.Allow your girl to freely pursue her own interests, and that may even make her like you even more.
    • Balance time for private life, time out with friends, and time spent together.
    • Spending time hanging out with your own friends will help you appreciate your time together.
    • Keeping other social activities also gives you more stories to tell her when the two of you meet again.
    • Maintain your own interests as well. Continue to pursue hobbies, favorite sports, and other passions you had before you and her met. Although it would be great if the two of you find common interests, you shouldn't force her to watch soccer with you when she doesn't like it, and you shouldn't do yoga with her unless you do. really want to try.
    • Maintaining your personal interests will shape your independence, so you can grow on your own, and get ahead with your girlfriend.


  • Don't let your girl sleep with negative emotions. Talk to her to find out why. Thereby, she will feel your considerate concern for her.
  • Share your feelings with her. Ban sad, angry, or happy, share with her; Girls love to comfort their boyfriends.
  • Be yourself! That's why she chose you.
  • If someone else flirts with, teases or teases your girlfriend, don't fuss about it because you will make her feel you are venting your anger on her.
  • Don't ever let your girl suspect you.


  • When your girlfriend is angry, don't shout at her. Instead, reassure her and make your own opinion on the matter. This is a way for you to keep things under control and help you figure out the cause without having to talk back and forth.
  • Don't be too petty. Your girl needs private time just like you do. If she wants to go out with friends or does something without you, let her do it.
  • If she finds you doing bad things, don't just talk This is not what I think or "It's not like that." Take her hand (often she will try to push your hand away) and look into her eyes to tell her you love her, and from there she will just belong to you, and finally explain everything.