How to know that he is not the same

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Know If He Is Talking To Other Girls The Same Way
Video: How To Know If He Is Talking To Other Girls The Same Way


If you want to know if he is your one and only or not, then the best thing you can do is to listen to your inner voice. Be that as it may, this is sometimes not enough, and you need other signs that will help you understand whether to turn back from this path or go down the aisle with it. After all, no one but you can make a decision.


Part 1 of 3: Your Feelings

  1. 1 Know that he is not the only one if you cannot accept his flaws. Many people have the concept of "that one" - an ideal, a god-like person who will solve all problems and make every day of life look like a fairy tale. Be that as it may, the best way to understand that he is "the one" is to be sure that you are with the person whose flaws you are ready to accept. If you can come to terms with his loud burps, bad taste in music, or slovenliness, and not feel disgust every time he does something you think is imperfect, then he is "the one."
    • This does not mean that you cannot talk to him about how to change some of his shortcomings, such as learning how to better clean up after yourself. But, if he's not the only one, you most likely won't be able to put up with his imperfections.
  2. 2 Know that he is not “the only one” if you do not feel a sense of excitement when you meet him. If he is your only one, this does not mean that you will have the feeling of butterflies in your stomach 24 hours a day, seven days a week, despite the fact that you may think so. But if he is not “the only one” for you, you will not have the feeling that you are ready to meet him or return home to him.If he is “the only one,” then you should feel a sense of excitement and look forward to meeting him or the time spent with him.
    • If you do not feel joy when you see him, then you are more likely to treat him like a friend, or he just bored you.
    • The next time you are about to meet him, ask yourself how glad you are to see him. Is your heart beating faster? Have you been waiting for this all day? You don't have to be crazy about happiness every time you see him, but surely you should look forward to it.
  3. 3 Know that he is not your only one if you cannot imagine your common future. If he is exactly “that one”, you should have already thought about how you will live the rest of your life with him, whether it be thoughts of a wedding and common children, or about living together and exploring life together. If you do not imagine him next to you, making plans for the future, for example, for next summer, then he is not "your only".
    • Another sign that he is not your only one is that he never mentions your general future. If he gets nervous and changes the subject every time you talk about the future, it’s a sign that he is not taking you seriously.
    • Try to imagine your life in 10 years, no matter how crazy it sounds. Does it seem impossible that he can be by your side? If you can't imagine it, then he is not the only one.
  4. 4 Know that he is not “the only one” if you are not comfortable with him. If he is “the only one,” you should be able to be with him, and not play any role. You should be yourself, be at ease, and express your point of view without worrying about upsetting or disappointing him. You may be a little nervous because you like him, but if you are constantly stressed or worried about how he will react to something, then he is not "the one".
    • If you are constantly worried that your words may disappoint him, then he is not "your only".
  5. 5 Know he is not “the only one” if you cannot be honest with him. If he is “the only one,” you should feel comfortable telling him the truth, regardless of your concerns. You should not be afraid that every little thing you say may make him angry, or he will become jealous or defensive. If he really cares about you, you should feel like you can say whatever you want to him without fear or anxiety. If he makes you afraid every time you want to say something, then he is not "the one."
    • If you're lying to protect him or not make him angry, then he's not "the one."
    • If you feel that you can tell him about your doubts, and he listens to them and takes them seriously, then he may be “the one”.
  6. 6 Know that in the end, only you can determine whether he is “the one” or not. You can discuss it with your best friends and family members, you can look at a million texts about whether he is your significant other, but in the end, only you can determine it. It can be helpful to seek advice from sources like wikiHow, but if you think this guy isn't made for you, it doesn't matter what others say.
    • Remember what is perfect for your best friend or beloved aunt may not be perfect for you. People can help you, but they cannot make decisions for you, because you are a different person with different needs.
    • In any case, a sign that he is not "your only" may be that you went to this page. If you have doubts about this, then you may have problems.
    • No matter how trite it may sound, you will know it only by listening to your inner voice. It is an intuitive impulse that you cannot explain at times. Perhaps you already intuitively know that it was not made for you, but you are looking for confirmation.

Part 2 of 3: How does he feel about you

  1. 1 Know that he is not your only one if he flirts with other girls all the time. Everyone flirts sometimes, and if you do it in a harmless way, then this is not the end of the world. However, if your boyfriend is constantly flirting with other girls and thereby expresses his disrespect for you, then he is not "your only". You can justify him and convince yourself that it doesn't mean anything, but if he really cares about you, he will never act like that.
    • Of course, if he is cheating on you, he is not "your only". It's one thing if he once lied to you and regretted it, and you forgave him, and quite another thing if he lies to you all the time. If he repeatedly lied to you, then the sooner you break up, the better.
    • Even if he is lying to you and the matter does not go further than flirting, the very fact that he can behave this way in front of you or in front of his friends is a sign of extreme disrespect for you.
  2. 2 Know that he is not "your only" if he does not want to be seen together. If he is “the one”, he should be proud that you are together, that he holds your hand or hugs you in public, and spends time with you when he is with his friends or family. If he avoids going out with you or introducing friends, then he is not serious about your relationship. If he wants to be with you in your bedroom, but does not want to go to the movies with you, then he is not "the one".
    • Don't make excuses for him or think he's really busy when he doesn't want to go to the movies with you. If he really wants to, he will do his best.
    • If you have been dating for a long time, but he has never called yas to meet with friends, then he is not taking you seriously.
  3. 3 Know that he is not "the same" if he does not want to change. Of course, this does not mean that you should change everything in him, but certain traits, for example, the habit of flirting with other girls or not calling you back, he should want to change in himself for you. If he absolutely refuses to change and become a more caring, considerate boyfriend, then he is not “the one”.
    • It's hard for guys to change, but at least he should be open to talking about it. If he always gets angry when you mention something that you would like to change in him, then he is not "the only one."
  4. 4 Know that he is not “the only one” if he does not respect your hobbies, goals and dreams. If he's “the one,” he should respect your love of running, your hard work at nursing school, or the time you spend writing songs. He shouldn't be involved in all of this, but he should ask you about them and be surprised that you put so much effort into it and worry about it. If he is “the one”, he should be grateful for who you are and who you want to be.
    • If he makes you think that your hobbies are not important, then he is not “the only one”.
    • If he belittles your goals and makes you feel like you are not able to achieve them, then he is not "the only one."
  5. 5 Know that he is not “the only one” if he is not honest with you. This is one of the most important signs that he is not "the one". If he cannot help lying to you even for one hour and you constantly catch him in a lie, then he is not “the only one”. If he's lying about everything from where he was yesterday to what he ate for lunch, that means he has secrets from you and can't be trusted. If he is lying to you, then he is not "the only one."
    • If you have facts proving that he is lying, but he denies - this should cause concern !!!
    • If he respects you, he should be honest with you instead of putting you in a bad position. Think about it. If he really is "the one", why would he be dishonest with you?
  6. 6 Know that he is not “the one” if he is not there in hard times. If he really is “the one”, then he will be there when things go wrong.If he is there during parties and fun trips, but disappears when your grandmother is sick, then he has no excuses - he is not “the only one”. To love means to be with a person in joy and sorrow, and if he runs away, then he is not “the only one”.
    • Make sure he acts like a gentleman when you go out or talk on the phone. But if he has nothing to say or he needs to leave when you have a crisis in your family or you have lost your job, then he is not “the only one”. You can find someone who will be with you in difficult times.
  7. 7 He is not "the one" if he is cruel. If your man is cruel, then there is no “if”, “and” or “but” - you just have to break up with him, and quickly! Never say, “He will never do this again,” or “He really loves me. He just has a lot of problems ”when it comes to physical or emotional abuse. If he raises a hand on you or insults you, then he is definitely not “the only one,” and you should break up with him as soon as possible.
    • Nobody says it's easy to leave an abusive man, especially if you are afraid to do so. However, you should seek help from friends or family and break up with them as early as possible.

Part 3 of 3: How You Are Together

  1. 1 He is not "the one" if he is not your best friend. If he is “the one”, you should see him as your best friend, a person to whom you can tell everything and with whom you are comfortable to fully open up. If you want to spend the rest of your life with this person, then you must feel it. Of course, if you have a lot of close friends, it may take a while, but you should feel it.
    • If you see in him only a romantic partner, but cannot open up to him, then he is not “the only one”.
  2. 2 He's not "the one" if you barely communicate. Everyone has communication problems. But if you feel that you can hardly communicate without quarrels and misunderstandings, then he is not "the only one." If he gets angry every time you want to talk seriously, then he is not "the one" because he does not want to have an open and honest relationship with you.
    • If you avoid serious conversations or things that bother you, then he is not "the only one."
    • If he barely listens to you or barely looks at you when you say something important, then he is not "the only one."
  3. 3 He's not “the only one” if he doesn't get along with your friends and family. This may not seem like a big deal at the beginning of a relationship, but if you've been dating for a long time, it's very important that he gets along with your friends and family. These are very close people to you, and if he does not get along with any of them and does not try to fix it, then he is not "the only one."
    • Of course, he cannot get along 100% with your friends and family members, and there may be people with whom he simply cannot communicate. For example, you may have a very difficult family, and that's okay. But it is important that he tries. If he doesn’t get along with people who are dear to you, and it seems normal to him, then he is not “the only one”.
  4. 4 He's not "the only one" if you don't get better together. The best part of having a meaningful soul mate relationship is that you complement each other when you feel better together. Your man should make you feel better, should encourage you to grow and fulfill your potential. If he pulls you down and makes you worse, then he is not "the only one."
    • Think about how you have changed since you met him. Are you more motivated or just happier, or do you feel worse and unable to fulfill yourself? If he pulls you down, then he is not "the only one."
    • Of course, it is very important that you encourage him to be better as well!
  5. 5 He is not “the only one” if he does not share your values ​​with you. If you want to spend the rest of your life with this person, make sure you look at many things the same way.This does not mean that you have to be of the same religion or belong to the same political party (you can even say that opposites attract), but if you feel that his view of things is so different from yours that your opinions do not coincide in anything, then he is not "the only one."
    • If you are a true optimist, and he complicates everything and pulls you down, cannot find something to enjoy in life, then he may still be “that one”, but you should ask yourself if you want to live like this all the rest of your life.
    • If you love charity and helping your neighbor, and he thinks it is a waste of time, ask yourself how important it is to you.
    • Different political views, in themselves, are not a reason for parting, if it is important for you to be a liberal and this is an important part of yourself, then ask yourself if you want to spend the rest of your life with a person who is against so many of your ideas.
  6. 6 He is not “the only one” if he does not love you for who you are. This is an extreme feature. If he is “the only one,” he should love and be grateful for who you are. He shouldn't say that he wants you to be slimmer, dress sexier, talk less, or stop doing things that matter to you. This way, you can grow together and fight your shortcomings, he should love your essence and encourage you to be who you want, instead of trying to change you.
    • If he does not understand you, criticizes you for the fact that your opinions and desires differ from his opinions and desires, then he is not “the only one”.
    • If you are trying to change in order to please him, then he is not "the one."
    • If he doesn't respect you, then he is not "the one".


  • If you are in an abusive relationship, end it immediately.