How to live a peaceful and calm life (for teens)

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen
Video: How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen


Adolescence is the bridge between childhood and adulthood. Adolescents have more responsibilities than children, but not as many as adults. Despite all this, the life of a teenager is difficult, stressful, and sometimes it may seem that the whole world is on your shoulders. However, it doesn't have to be that way. In this article, you will learn how to live a fulfilling life as a teenager without experiencing stress.


  1. 1 You should have a few close friends in your life. Why do you need a showdown, quarrels and an extra headache? Eliminate negative people from your life. Chat with those people who make you happy, with whom you are interested and you have a lot in common.
  2. 2 Smile. Easier said than done. Regardless of what emotions you are experiencing at the moment - sadness, depression, happiness or delight - smile. Just smile. This is the most beautiful thing anyone can wear.
  3. 3 Exercise and eat healthy foods. In a healthy body healthy mind. Exercise relieves stress and helps you stay in good shape.Eating the right diet improves your physical and mental health and makes you a more positive person.
  4. 4 Make a list. Express your feelings. You can do this in a variety of ways - blogging or just talking to someone. The most important thing is to release feelings and emotions and not keep them in yourself. Talk to a close friend, family member, or even your dog or pet you have. Pour out your soul.
  5. 5 Get organized. If you learn to be organized, you will be in time for everything and will not make excuses if you did not have time or got confused. It helps reduce stress.
  6. 6 Listen to music. Hell! Have fun, dance, indulge in while no one sees you! However, don't forget about safety! Be active and move more!
  7. 7 Take regular runs. It will improve your mental and physical health. You are guaranteed to feel great.
  8. 8 Do your favorite thing. Exercise, paint, sing, dance, blog. Do what you like. Maybe even you can write a novel about your life.
  9. 9 Practice yoga. Yoga clears the mind and improves health. Exercise in the morning before school, in the afternoon, before bed. After noon. Anytime.
  10. 10 Take breaks. If you have a lot of homework, do it gradually. After completing one task, take a break. Move on to the next one, then take another break. This way, you can get all the work done without feeling very tired.
  11. 11 Breathe. Take a deep breath. Leave the world for a couple of minutes. Sit in silence, relax, and reflect on your thoughts. Turn off your computer, TV, phone and just take a deep breath. Or take a bubble bath. Dream, take yourself to the most beautiful place.
  12. 12 Never think that you are alone. There are people who love you, care about you, and want you to be happy. Talk to family when you need help.
  13. 13 Be yourself. Nobody wants a copy, everyone wants the original. Even if you are not ideal body shape, or overweight, think about who cares? You are beautiful. Who has the right to criticize you? NO ONE. Look at yourself in the mirror, and instead of noticing your flaws, admire your beautiful features. No doubt you are very beautiful!
  14. 14 Don't waste too much time sitting at your computer. Everything is good in moderation.
  15. 15 Be a fun friend. NOT a bully. Think before you say something, treat others the way you would like them to treat you.
  16. 16 Spend time with your family. Chat with your family. Remember, there is no better place than home.
  17. 17 Set achievable goals for yourself. Set a lot of goals, but do something.
  18. 18 Don't look back. You don't live there anymore. Live in the present and cherish the memories of the past. Be grateful for what you have now, at the moment. Keep calm.
  19. 19 Be in the fresh air! Fresh air and stunning landscapes will surely improve your mood. Winter or spring / summer or autumn. We are all children at heart, let yourself be small at least sometimes.
  20. 20 Sleep! Research shows sleep is beneficial in many ways. If you sleep well, you feel good, you can easily deal with stress.
  21. 21 If you can't, or weren't allowed to go to the party, don't make it a tragedy. RELAX! This is not the end of the world. There will be many more fun parties in your life.
  22. 22 Live the life of a teenager. Study in school. Make the right decisions. Be happy ... laugh for no reason! Whatever happens in your life, accept it with a smile. Just live!


  • Chat with your friends. These are wonderful memories!
  • Chat with friends who appreciate you. Eliminate negative people from your life.
  • Be happy, you have every right to live and enjoy life.
  • If something makes you happy, do it.
  • Think before you do anything. Do not do things that you will later regret.


  • Don't do what you will later regret.