Kiss the girl you like

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Little Mermaid | Kiss the Girl | Lyric Video | Disney Sing Along
Video: The Little Mermaid | Kiss the Girl | Lyric Video | Disney Sing Along


To get a kiss from the girl you like, you need to make sure you know each other well enough to make her feel comfortable with you. When the time is right, get alone for a moment, estimate if she really wants to by touching her lightly, then take the lead by leaning towards her for a kiss with the mouth closed. It can be both exciting and terrifying to try to kiss someone you think is very special for the first time, but if you can get her in the right mood, it can work.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Make plans

  1. Prepare something exciting to do together. The adrenaline rush you get when you do something new or challenging makes your heart beat faster, and it feels like when you are in love with someone. The best part about this is that she will associate that excitement with you, which will make her feel more romantic for you.
    • Couples doing exciting activities are not only happier with their long-term relationship, but an aroused state of mind can also create short-term sexual arousal.
    • Go on a roller coaster together just before you are alone with her somewhere. Go skiing, dancing, hiking or to a concert - whatever gets the adrenaline flowing for you.
  2. Pick a time and place that will get you in the mood. Evening is often best, as dim light and darkness are good for attraction, communication, connection, physical contact and sexual arousal. In addition, the kiss becomes even more memorable through a new or special environment.
    • You can do it outside under the stars, in a candlelit restaurant or in a dark gymnasium during lunch break, but make sure you have enough privacy. She probably has no need for spectators.
  3. Watch your grooming. You should, of course, put on clean clothes, comb your hair and look good on your date, but don't forget your oral care. Brush your teeth and don't eat anything that smells strong like garlic before meeting her. You can also bring some gum or mints just to be on the safe side.
    • Your lips should be soft, so bring some lip balm too.
    • Wear something red. Red makes men attractive and sought after.

Part 2 of 3: Getting to know her

  1. Talk to her. You want to be friends with her, so find things you can laugh about together and find out what you have in common. Collect some jokes or make up some of your own to tell her. Laughing is a great way to break the ice so that a first date is less awkward.
    • Start with a chat about the weather or a teacher you both have. Compliment her hair, clothes, or smile.
    • Find out her personal preferences by talking about movies or music so you can get a sense of what she likes and what she thinks about romantic encounters.
    • Keep your face up a bit when you talk to her, because it will make you look more masculine and attractive.
  2. Connect with her on a deeper level. You want her to feel comfortable with you and bond with you - more than any other guy she knows. If you share emotional and personal information with her, you can form a strong and lasting bond. Women often kiss to bond and to strengthen that bond.
    • Some questions you can ask to strengthen the bond are: What are you most grateful for in your life? Describe your perfect day. What's the best you've accomplished so far? Which memory do you cherish the most? What is your worst memory? If your house is on fire and you can only take one thing with you, what would it be?
    • Show her that you like her by smiling and looking her in the eye.
    • Let her know how you feel about her. She may not know that you want to be more than just friends, so if you don't just want to be friends, tell her you want more.
  3. Learn to read her body language. Pay special attention to how she reacts when you decide to go for the kiss. Positive body language tells you she likes what you do, while negative body language tells you she doesn't want it. Look for combinations of positive or negative signs that indicate how she is feeling.
    • Positive body language is when she moves in your direction, has her feet turned towards you, has her legs together, has her arms at her sides with palms up, plays with her jewelry or a strand of hair, smiles and maintains eye contact with you .
    • Negative body language can be when she moves away from you, turns her feet away from you, has her legs and arms crossed, palms turned down, fidgeting, frowning, or turning her eyes away.
    • If you see a lot of signs of negative body language, you should probably change your approach, or try another time if she's in a better mood.
    • If she has a lot of body contact with you, such as touching your hand, rubbing your knee, bumping gently into you, tapping you on your shoulder, or holding your hand, she probably likes you.
  4. Make physical contact. To be close enough for a kiss, you have to enter her personal space and see how she reacts to it. She has to trust you and somewhat expect it to let you in, and if she's okay with it, you know the chances are you can kiss her. In addition, you confirm with a touch that you are interested in her and that you would like to contact her.
    • Be a gentleman. Put her chair back in a restaurant and push it back when she is seated. Then you can gently touch her shoulder, arm or upper back.
    • Hold her hand. If she doesn't take it away, you know she likes what you do.
    • Do her hair good. Touching her hair is intimate without being as personal as a kiss, and you can gauge what she thinks of you. If she recoils, she probably isn't ready or interested in a kiss. If she seems to like it, you can move on to the next step towards your first kiss.
    • Try to kiss her on the cheek first. Lean in her direction and give her a kiss on the cheek to see if you get a positive or negative response. Then you can decide if it's time for a real kiss on the mouth.

Part 3 of 3: The kiss

  1. Get the timing right. You have to work towards it and find the right time to break the tension with a kiss. Don't wait too long or she might think you're not interested. If you've been close together, touched each other regularly, maintained eye contact, seen positive body language, and aren't distracted, take your chance.
    • The right time may be at the end of the first or second date for you, but in any case, don't do it right before the end of the night so that you're not uncomfortable standing next to your bike or in the doorway.
    • Be spontaneous. When everything falls into place, a great kiss can arise. It doesn't have to be at a specific time on your date. It can happen right before you enter the restaurant, early in the evening, above the table, in the theater, or just when you are out walking in the full moon.
    • Don't ask first. If you ask for permission, it shows a lack of self-confidence, and that can ruin the moment. Her body language will tell you if she's ready or not, but if you're really not sure, you can ask.
  2. Take charge. Assertiveness is attractive in kissing, so be confident and go for it. Look at her lips, wet yours with your tongue, tilt your head slightly to the right, and lean toward her for a kiss with your mouth closed. Wait a moment so the other person can meet you halfway through.
    • Use your hands to make the kiss more interesting, such as holding her cheek or head, brushing her hair back, touching her neck, or hugging her.
    • While you may hold the eye contact until she returns the kiss, close your eyes as soon as your lips touch.
  3. Be sensual and not too aggressive or sloppy. The first kiss is usually a mouth-closed kiss with no saliva exchange, keeping your tongue in your mouth. Kiss her for a few seconds and back off if she does too. You can still hold her for a while and maintain eye contact.
    • Now is the time to see what she is doing and adapt to her movements and passion. Listen to her breathing to see if she liked it and to make sure she's getting enough air.
  4. Learn to deal with rejection. Sometimes the girl you want to kiss is simply not interested in you and you will have to move on. Know that it's probably not your fault for not wanting to kiss - maybe she has a lot on her mind, is already dating someone else, or has eaten garlic for lunch.
    • Don't generalize the fact that this girl didn't want to kiss you. Realize that this rejection does not mean that everyone will reject you or that there is something wrong with you. It's important to know that what happened has nothing to do with your self-esteem.
    • Give yourself time to get over your feelings for this girl and then try it with someone else you like.


  • If she seems very nervous about your approach, ask her out by saying, for example, "Would you like to do something with me?" Some girls don't want to kiss until you've been out with them a few times.
  • Don't be too pushy, girls don't like that.