How to build muscle at home

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Build Muscle At Home: The BEST Full Body Home Workout For Growth
Video: How To Build Muscle At Home: The BEST Full Body Home Workout For Growth


1 Do push-ups to build your arms and chest. Push-ups can be called a kind of home workout foundation. You need to be in good enough shape to get the most out of them. When doing push-ups, keep your back straight and level with your buttocks, do not bend. Usually, the hands are placed a little wider than the shoulders, but in order to better pump the chest, you can put them even wider, and for better pumping of the hands, on the contrary, they are placed closer to each other. In addition to regular push-ups, do up-and-down push-ups to promote more even muscle growth.
  • Upward bend push-ups allow you to pump other muscles as well. To do recline push-ups, simply place your hands on a low coffee table or chair, allowing your body to tilt upward.
  • For push-ups with a downward slope, you need to place your legs 30-60 cm above your arms and perform the exercise from this position. Remember to keep your head and back straight.
  • Each approach should consist of 8-12 repetitions of the exercise. Try up to three sets in total.

Michele dolan

Certified Fitness Trainer Michelle Dolan is a British Columbia-based personal trainer certified by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Has been working as a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

Michele dolan
Certified Fitness Trainer

Michelle Dolan, Licensed Personal Trainer, advises: “It's best to split your workouts in time so that you did not repeat the same set of exercises every day... If you exercise every day, your muscles will not have the opportunity to recover and grow. "

  • 2 Do handstand push-ups against a wall to strengthen your shoulder and back muscles. Despite the fact that such an exercise is not for the faint of heart, it allows you to work out many muscles at once. To get into the correct position, first squat down with your back against the wall. Place your hands on the floor and slowly "climb" the wall with your feet. Next, trying to maintain your own balance with your toes, slowly lower your head to the floor on your hands, and then push your body up again to complete the exercise. Try three sets of ten repetitions.
    • If you are hesitant to do this exercise in an upright stance, you can simplify it by using a high table for support. Place your feet on the table with your hips and torso far enough beyond the edge of the table so you can place your hands on the floor. Tilt your head to the floor and start pushing up from this position. You will have a cross between incline push-ups and handstand push-ups.
  • 3 Do chair squats to build your arms. To perform this exercise well, you will need a sturdy chair, table or bench about 30-60 cm high. Place your hands behind you on the chosen support so that your pelvis is in the air and your knees are bent at an angle of about 90 degrees. Place your feet firmly on the floor and lower your pelvis to the floor until your arms are bent at the elbows to about a 90-degree angle. Then push yourself back up. Do three sets of 15-20 repetitions of the exercise.
  • 4 Make the bar. The plank is an excellent full-torso exercise that can be easily transformed to increase the load. To do the plank, take a prone position like you would for a regular push-up. However, instead of resting on your palm, stand on your elbows. Tighten your glutes and straighten your back. From the neck to the buttocks, the body should be in a straight line. Hold this position for one minute, then rest and repeat the exercise two more times.
    • Side planks are performed with a turn of the body and support on one elbow and the outer part of the foot on the same side. Again, keep your back straight and your pelvis torn off the floor.
    • To perform a push-up bar, take the classic starting position in the supine position with arms shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart. Lower yourself onto your elbows, standing in the elbow bar, and then rise to the starting position. Do 12 repetitions of the exercise for each set.
  • 5 Work your abs to strengthen your abdominal and core muscles. Abdominal exercises are among the best exercises for strengthening your abdominal muscles, so be sure to include them in your workout. Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Place your arms behind your neck, raise your shoulders 15–20 cm from the floor, hold for a second in this position, and then slowly lower yourself back down. Lift the body immediately again, look up, work slowly and steadily. Aim for three sets of 8-12 repetitions of the exercise.
    • Try doing an abdominal exercise with straight legs. Lie on your back, straighten your legs, stretch your arms out in front of you toward the ceiling, and then lift your torso to a seated position, keeping your legs straight. Stretch your arms forward, trying to touch the tips of your toes, and then return to a prone position. Do 10 repetitions of the exercise.
  • 6 Use water bottles, heavy books, or home dumbbells to do basic strength training with weights. While all of the exercises mentioned above require little or no equipment, to effectively target the muscles in your upper body, your training program should include some resistance exercises. Once you have found the right weight load, try the following exercises:
    • lifting weights for biceps;
    • strength exercises for triceps;
    • strength exercises for the shoulder girdle;
    • slopes with weight.
  • Method 2 of 3: Working Your Lower Body

    1. 1 To build leg muscles quickly, do intense cardio workouts. While most people don't associate cardio with muscle building in most cases, there are some exercises that combine to build lean, lean muscle mass. Choose 5-6 exercises for yourself and do each of them for 60 seconds. After completing the first exercise, rest for 30 seconds and move on to the next. After completing all six exercises, rest for 4-5 minutes, and then do 2-3 more of the same approaches. Your legs will just burn, but you will quickly get them in shape. Possible exercises are listed below:
      • jumping with arms and legs to the sides;
      • lunges;
      • push-ups with jumping up;
      • running in place with high knees (touch the floor with your feet as little as possible);
      • jumping from side to side (jump sideways, land on one leg bent at the knee, then jump back on the other leg);
      • twisting to develop oblique muscles;
      • platform jumps or simple plyometric exercises.
    2. 2 Do the wall exercise. With your back against a wall for balance, sit until your legs are bent 90 degrees and your buttocks are suspended in the air, as if you were sitting in a chair. Hold this position for a minute. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat two more times.
    3. 3 Do squats. To do the squat, place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back, raise your head, and tighten your torso muscles. Place your hands on your hips or stretch straight out in front of you, whichever is more comfortable for you. Squat down as if you were sitting in a chair. Make sure that your back remains straight, and your knees do not protrude beyond your toes, do not bend forward. Concentrate on lowering your pelvis. Repeat 10 squats, and then, after a short rest, do two more sets.
      • To do the Bulgarian split squats, put one leg forward in front of you and the other leg back and rest on an elevated surface, such as a coffee table or sofa. Lower yourself into a squat and then stand up again. Hands can be used for balance or simply placed on the hips. Do 12 repetitions of the exercise on each leg.
    4. 4 Perform back kicks on all fours. Get on all fours and swing one leg back and up, maintaining a 90-degree bend at the knee. Do 12 repetitions of the exercise on each leg.
    5. 5 Try a glute bridge. Lie on your back, bend your knees and rest on the floor. Lift your buttocks off the floor to get into the bridge. Straighten your left leg, still staying in a raised position, and then bring your leg back to repeat the exercise on your right leg. Do 10 repetitions of the exercise on each leg.
    6. 6 Do lunges. Lunges are great for building your glutes, thighs, and hamstrings. To lunge, place one leg about 0.9–1 m in front of you. The bend at the knee should be about 90 degrees. Lower the pelvis lower to the floor, making sure that the front knee remains above the toe of the foot, and the back knee is bent towards the floor. Push yourself up and repeat on the other leg. Perform 10 repetitions of the exercise on each leg, rest and do two more of the same approaches.
      • If you have dumbbells or kettlebells, then with them you can significantly enhance your workouts and increase their effectiveness. You can also use other improvised items to make it heavier.

    Method 3 of 3: Training Regimen

    1. 1 Create a workout schedule that includes working out each muscle group twice a week. It is not necessary to involve a coach to develop an effective training regimen. There are some simple and easy-to-remember guidelines to help you get the most out of your workout and build muscle quickly and safely.
      • Between workouts for one muscle group, there must be 1-2 days of rest. If on Tuesday you pumped your chest muscles, let them rest until Thursday or Friday.
      • Combine similar muscle groups in your workouts. For example, since many core building exercises also work the triceps, group the exercises for both into a one-day program.
      • Rest 1-2 days a week - these days you can arrange a light jog or not engage in heavy physical activity at all. The body needs to be given time to recover so that muscles can grow.
    2. 2 Focus on quality over quantity to build muscle quickly and safely. High-quality performance of ten push-ups will be noticeably more effective than fifteen low-quality ones. All your movements should be smooth and slow, without jerking or clumsy gestures. Despite the fact that all exercises are different from each other, there are several general rules for their implementation, which are indicated below.
      • Inhale while lifting or relaxing. Exhale in a moment of tension.
      • Keep your back straight and try not to slouch or arch as much as possible.
      • Hold each exercise for 1-2 seconds at maximum tension, and then slowly return to a relaxed starting position.
    3. 3 Do yoga stretching exercises along with a full body workout. Yoga provides another additional opportunity for working out large muscle groups, as it allows you to strengthen the muscles and make them more flexible. Light, calm yoga classes are suitable for light-duty days, and they can also enhance your usual workouts, adding some variety to them. If you find it difficult to find exercises without sports equipment that you like, then yoga can be a simple solution to the problem.
      • There are many examples of yoga classes on YouTube for people of all skill levels, so you can safely jump into your home workouts with a minimum of equipment without fear of your awkwardness.
    4. 4 Do your best so that the last 2-3 repetitions of the exercises in each set are two of you difficult, but doable. If you really want to build muscle, you need to put in a little more effort. Your own body is the best indicator during your workouts, so keep pumping your muscles until you feel fatigued. At the end of each approach, you should have some difficulty, and the last 2-3 repetitions of the exercise should require you to fully concentrate and some effort.
      • Set goals for yourself. If you decide in advance to do three sets of twenty repetitions, it is very likely that you will not have time to look back, as you have already done everything. The load can always be increased if the task turns out to be too easy.
      • Give all your best doesn't mean getting hurt. If your joints, bones, and muscles are not hurting the way fatigue does, you should stop and rest.
    5. 5 Eat a balanced diet with higher amounts of protein and less fat. This does not mean that you need to consume protein shakes every day and refuse any desserts. A good diet should be balanced and include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and sources of pure protein in the form of chicken, fish, eggs, and beans.
      • A glass of skim milk with chocolate is a great post-workout snack.
      • Shifting from white bread and pasta to whole grains is an easy way to start eating healthier foods right away.
      • Avocados, nuts, olive oil, and eggs contain healthy fats. But you should limit your intake of butter, cream, lard, and the like, which are almost never healthy foods.
    6. 6 If you decide to get serious about training, consider purchasing sports equipment for your home. There is a wide variety of sports equipment available to help you do new exercises and challenge yourself, without having to buy expensive equipment.
      • Resistance bands are adaptive equipment, they come in a variety of weights and can be used for a myriad of exercises.
      • A simple set of dumbbells is an economical and effective way to make strength training more challenging.
      • Doorway bars can be safely attached to most doorframes, and some models can be used not only for pull-ups, but also for squatting with support, as well as incline push-ups.

      Laila Ajani

      Fitness Trainer Laila Adjani is a fitness trainer and founder of Push Personal Fitness, a personal training center in the San Francisco Bay Area.Specialist in competitive sports (gymnastics, powerlifting and tennis), personal training, long distance running and Olympic weightlifting. Certified by the National Strength and Endurance Association (NSCA), the United States Powerlifting Federation, and is a Remedial Education Specialist (CES).

      Laila Ajani
      Fitness instructor

      Workouts at home are great for beginners, but you may need to go to the gym at some point to keep progressing. If you're just starting out, you can do pull-ups, push-ups, lunges, and squats, and use the weights at hand or even your own body weight to get stronger. However, if you want to do more work on lifting weights, you will most likely need equipment. "


    • Do not give up.
    • Exercise vigorously, eat well, rest well, and enjoy successful results!
    • Try pull-ups on a horizontal bar in a park or at children's sports facilities.
    • Increasing protein intake in the form of lean meats, eggs and fish, as well as decreasing carbohydrate intake, is beneficial for the development of muscle mass.
    • Be sure to warm up before exercising by jogging or walking for 5-10 minutes. In the same way, you need to cool down at the end of the workout.
    • Do cardio to burn fat and open up your muscles.
    • Be sure to stretch after your workout to keep your connective tissues and muscles pliable.
    • To get the most out of your workout, do basic exercises before cardio.
    • Isometric exercises without specialized training equipment can pump muscles even stronger when combined with other types of exercises.


    • Remember to warm up before and cool down after exercise to avoid injury.
    • Be sure to stretch after your workout.
    • If you have any kind of injury or illness, do not start exercising without first consulting your doctor.
    • If any of the exercises in this article cause you pain in your joints, back, neck, etc., stop immediately and do not continue your workout without first consulting your doctor.