How to get your friend to stop repeating after you

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 15 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Your Friend Stop Repeating Dad Jokes… #shorts
Video: How to Make Your Friend Stop Repeating Dad Jokes… #shorts


When someone starts repeating after you, it can be annoying, especially when it comes to one of your friends. Of course, if it happens occasionally and as a joke, this behavior can just be amusing. Perhaps you have a friend who seeks to imitate you in everything, buys the same clothes, wears a similar hairstyle and tells your jokes, passing them off as his own. Of course, if you want to maintain a friendly relationship with him, it can be quite difficult to solve the problem that has arisen. However, if you talk to him about this, do not discuss the situation that has arisen with others and try to find the best solution to the problem, you will certainly be able to solve it, while maintaining friendly relations.


Method 1 of 3: Talk to a friend

  1. 1 Talk to a friend privately. Take him aside and talk to him. You don't want others to know about your problem. Plus, your friend will probably feel embarrassed if you bring up this topic in front of other people. Invite him to meet you after school, or tell him that you would like to call him when he is free.
    • For example, you might say, “Hi Olga, can you set aside a few minutes for me after school? I would like to talk to you. We could eat ice cream together. I need to discuss something with you. "
  2. 2 Start a conversation from afar. Conduct the conversation in a positive way. Don't get straight to the point; do your best to avoid stress. Take a few minutes to discuss the latest news. When both you and your interlocutor feel comfortable, go directly to the discussion of the problem.
    • For example, you might say, “I've noticed lately that every time I buy a new shirt or a pair of shoes, you do the same. I tried not to react to it, but I still understand that this situation worries me, so I decided to talk to you about it. "
  3. 3 Listen to his point of view. After you state the essence of the problem, listen carefully to your interlocutor. Don't interrupt him. Even when it seems to you that your interlocutor is wrong, try to look at the situation from his point of view. Perhaps what you see as "copying" is just a coincidence. Many young people wear similar garments following fashion trends.
    • In addition, your friend may confess that he really wants to imitate you. If you like it when others pay attention to you or you strive to be a confident person, then this attitude from your friends can, in fact, help you to increase your self-esteem.
  4. 4 Encourage your friend to be himself. If he openly admits that he is trying to imitate you, tell him that you are not at all angry with him about it. Discuss the reasons why you became friends and what qualities you like about your friend.Encourage him to focus on his strengths rather than trying to imitate your style and way of acting.
    • For example, you might say, “Oleg, you're so cool. I don't understand why you are trying to be like me. I am pleased to be friends with YOU, and not with a copy of myself. "
  5. 5 Be prepared for different reactions. Be prepared for your friend to dislike your comment. You may hurt his feelings when you tell him that he is constantly repeating after you. Even if your friend starts screaming or gets upset, remain calm, which should be expressed in your demeanor and tone of voice. Back up all words with facts, giving relevant examples.
    • If your friend says you’re out of your mind thinking he’s imitating you, try saying, “In the last few weeks, you bought four shirts that I have in my wardrobe. You even got my hair cut. You may not notice, but your actions show that you are imitating me. "
    • If your friend makes a compelling case, show him that you understand what is being said.
  6. 6 End on a good note. After finishing the conversation about the problem, continue the conversation in a positive way. Perhaps your friend will be depressed. However, show that you are willing to continue friendly relations with him. Give him time to think. Text him or call him the next day to see how things are going.
    • For example, you might say, “I'm glad we talked to you about this. Thank you for listening to me. I really want us to remain friends; so that everything was as before. I'll call you tomorrow, okay? "

Method 2 of 3: Prevent this behavior

  1. 1 Compliment your friend by complimenting them on their chosen hairstyle and clothing. Most likely, your friend does not always copy you in everything. When there is personality in his appearance or hairstyle, praise him for it. Thanks to this, he will understand that individuality is very important for others and will strive to remain as he is.
  2. 2 Don't tell your friend what you plan to wear. If you know that he likes to imitate you, deprive him of the opportunity to do so. If he calls and asks what you plan to wear to the party, tell him you haven't decided yet.
  3. 3 Go shopping on your own or with other friends. Don't go shopping with a friend who imitates you, as they will most likely buy the same items of clothing. Especially avoid joint shopping trips before important events such as prom.
  4. 4 Be careful when posting photos to social media. Be careful what kind of photos you post, as someone who does their best to be like you may use these images to their advantage. However, you can share what books and movies you watch.
    • You can also restrict a friend's access to your profile so that they cannot view your updates.
  5. 5 Don't talk about your accomplishments. If you have done something nice to someone, received an award, or been praised for something, do not tell your friend about it. Perhaps your friend will take advantage of this information and repeat your actions or words to get praise.
    • Share your successes with friends and relatives who will not repeat after you!

Method 3 of 3: Consider Alternatives

  1. 1 Wait a little and take action when necessary. Try to wait a little before taking any action. Your friend may change his behavior very soon. Wait a month before starting a conversation. After the specified time period, you can decide what to do next.
    • For example, if your friend bought the same shirts that you are wearing, they may have liked them a lot. Is it worth it to conflict with a friend because of this? If the problem is not serious, you may simply not react to it.
  2. 2 Think about your own style. Do you imitate any celebrity, for example, in the choice of clothes or in demeanor? Could it be that your friend is also imitating not you, but a famous person? Ask yourself these questions before discussing a problem with a friend. You may find that your friend is not imitating you, but someone else.
  3. 3 Ask a friend for help. Tell a friend about your concerns. Find out if he noticed this problem. If not, then don't jump to conclusions. Ask him to objectively assess the situation.
    • For example, you can say: “Vanya, I noticed that Oleg sometimes imitates me, and he even bought several of the same ties that I have in my wardrobe. Did you happen to notice this? I wanted to know your opinion before discussing this with Oleg. "
  4. 4 Take a short break from your friendships. If the problem is causing you serious concern, stop talking to your friend for a while. Don't ignore him, but tell him that you need more personal time and space. Ask a friend to respect your right. This will give you plenty of time to consider whether the problem is worth your friendship.
    • For example, imagine that your friend has chosen the same research topic as you. The instructor may say that you cheated from a friend. If a friend imitates you to the point that it hurts your studies, it is probably best to end the relationship.