How to become a software developer

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The FASTEST Way to become a Software Developer in 2021
Video: The FASTEST Way to become a Software Developer in 2021


Recently magazine Time Magazine named the profession of a software developer as number 1 in the ratio of wages and workload. Despite the fact that the media still splurge on the offshore nature of such work, this profession is still in great demand. This article is intended for anyone considering a career as a software developer.


Method 1 of 5: Preparing in School

  1. 1 You "should" love programming! If you are in high school and still haven't studied this topic, then do it. If you don't like studying math and science, then it might be better to choose something else.
  2. 2 While in school, get the most out of subjects like algebra, arithmetic and geometry, maybe try trigonometry. Try to reach college level in mathematics before leaving school, in order to master the program of computer science and programming, you will need a lot of mathematical knowledge.

Method 2 of 5: University Study Program

  1. 1 Plan to graduate. There are tons of stories of people who dropped out of college and became CEO and billionaire in the 90s, so you can feel the allure of the idea "if I'm a free-thinking person, I have big problems and programming experience, then I don't have to spend four years." It is difficult for an entry-level programmer to succeed in a career without a college degree.
  2. 2 Choose education in relation to what you want to do. If you like game development and would like to join the computer game developers club, then you will need a computer science major. If you want to work with companies like IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Google, etc., then you need a college degree with a degree in Computer Science. If you are looking for a job with a non-tech corporation that primarily develops business applications, consider pursuing an education in information systems management or any other offered in business programming. This education is best suited because it provides management and business knowledge and does not focus on disciplines that would be unnecessary in most cases.

Method 3 of 5: Additional Programs at the University

  1. 1 Complement the curriculum with personalized research. Go to the job site and find the most relevant specialties. The institute cannot teach everything, so you will have to buy additional books in this area and engage in self-study.
  2. 2 If you are not planning to get into the jet by working as an "apprentice", try to get involved in additional projects while you study. Nobody wants to hire a newcomer after graduation who has not been involved in projects.Apprenticeship can help solve this problem, but most students cannot afford to pay for it, or then find that this specialty is not suitable for them. The best way is to participate in additional projects, which can be noted on your resume.
  3. 3 Connect with software developers. If possible, try to contact the software developers and work on projects under their supervision.

Method 4 of 5: The Difference Between a Developer and a Programmer

  1. 1 Understand that software development and programming are not the same thing. Every software developer knows how to program, but not every programmer is a software developer. Here are the main differences:
    • Software development is, as a rule, a group collaboration, where everyone does their own, sometimes without clear distinctions, work.
    • Development projects have time boundaries, release dates, and collaboration between people responsible for different components.

Method 5 of 5: Complementary Activities

  1. 1 Always take part in activities outside the classroom that involve any software that helps you solve real-world problems. As soon as you have free time, devote it to searching the Internet for information about new technologies on the market, and technologies that will be useful in the future.
  2. 2 After studying all areas related to computer science, choose a certain direction in the software industry. Narrowing down your choices will go a long way in career planning. Always think simple, because the software industry itself is very complex.
  3. 3 Explore this area. The important difference from developer and programmer is that developers make tools; when used by programmers to build solutions.


  • This process will take time and practice. Nobody becomes a master of software development overnight. If you don't have enough time, then this idea is not for you.
  • Get ready for challenges. This area is in constant change and self-education, so it will never end. If you are not keen on self-learning new and difficult things, change course now.