How to feed lovebirds

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Feed Your Lovebirds
Video: How to Feed Your Lovebirds


Green parrots are great pets because they are small in size, active and very cheerful. Proper feeding of lovebirds can help them stay healthy. Start by choosing suitable and healthy foods for your lovebird. Then, you can time the birds to feed them to ensure adequate and nutritious food for them. Baby parrots do well with food, although this is a fairly time consuming method.


Method 1 of 3: Choose food

  1. Look for green parrot pellets. The pellets are ideal for lovebirds as they are formulated to meet their nutritional needs. Choose foods that are suitable for the age of the bird. Make sure the pellets contain natural ingredients and are free of additives or preservatives.
    • Baby parrots will eat differently than adults. Green parrots begin to mature when they are 10 months old.
    • Find green parrot pellets at your pet store or online.

  2. Give the lovebirds fresh vegetables. Lovebirds also live healthy when they are fed with dietary supplements such as lettuce (except American lettuce), spinach, carrots, green beans, curl, tomatoes, parsley, dandelion, cucumber, turnip, watercress, broccoli, sprouts and kale.
    • Wheatgrass, a vegetable high in chlorophyll, is also a good food for lovebirds.
    • Do not give lovebirds avocados, as the avocados are considered toxic to birds.

  3. Give the lovebirds fresh fruit. The lovebird will be healthy when it is eaten with fresh fruits such as pears, bananas, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, apples, oranges, tangerines, kiwis, figs, watermelon, seedless cherries and rose hip.
    • You can give your lovebirds dried fruit if it does not contain sulfite salts.
  4. Choose a high quality seed blend that includes a variety of seeds such as millet, bird seed, shelled oats, niger seed, flax seed, sunflower seed, safflower seed, and rapeseed. Seed mixes may also include soybeans, rye, glaze, whole brown rice, fennel seeds, poppy seeds and sesame seeds.
    • Since the seeds do not have a high nutritional value for lovebirds, you should only feed them in very small amounts as a treat. A bird's diet should not consist entirely of seeds.
    • Make sure the seed mix contains a small amount of milo (barley germ), as this ingredient is often used as a filling agent.
    • Use only fresh seed mix. Do not feed the bird when the seed mixture smells old.

  5. Offer the lovebirds small nuts. Lovebirds also love to eat shelled and peeled peanuts, brazil nuts, acorns, horse chestnuts, and hazelnuts. You can give your lovebird a small amount of seeds as a reward or as a supplement to his daily diet.
  6. Do not give your lovebirds food that is high in fat, sugar, or additives. You should also not give your lovebirds fast food or foods high in artificial sugar such as candy, ice cream, or cakes. Do not give your lovebirds fried potatoes or other deep fried foods.
    • Avoid giving your lovebirds any foods that contain preservatives or additives.
    • Do not give the lovebirds drinks containing alcohol or coffee.

Method 2 of 3: Set time for the lovebirds to eat

  1. Give the lovebirds 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of pellets a day. Measure 1 tablespoon of pellets per bird. The pellets should make up 70% of the bird's diet, and the other 30% should be fruits and vegetables.
    • Try to feed the bird at the same time every day. That way, they'll know when they're about to eat.
  2. Give each bird its own food bowl. If you have two or more parrots in the same cage, you will need a separate bowl for each. This will ensure the lovebirds do not peck and fight for food. So you can also track the eating habits of each child by checking each bowl.
  3. Wash fruits and vegetables before feeding them. Use clean tap water to wash all fruits and vegetables, then cut them into small pieces and put them in separate bowls, not in normal food bowls. You do not need to peel fruits or vegetables, as most parrots can digest the skin.
    • Try to feed the lovebird a variety of fruits and vegetables. Take turns changing the fruit and vegetable dishes for the lovebirds.
    • Feed the bird a small amount of fruit and vegetables as a snack once or twice a day.
  4. Provide clean water for the bird to drink. Green parrots need plenty of clean water. Change the bird's water every day and fill the bowl with more water if needed.Be sure to fill the bird's bowl with water before going to bed so they have water to drink at night.
    • Always use a shallow bowl of water for birds to drink to avoid the risk of drowning.

Method 3 of 3: Feed the baby bird

  1. Feed the baby lovebirds until they are 10 months old. Newly hatched birds or young birds can do well when fed. This process is time-consuming but is great if you want to raise a newborn baby bird and want it to stay healthy.
    • Usually fed lovebirds grow healthier and happier than those feeding themselves in a bowl.
  2. Buy a pump and baby bird food. Find small plungers and droppers that are available at pet stores or online. You will also need to purchase baby bird food, which is usually powdered.
    • Mix the powdered food with boiling water to feed the bird. Follow the instructions on the package for the ratio of water to powder.
  3. Feed the bird slowly. Hold the baby bird in one hand, the fingers gently around the bird's chest. Fill the syringe with the food to about 6-8 ml. Try pumping a little bit of food onto your palm to make sure it's not too hot, but just a little warm. Gently raise the bird's head. Insert the plunger into the beak and feed the bird.
    • Let the baby bird feed slowly at its own pace. Do not try to pump the bird.
  4. Check the baby bird's kite for its full size. The kite is the front part of the bird's stomach and will swell when it eats. Once the bird has puffed up, you can stop feeding.
    • Feed the bird every 3-4 hours. Check the bird's kite, never give it more food when it's full.
  5. Wash the beak after feeding. Use a clean towel to gently wipe the bird's beak once after the bird has finished eating. Lovebirds usually go to bed after eating. advertisement